Re: [閒聊] 為何黃種人翻身沒有系統性問題
※ 引述《abc12812 ()》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《justmine99 (justmine99)》之銘言:
: : 如題
: : 最近吵得沸沸揚揚的種族歧視
: : 很多人說
: : 黑人無法翻身是有系統性、結構的問題
: : 但同樣在以前
: : 美國黃種人其實也是非常低階的礦工
: : 但為何就沒有像黑人這樣嚴重的系統問題?
: 根本比錯
: 當初那批清國奴工幾乎都被遣返了
: 現在在美國音量較大的華裔移民 大多數是在二戰後留學美國後落地生根
: 例如林書豪一家
: 等於是華裔移民幾乎是一開始就保證是大學研究所以上學歷
: 連一般美國白人都沒這等學歷
: 當然生活收入屌打其他族裔移民
: 當華裔一代就已經接近封頂 當然二代要階級複製也就不是什麼難事
可是你還是不能解釋 為什麼中下階層的華裔 小孩成績也比較好啊
The Manhattan Institutes Kay Hymowitz has reported in City Journal that a disproportionate number of
Asians admitted to these schools come from
a low-income neighborhood in Brooklyn where Chinese immigrant parents have crammed themselves
into dorm-like quarters, working brutally long hours waiting tables, washing dishes, and cleaning hotel rooms.
The Asian student outcomes we see year after year arent the result of luck or privilege.
They stem from hard work and a culture that prioritizes learning.
Research shows that Asian kids read more books, watch less television, and study longer.
In poorer families, money goes toward test-prep instead of $200 sneakers.
The results are obvious at elite schools nationwide, where even low-income Asian students
have outperformed middle- and upper-income students from other groups
“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” ----Albert Einstein
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