Re: [情報] 歡迎動視暴雪King正式加入Xbox
Tenchu (only the games released before Activision sold the rights
to From Software in 2004)
雖然Activision後來把天誅的權利賣給From Software
Activision purchased the rights to this game from Sony Music Entertainment,
who originally published the game in Japan. However, Activision sold the
rights to the Japanese game publisher FromSoftware in 2004. FromSoftware's
rights agreement does not include games previously published by Activision.
動視公司從索尼音樂娛樂公司購買了這款遊戲的版權,索尼音樂娛樂公司最初在日本發行了這款遊戲。不過,動視於 2004 年將版權賣給了日本遊戲發行商 FromSoftware。
FromSoftware 的版權協議不包括動視之前發行的遊戲。
將由 From Software 取得《天誅》系列遊戲的全球著作權與版權
(不包含《天誅 參》之前的遊戲)。
天誅 以前很好玩。現在還能行嗎
改成巨乳女忍者 並且有色誘刺殺的橋段
[情報] 微軟重金1兆8,954億台幣收購動視暴雪天價!微軟重金1兆8,954億台幣收購動視暴雪,刷新遊戲史上最大收購 震驚全世界。就在稍早,微軟宣布收購動視暴雪(Activision Blizzard),收購價高達 687 億美元,採全現金交易,折合新台幣達 1 兆 8,954 億 ,成遊戲史上最高收購價 格。爆
[情報] Microsoft買下Activision Blizzard來源:bloomberg Microsoft Nears $70 Billion Deal for Video Game Maker Activision Microsoft is nearing a deal to buy Activision Blizzard, the video game maker behind the “Call of Duty” franchise, in what would be the U.S. technology97
[情報] XGP會盡可能的上動視暴雪的遊戲Upon close, we will offer as many Activision Blizzard games as we can within Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass, both new titles and games from Activision Blizzard’s incredible catalog. We also announced today that Game Pass now has more than 25 million subscribers. As always, we look forward to54
[閒聊] 微軟的CoD十年合約包含登陸PS Plus權利彭博社報導 "Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) has offered Sony (NYSE:SONY) the rights to sell Activis ion Blizzard's popular Call of Duty video game on its PlayStation Plus streaming service in an effort to get its $69B deal approved, Bloomberg reported."27
Fw: [情報] XGP會盡可能的上動視暴雪的遊戲官網 Upon close, we will offer as many Activision Blizzard games as we can within Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass, both new titles and games from Activision Blizzard’s incredible catalog. We also announced today that Game Pass now25
[情報] 微軟收購動視暴雪將敲定!最快 8 月通過 FTC 審批微軟收購動視暴雪將敲定!最快 8 月通過 FTC 審批 微軟今年初宣布計畫收購遊戲集團動視暴雪,交易金額達 687 億美元,並將把包括決勝 時刻系列在內的許多流行遊戲納入 Xbox 的遊戲名單,雖然微軟和 Xbox 平台尚未正式獲 得動視暴雪的所有權,但預計將很快宣部最終交易結果。13
[情報] 歐盟同意微軟以690億美元收購動視暴雪1. 標題:歐盟同意微軟以690億美元收購動視暴雪 2. 來源: 鉅亨網編譯張祖仁2023/05/15 22:59 3. 網址: (請善用縮網址工具)2
Re: [閒聊] UBI將代理微軟動暴雲端遊戲15年Instead, Microsoft has submitted a new, restructured deal for the British watchdog to review, under which Microsoft will sell the rights to stream existing and new Activision PC and console games to rival French game maker Ubisoft. The rights Ubisoft will acquire outside of the European Economic Area will be exclusive. 這個提案是微軟提的,不是 CMA 微軟重新提案看 CMA 要不要- 推 yukn732: 版權太複雜 請問為什麼會很複雜?@@ -- 老人稍微就自己的記憶講一下目前的狀況。 天誅是當初Acquire自己開發的眾多項目中一個小項目,到處丟企劃希望能拿錢。
- 育碧新聞中心所提供的 PDF 新聞稿內容最後一段有提到範圍 Ubisoft Signs Deal for Streaming Call of Duty and Other Activision Blizzard Games The arrangement will give Ubisoft exclusive worldwide rights to stream