[情報] 過去12個月收入最高的網球員

看板Tennis標題[情報] 過去12個月收入最高的網球員作者
時間推噓29 推:29 噓:0 →:9


* Roger Federer (SUI) : 8400萬美元
* Naomi Osaka (JPN) : 5520萬美元
* Serena Williams (USA) : 3500萬美元
* Novak Djokovic (SRB) : 3300萬美元
* Rafael Nadal (ESP) : 2600萬美元
* Kei Nishikori (JPN) : 2600萬美元

* 當中23歲的大坂成為史上單年度收入最高的女球員,
光是場外代言就有 5000萬美元,
僅次於費爸、詹姆斯 (LeBron James)和老虎伍茲 (Tiger Woods)。



Highest paid tennis players in the last 12 months

Roger Federer ($84million)

At the top of the list is the usual suspect Roger Federer. The swiss maestro
is Mr. Tennis himself. The thirty nine year old, the winner of twenty Grand
Slam trophies, has earned a mammoth $84 million this past year. It goes
without saying that all of the income has come from his brand endorsements.

The biggest deal right now is with Japanese apparel brand Uniqlo, which
locked him up in 2018 under a 10-year, $300 million deal. Some of the other
brands that Federer endorsed are Rolex, Mercedes-Benz, Credit Suisse, On
Running, Jura Elektroapparate, Moet and Chandon, Barilla, Lindt, Wilson,
NetJets. Federer is one of the few tennis stats who uses a Private Jet, his
jet is sponsored by NetJets.

Naomi Osaka ($55million)

Second on the list is Naomi Osaka. Osaka has the advantage of being a
familiar name in two of the top consumer markets in the world, USA and Japan.So it comes as no surprise that the twenty-three year old Japanese star has
translated her success on the court to moolah off it.

Some of the brands she endorses are Yonex, Nike, Nissan Motors, Mastercard,
ANA, Nissin, Citizen Watch, Shiseido, Wowow, Tag Heuer. She earned $55
million in the last twelve months.

Serena Williams($35million)

The third position is held by the twenty-three time Grand Slam Champion, one
who is already a legend of the game. The fabulous Serena Williams. Serena maynot be as successful on the court as she has been in the past but she still
has her brands backing her. Serena has been the face of brands such as Nike,
Wilson for years now.

Some of her other endorsements are Gatorade, Delta Air Lines, Aston Martin,
Pepsi, Beats by Dre headphones, IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Audemars Piguet, Away.
The thirty-nine year old made $35 million in the last 12 months.

Novak Djokovic($33 million)

Fourth on the list is the Men’s No.1 tennis player in the World Novak
Djokovic. Djokovic has over the years has made money on the court and off it
as well. Djokovic has won eighteen Grand Slam trophies till date. Some of thebrands that sponsor him are Lacoste, Head, Seiko. Asics. Jacob Creek. ANZ,
Ultimate Software. Djokovic made a total of $33 million.

Rafael Nadal ($26 million)

Fifth on the list is the Spanish superstar Rafael Nadal. Nadal is one of the
best tennis players in the history of the game and the best tennis player in
clay courts ever. He has a total of twenty Grand slam titles. Nadal is a
hugely popular name in the Spanish speaking world, that includes South
America, Central America, Mexico and of course Spain. Some of his sponsors
are Nike, Kia Motors, Santander, Emporio Armani, Babolat, Heliocare,
Telefonica, Banco Sabadell, Tommy Hilfiger, Mapfre. He has made $26 million
in the last one year.

Kei Nishikori ($26 million)

Jointly in fifth position with Nadal is the Japanese superstar Kei Nishikori.Nishikori is the only men’s tennis player to have come out of Japan and is
loved and respected by all back home. Some of his sponsors are Asahi Group
Holdings, Jaccs, Japan Airlines, Nippon Telegraph & Tel, Nissin Foods
Holdings and Uniqlo. The 31-year-old also has deals with Nike and Uber. He
too earned $26 million last year.


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qscxz 05/27 12:01日本市場很捧場(?

JustWinslow 05/27 12:10圭有點誇張 日本人厲害

qwqw0424 05/27 12:16費:躺著賺的感覺真舒服

okamifang 05/27 12:31優衣褲真有錢

linyi781227 05/27 12:37費爸不用比賽光靠代言就夠了XDD

airmark 05/27 12:59日本人好爽

DREW 05/27 13:31小圭成績下滑這麼多還有這種收入日本真的很有錢XD

micbrimac 05/27 13:34阿圭代言竟然輸大阪 挖靠

gadoma 05/27 13:36日本企業砸錢不手軟

blesslai 05/27 14:05費爸也太猛了吧XDD

Rubylinn 05/27 14:12費典型的被動收入已贏過正職收入XD

※ 編輯: deehsu ( 美國), 05/27/2021 14:16:57

callwilliam 05/27 14:58老費就是強

vincentgotu 05/27 15:30一開始我也不相信 但靠這個投資 我養大了四個孩子

cruisewu200305/27 15:54國籍優勢很重要

wanderenzo 05/27 17:21日本市場太大了 企業贊助不手軟

udkki 05/27 17:34裡面日本人就占據兩個

udkki 05/27 17:35國籍有時候比實力重要

sunsirr 05/27 17:36老費真的吸金大人耶 太猛

udkki 05/27 17:37錦織如果出生在台灣絕對沒有這種待遇

OR1CHI 05/27 17:46盧如果是日本人應該可以賺到圭的2成吧

counterpunch05/27 17:53看完只覺得日本人很有錢

kg6hr8te10 05/27 18:07日本人推一個!

pttr08 05/27 20:12費過去一年只打了3場耶,平均一場2800萬美元 XD

icedog122 05/27 20:17費爸算是某種程度的薪水小偷@@

radiwei 05/27 21:06日本一直都是世界第二大經濟體耶!是最近幾年才被

radiwei 05/27 21:06人口多10倍的中國超越

newsph 05/27 21:23費爸不是薪水小偷吧 他根本是強盜!

newsph 05/27 21:24每擊球一次可能是10萬美金這樣

ineda 05/27 22:32費爸直銷最佳代言人,被動收入,財務自由

yangch 05/27 22:33不要再說國籍不重要了,光代言就很現實

HaLouis 05/27 23:25日本對運動員真的很培養跟重視啊 我們多加油QQ

poiuy178 05/28 00:22網球有參賽才有獎金沒什麼薪水小偷之說吧

newsph 05/28 00:26那個是開玩笑的比喻啦 沒有冒犯的意思

tennisoldman05/28 00:39不知道莊吉生過去一年的收入?

joey0602 05/28 05:54大坂歐美、日本都有代言蠻吃香的。而且連LV這種名牌

joey0602 05/28 05:55也找她,有時尚圈青睞就更有錢途了

udkki 05/29 16:49圭:不好意思網球界不是靠實力的(誤

change70121305/30 06:09日本本來要奧運啊...撒錢當然不手軟