[情報] 2022 動視爆雪第三季財報

看板WOW標題[情報] 2022 動視爆雪第三季財報作者
時間推噓31 推:31 噓:0 →:23


表現馬馬虎虎 營收下降 不過 高於市場分析師原先預測


鬥陣特攻2 超過3千5百萬人玩 吸引了很多新手

Overwatch 2
Overwatch 2 had over 35 million people played the game in its first month,
including many who were new.
Blizzard is looking forward to delivering an ambitious slate of regular
seasonal updates for Overwatch 2 that introduce new characters, maps and
modes, including the game’s much-anticipated PvE mode planned for 2023.

魔獸世界經典版 巫妖王又怒了
在正服 預計11/28 10.0版本上線~~~

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic contributed to a strong
increase in WoW reach and engagement at the end of the third quarter.
On November 28, Blizzard will release World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, the
innovative next expansion for the modern game, as the team increases the
cadence of WoW content for the community.
Warcraft franchise net bookings were stable year-over-year.
Mobile title Warcraft: Arclight Rumble is progressing well through regional

暗黑4目前開發狀況不錯 預計明年上線
(**有小道消息 2022/12月會公布 2023/4月 正式上線)

Diablo Immortal expanded its global reach with a strong launch in China in
July. The title reached the top of the download charts and has ranked in the
top 10 grossing mobile games in China since launch.
Around the world, Diablo Immortal is being supported with major new content,
features, and events aimed at keeping the community engaged.
Work on Diablo IV and its substantial ongoing post-launch content continues
to progress very well ahead of its launch planned for 2023.
Blizzard’s third quarter segment revenue grew double-digits year-over-year
against a year ago quarter that included the release of Diablo II:

在中國這邊 爆雪和廠商的約明年到期

Chinese Market
Currently, Blizzard has licensing agreements with a third party covering the
publication of several Blizzard titles in China that expire in January 2023.
They are in discussions regarding the renewal of these agreements, but a
mutually-satisfactory deal may not be reached.


3.牆頭草:高手輸了叫失誤 其他人輸了就是菜!


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B2Spirit11/08 13:42普普通通

heresen11/08 13:45重要的是最下面的吧 如果談不攏 會重演排隊王之怒嗎

oldriver11/08 13:51會來的早就來台定居了 台服都被叫養老服

DEVIN92911/08 14:29沒事兒沒事兒

john29908111/08 14:55當初也是一群蝗蟲過來又回去啊

gunnip411/08 14:55好可惜 還不倒==

sunnylaba11/08 14:57談不攏蝗蟲又要入侵了嗎

DEVIN92911/08 15:05鬼服的現在來了還能重溫3版舊夢

spirit76112711/08 15:06明年看暴雪和台灣哪個先島

rcat201011/08 15:09母湯,又來一次排隊王之怒阿!

cat05joy11/08 15:09中國會同步上巨龍?

mealoop11/08 15:10會啊 只是他們登入畫面還是七版那兩個扎坤

cat05joy11/08 15:16是有聽說版本號沒過 他們用別的名義上新資料

mealoop11/08 15:28他們一直都同步更新啊 只要登入畫面還是雙扎坤就不用審

mealoop11/08 15:28版號喔

mealoop11/08 15:29八九十都被當成小patch上

DEVIN92911/08 15:32還不去檢舉一下

tsunade80211/08 15:49如果中國魔獸被封,台服會再次被蝗蟲入侵嗎?

Rivendare11/08 15:53沒入侵改版伺服器都一定爆炸惹 入侵肯定很美很經典

garlic123411/08 15:56中國版本號一直停在七版,都是以更新的名義替代改版

garlic123411/08 15:57除非習皇帝有打算動遊戲本身,不然不太需要擔心蝗蟲

chenx511/08 16:05網易背景也比當初的9c硬,不然這麼明顯的東西怎可能不被

chenx511/08 16:05舉報?

DEVIN92911/08 16:07逛了一下nga 有人說沒同步上年卡可能是涼涼跡象

yinyang10211/08 16:10我覺得可能只是網易玩法不一樣,年卡可能太划算了

b220276111/08 16:16蝗蟲=把錢投資給台灣=能買更多軍武,如果有賺頭加開伺

b220276111/08 16:16服器就可以了,伺服器又不是固定的。

mealoop11/08 16:17支那那邊經典比正服多 而且還有鬼靈豹坑錢

SkyUzziel11/08 16:33蝗蟲過境再來一次;小退,抽風…都好了喔,準備開打。

SkyUzziel11/08 16:33(阿~等等該下線睡覺了。

darkbrigher11/08 16:57蝗蟲來怎會是投資給台灣 別忘記台服是港暴開的

d610200311/08 17:15好久沒看14T 原來最近在吵這個

enchyi11/08 17:3710版開頭還在合約內吧 之後才有可能出事吧?

gbdt11/08 18:22資料片要重新申請版號,所以以改版帶過

crassus721711/08 21:24沒蝗蟲還是很卡阿

eplis11/08 23:57會不會台灣賣年卡然後遇到蝗蟲入侵排到不想玩..

axiall11/09 01:49這都要擔心的話那這世界也沒什麼待下去的必要了

Foot11/09 02:23台服人這麼少對岸跑來反而是活水吧==

heresen11/09 06:18主要是台灣這邊Server拉基的程度 對面真的跑過來玩會卡成

heresen11/09 06:19怎樣難以想像

zip0000011/09 06:58還好吧?暴雪財報跟預期差不多啊?盤後沒啥跌,看看迪士

zip0000011/09 06:58尼盤後跌7%

hydra317911/09 07:15連蝗蟲入侵也要經典複刻了嗎

enchyi11/09 09:14再怎麼卡也不可能比當初卡啦

DEVIN92911/09 09:25伊恩這旗插的死死

sobiNOva11/09 10:19這幾次改版都LAG到不行= =真的怕

becca94511/09 14:08入侵比較好 就怕陸客布萊

FuNnYw11/09 15:39我大cod!!不對 隔壁棚的 魔獸其實挺猛的穩定發展

ChainRule11/09 16:01請問一下今年的BlizzCon嘉年華還有嗎?

garlic123411/09 18:04之前就有說今年2022取消,沒說未來要用哪個形式辦

avatarboy11/10 00:19現在這伺服器品質再來人就爆嘍,還活水勒

zip0000011/10 12:33是可以建議他們考慮新的伺服器了 電子庫存壓力大

cat05joy11/10 12:41願意加早就增設了

mealoop11/10 16:18問題是頻寬不夠 買再多server也沒用