PTT評價 Kuribohrn 過去發表過的文章
[外絮] KT FB: Hype re-signed[Official] Re-sign Hype kt Rolster re-signed with Hype for next three seasons. We are very excited to extend chance for watching how he keeps growing up like h e has done so far.40
[閒聊] 小牛領隊向RIC道歉“Unfortunately, we got it wrong with Daniel and pitted him too early in heavy t raffic, which lost him a chance to fight for points. His pace had been extremely strong all weekend long. We go into Spa with the positives of our strong weeken d here” - Laurent Mekies, Team Principal27
[閒聊] Sargeant將使用修復後的底盤出賽Sargeant confirms he won’t be driving his original car and will instead be usin g the repaired Williams chassis, formerly driven by Albon, for this weekend’s r ace. Doesn’t foresee any issues with that as fix went better than expected. No spare until Miami.19
[閒聊] 兩名在歐洲次級聯賽的中國選手被指控進在東歐聯賽Ultraliga中Iron Wolves戰隊的中國籍中路Odin和打野Kylin,在對上ESCA戰隊 的比賽中出現了多次相當離譜的操作 在這個片段可以看到先是中路傑西在對面四人在家的情況下帶兵深入敵方高地,打野李星拿 完巴龍後突然一個人摸眼跑到對面高地送頭,還有傑西團戰EQ亂射再開著W跟對面AD跳恰恰8
[外絮] DFMX 2024陣容TOP: @rayfarky JG: @DFM_steal MID: @LoLAria00 BOT: @yutapongo14
[雷] 無聲夜-及格以上,佳作未滿雷文防雷資訊頁 ~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~*-*~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 雷文 主文分隔線 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 原本平靜的生活,卻無端遭到幫派火拼的波及,導致兒子死亡,主角本人深受重傷、從此無 法開口說話。本片給予了一個非常簡單易懂的故事背景,同時結合標題特別強調的「無聲」40
[外絮] Evi推特 和TH契約結束以下機翻: 我與Team Heretics的合約已經結束。 這一年來與最好的隊友和教練一起打比賽,就如同一場夢一般, 真的很好玩 也非常感謝所有支持我們的人! 我除了感恩一無所有22
[外絮] 100T 2024春季賽陣容來源: The way has been paved for a new era of 100 Thieves League of Legends. It's your turn, @GeneralSniper @lolRiver22
[外絮] BRO X 上下野輔離隊來源: We announce the contracts with Park 'Morgan' Ru-han, Um 'UmTi' Sung-hyeon, Park 'Hena' Jeung-hwan, and Lee 'Effort' Sang-ho have been expired. We thank the play ers for their passion and commitment during good and sometimes hard times.6
[外絮] Karmine Corp加入LEC來源: 法國豪門戰隊KC終於正式加入LEC了,他們將取代AST成為歐洲賽區的新成員。 以KC龐大的粉絲基礎,這次他們的加入應該可以幫助LEC增加不少熱度。不知道之後的比賽 也有可能會移師到他們的電競館,變成類似LPL的主場制度?31
[閒聊] Elyoya推特大概翻譯一下:我們在這次國際賽上的團隊發揮非常的糟糕,而這次msi的結局也是令人難 以接受的 而我要告訴你們一件事,你們這些在推特上造謠的人讓我非常的厭煩。這是我五年來第一次22
[閒聊] DFM達成LJL賽區5連霸在剛剛結束的LJL春季決賽中DFM以3:0帶走了LokeN所在的SG戰隊,隨著這場勝利他們也達 成了從2021年春季開始的五連霸 雖然今年上路大腿Evi旅外發展,不過隨著中路Aria的回鍋,DFM在季後賽依舊勢不可擋,以 連續兩個3:0輕鬆奪冠 話說剛剛DFM打的已經夠醜了,結果SG這個春季賽#1居然一場都啃不下來- 來源:Lcs_Eevee [GCD] TSM midlaner Huang "Maple" Yi-Tang have been removed from TSM according to the Global Contract Database 根據合約資料庫顯示,媽寶已經離開TSM了 在TSM即將出售席位的乳模流出後,目前包括上路選手Solo已經有兩名選手確定離隊
[外絮] FNC春季賽陣容更新來源: 內文:Spring approaches, and we've got news to share. Welcome to the squad, @OscarininXD & @Advienne1! FNC經過冬季賽的挫敗後將自家二隊的上路Oscarinin和輔助Advienne拉上一隊,Advienne此5
[外絮] Excel推特 2023陣容來源: WELCOME @Odoamne @Vetheo_lol @XerxeLoL @Targamas @patriklol *Pending Riot Approval TIP:Odo2
[外絮] G2推特 Farewell Jankos來源: From superstar jungler to LEC Legend 5 LEC titles, 2 MVP Awards, 1 MSI Trophy, and countless hours of quality content . Today we part ways with @G2Jankos. Thanks for an incredible 5 years filled with highlights and memories. Farewell F74
[外絮] 100T推特 2023陣容-100TSM來源: Our biggest heist yet. #100T Introducing your 100 Thieves roster for the 2023 LCS season: @Bjergsen @Doublelift112
[外絮] SHG推特 Blank續約來源: 【#LoL 部門 選手再契約のお知らせ】 League of Legends部門にて、Blank選手(@Blanklol98)と選手契約を締結したことをお知 らせいたします。 #SHGWIN #LJL202321
[外絮] IMT推特(Tactical加入)來源: Welcome @Tactical! Having proved yourself as one of the best North American talents, we look forwar d to seeing what we can accomplish with you at our side! #IMTWIN // @progressive8
[外絮] CLG推特來源: CLG宣布2023年春季賽陣容維持不變 TOP: Dhokla JG:Contractz MID:Palafox12
[外絮] 100T推特:上中下輔離隊來源: Cherished every step of the journey. Thank you, @huhi @VictorHuang