[情報] 費爸退出今年邁阿密大師賽

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時間推噓19 推:19 噓:0 →:12



Roger Federer withdraws from Miami and loses 1000 points

MARCH 1, 2021 By Jovica Ilic (Tennis World)

The four-time Miami Open champion Roger Federer will not defend the title
from March 24, withdrawing from the season's first Masters 1000 event. Roger
hasn't played since the last year's Australian Open following knee issues andtwo surgeries in February and May.

The Swiss had to embrace the most extended break of his career, returning to
the practice court in October and making small steps towards a complete
recovery. The 20-time Major champion will compete after almost 14 months at
the next week's Doha event, testing his skills and deciding wheater he would
enter the ATP 500 tournament in Dubai seven days later or not.

After the desert swing, Roger will rest and skip the USA trip, handing the
Miami Open crown to some of his rivals and losing those 1000 points he has
been keeping for two years.


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coolfish110303/02 03:41今天強制賽不打都不計入,打別的來補就好...

coolfish110303/02 03:41今年*

andy8105 03/02 06:57QQ

newsph 03/02 08:27記得之前名單那篇就有人說費爸沒規劃去美國的樣子

PaulAllen2 03/02 08:33那就直接休息到紅土賽季再開始打好了

voluteer 03/02 08:47猜豆應該也不會去吧

DDRent5566 03/02 09:04會不會Big3都退出

b99202071 03/02 09:13不意外就應該沒三天王吧

deehsu 03/02 09:24

linyi781227 03/02 09:25費爸都要在下禮拜的杜哈復出了 退出邁阿密本來就是

linyi781227 03/02 09:25正常規劃

linyi781227 03/02 09:26別忘了他杜哈打完還有杜拜

curlymonkey 03/02 09:46看來打完東奧差不多要退了

newsph 03/02 09:53上次奧運這句話就講過了

newsph 03/02 09:53老妖怪一直在重新定義什麼是老妖怪

DflowerT 03/02 11:11很合理的決定,畢竟要連打杜哈與杜拜了,再續打邁

DflowerT 03/02 11:11阿密對身體實在太冒險,而且這決定應該也是有受疫

DflowerT 03/02 11:11情影響,單為了邁阿密跑去美國之後才回歐洲,旅途

DflowerT 03/02 11:11拉長感染風險也會大增

luckysmallsu03/02 11:43不要宣布退休都好...

kiasao 03/02 12:05其實杜拜也沒100%會打 雖然也是高概率打

kiasao 03/02 12:06體能師有說還是看多哈打得怎麼樣再決定是否打杜拜

palytoxin 03/02 12:48費拔都坐私人飛機,旅途比較沒問題吧

vincentgotu 03/02 14:18好像還有阿布達比?

alex2426chen03/02 14:30主要這次邁阿密延後2周 快跟紅土賽季衝到

steffenlee 03/02 14:47中東有錢 給得起高額出場費 熱熱身看看復原狀況

calculus9 03/02 17:55奧運有種子就好

sofisofi 03/02 18:16哭哭 費爸不足了...

vincentgotu 03/03 09:44四年後: 打完巴黎奧運再規劃.....

llintell 03/04 01:08費爸加油 健康打球~

cruisewu200303/06 11:56將目標放在奧運金牌,也是值得期待