[情報] Barty 宣佈不參加今年美網

看板Tennis標題[情報] Barty 宣佈不參加今年美網作者
時間推噓 8 推:8 噓:0 →:4

由於美國 COVID-19 疫情關係,Barty 也宣布退出今年美網賽事。


Ash Barty will bypass 2020 US Open because of COVID-19 fears
2020/07/30 Leo Schlink, Herald Sun

World No. 1 Ash Barty will bypass next month’s US Open because of Covid-19

The French Open champion has agonised over the decision for months but with
the entry deadline closing for a key lead-up event, Barty will remain at home.

“My team and I have decided that we won’t be travelling to the US for the
Western and Southern Open and the US Open this year,” she said.

“I love both events so it was a difficult decision but there are still
significant risks involved due to Covid-19 and I don’t feel comfortable
putting my team and I in that position.

“I wish the USTA all the best for the tournaments and look forward to being
back in the US next year.”

* News from :


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seaofgod 07/30 09:47去打真得頭殼壞掉

nixon 07/30 09:51美籍選手一定會打的啊

O10lOl01O 07/30 10:47缺錢的還是得捏著打阿 人為財死

iwnat 07/30 10:52小威笑呵呵

sunsirr 07/30 12:22明智的選擇

coolfish110307/30 13:01USTA/ESPN 只想賺錢不會在乎你有沒有出席...

coolfish110307/30 13:02不過這麼早宣布退賽也沒要幫巡迴賽一把就是了。

yftsai 07/30 17:19不可能賺錢了啦,門票收入都沒了

yftsai 07/30 17:21最好歐洲選手都退賽,救濟一下本土選手

atprob19 07/30 21:40小威虎視眈眈等著^_^

Nishikori 07/31 01:28大概都想撈史上最無價的冠軍,聊勝於無

gbs 08/01 05:11記得打星號