[問題] 有沒有其他自己搞錯暗號的例子?

看板Warfare標題[問題] 有沒有其他自己搞錯暗號的例子?作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:14

The result of such quizzing sometimes caused U.S. military police (MP) to
overreact. On December 21, General Bruce Clarke was stopped on the road out
St. Vith. The MP there said he had been told to keep an eye out for a German
disguised as a one-star general. Clarke did not prove his identity when he
mistakenly identified the Chicago Cubs as an American League team. For 30
minutes, the American general was held in shackles until the errors and
misjudgments were sorted out. The following day, General Bradley was stopped
at a checkpoint and asked to name the capital of Illinois. When Bradley
correctly answered "Springfield," he was detained by a military policeman whothought Chicago was the state capital.




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Edison117412/20 20:35虎!虎!虎!

sandiegopadr12/20 20:57桓溫滅成漢之戰

s38664418712/20 21:35桓溫那個我覺得有春秋筆法之嫌,把功勞歸為運氣

sdd542612/20 22:05這不只是個虛構的笑話嗎?

Changyi12/20 22:44靖難有一場進攻方進攻暗號跟防守方撤退暗號都是三聲砲響

peter8900012/20 23:50傳說中王得祿還是陳化成撿草鞋衝鋒

SCLPAL12/20 23:56我怎麼突然想到暴坊將軍...(X

mattc123456c12/21 00:02#1XWwPqNL (Warfare) 不就這篇?

lc8530112/21 00:04I am AOBA 算嗎

gary7612/21 02:37這個不就是史科爾茲內的手下被俘後,搞得盟軍基地雞飛狗

gary7612/21 02:37跳的那件事?布拉德利這個不算搞錯暗號吧,只是負責抓內

gary7612/21 02:37鬼的憲兵設的測試問題不對

allergy12/21 07:55看標題先想到讓子彈飛後面剿麻匪那一段XDD

pedro093012/21 10:07BoB有一段聽到前面黑影喊thunder, 結果答flash, 但暗

pedro093012/21 10:08號是lighting, 對方馬上丟一顆手榴彈過來

pedro093012/21 10:08但無人傷亡

hazel009312/21 12:52英雄連隊那個咖啡很難喝那段原來是抄bob的

hazel009312/21 12:52那邊也有thunder flash

katana8912/21 17:08珍珠港的時候 淵田擔心僚機沒看到他的信號彈 打第二發

katana8912/21 17:08結果部分機隊當成是兩發信號的強攻信號 讓艦爆先上 而非

katana8912/21 17:08原訂的艦攻奇襲開場 不過不影響整個攻擊結果

ivorysoap12/22 21:05flash!

ivorysoap12/22 21:06fuck!