PTT評價 MrBornReady 過去發表過的文章
[情報] Udoka:我提醒Green,Reaves入選了美國隊Ime Udoka said he reminded Jalen Green pregame of Austin Reaves’s selection to Team USA this summer. Green was a member of the younger Team USA Select squad that didn’t travel to Manila. Seems like Green got some revenge tonight.爆
[花邊] 狗貝Kyle Anderson衝突 狗貝被送回家狗貝推一把過去 Kyle不爽衝上前 雙雙被隊友架離 這麼關鍵的卡位戰還能有抓馬看 真有你的欸狼狼 -- 更新- gmRfsw ESPN Sources: Memphis Grizzlies center Steven Adams is likely to miss the post season with his injured right knee. Adams, who underwent a stem cell injection a month ago, has been out with a PCL sprain since late January.
[討論] 還要聽守正口多久?要內容沒內容 要效果沒效果 聽不到戰術內容 也沒有幽默的梗 只有不停的口 在他口中每個球員都100分 黃金世代1000分 耀中丟問題給他 他會沈默句點 然後馬後砲播報 原以為只有富邦他的bro多 然後排他播29
Re: [討論] PLG最爛GM是誰倒數三隊的GM絕對都有資格 夢想家 韓駿鎧 季初的引援完全失敗 洋將米勒 波音特 現在都被3Q 本土老吳 林耀宗 周柏臣 盧冠良70
[花邊] 地龍大學採訪:我想成為嘴綠gmRfsw @DrGuru Dillon Brooks in 2016: “I want to be like Draymond Green for this team” 地龍大學的採訪被挖出來啦45
[情報] 肯尼now星球 有阿巴西後的中華隊名單後衛 陳盈駿、李愷諺、林秉聖(高國豪、蔣淯安) 未來組:游艾喆 側翼58
[討論] 鋼鐵人單節4分紀錄一戰 上半場領航猿剛破半場最低21分 下半場鋼鐵人不遑多讓 破了一個單節4分 一隊破一個 各自精彩 這到底什麼比賽R11
[討論] 夢想家送分先發吳家駿 吳永盛 盧冠良 卡拉曼 吉爾貝克 這五人組開場把把挖坑 3/5 vs獅 Q1 17:27 -10 2/26 vs獅 Q1 17:26 -9 2/24 vs勇 Q1 18:28 -10爆
[花邊] Curry暴怒摔牙套被驅逐@TheHoopCentral Steph Curry ejected. 太綜藝了 然後普爾最後自己救贖 --4
Re: [討論] 書豪比魔獸是不是很多人搞不清楚狀況 魔獸在台籃的身分是什麼?洋將 書豪呢?華裔 (T要看規章怎麼滾) 魔獸很爛嗎?不爛吧 場均20-10是多爛 但要比的是各隊的洋將 每個都耐用又強9
[閒聊] 小四復出是唯一解吧?難怪小四說要復出 本土後衛菜 只能投三分 一點切入破壞力都沒有 洋將後衛獨 不相信本土球員 一球在手亂幹一通 球的流動約等於零 說實在DH這樣用 跟辛巴沒區別爆
[討論] 湖人冠軍班底只剩LBJ+ADAnthony Davis LeBron James Kentavious Caldwell-Pope(金塊) Danny Green(灰熊) Alex Caruso(公牛)45
[外絮] 22-23賽季 預測前25大PF1.Giannis Antetokounmpo 2.Anthony Davis 3.Karl-Anthony Towns 4.Zion Williamson64
[討論] KD在堅持什麼?整理一下KI+KD這個夏天的流言 6/20 □ [情報] KI和籃網談續約陷入僵局 6/23 □ [情報] 如果KI要走 KD可能也會離開籃網 6/24 □ [花邊] Shams:KI預計將轉隊,KD認真考慮未來 6/24 □ [花邊] 蔡崇信全力支持籃網不給KI頂薪的決定19
[花邊] RJ:LBJ再拿一fmvp 能進湖人總統山Richard Jefferson @JustRyCole I was asked if he should be on the Laker Rushmore. Winning a FINALS MVP would put him as the best player of all time for about 20 franchises ……. But not the Lakers. Win one more and I think he’s on there. Impact and value has been immeasurable. 我被問到LBJ是否該進湖人總統山,贏了fmvp可以在大約20支球隊坐穩隊史第一,但不包括湖人。再贏一次我認為他就夠格了,他的影響力和價值一直無價的。XX
[花邊] Wade:人們討厭熱火三巨 因為我們改變NBAClutchPoints @ClutchPointsApp "If you think about it, no one gives backlash to any championships that Larry Bird won, that Magic Johnson won, that Michael Jordan won... You don't win championships without playing with other guys." (聽翻)爆
[外絮] 22-23賽季前25名小前鋒PG: SG: 1.Jayson Tatum 2.Kevin Durant 3.Kawhi Leonard 4.LeBron James爆
[花邊] 灰熊重訓室寫著嘴綠的嗆聲灰熊的重訓室黑板上 寫著嘴綠當初的嗆聲 「孟菲斯需要去面對現實。」 929ESPN89
[花邊] Curry:我的球技女生也可以學Warriors’ Steph Curry puts gender equity at center of his elite high school camp Curry在自己舉辦的訓練營中,加入了"性別平等"這一主題。 "We’re just trying to normalize that basketball is basketball, and celebrate the game," Curry said Thursday. "My hope is to give the girls coming through the ranks something potentially to look forward to, being part of this experience and having access to me and our squad and what we do." "And, also, for the boys, to give them the perspective that it’s not just them hooping. Girls can do this, too. And they should encourage, celebrate it and support it. And hopefully that carries throughout their careers as well."67
[情報] LBJ與湖人討論續約Dave McMenamin @mcten LeBron James and his representative Rich Paul of Klutch Sports met with Lakers VP of basketball ops and GM Rob Pelinka on Thursday regarding James’ eligible contract extension. Paul told ESPN the discussion was “productive” and both sides will continue a dialogue. 姆斯跟經紀人富保羅與湖人GM佩林卡 正式見面商討續約事宜爆
[花邊] 史上前五運球高手球評們發表了他們認為歷史前五的運球高手 Top 5 handles in NBA history Jalen Rose 1. Isiah Thomas56
[影片] PLG 2022 Draft 選秀的那一天PLG 2022 Draft 選秀的那一天 " 喧囂的選秀大會開始前,工作人員敲鑼打鼓的佈置與選秀球員激昂的心跳聲交錯著,逐夢的舞台慢慢搭起,卻不是每一個參與盛會的球員都有機會踏上那個精緻的舞台享受掌聲,伴隨暑假黏膩的臺北城市晚風,有人帶著笑容步出會場,有人則是要繼續尋找機會,透過執行長的目光,帶大家重新走過那一天,回憶屬於新人們最難忘的夏夜。" 有了上一年的經驗 看看聯盟怎麼準備選秀日 --爆
[閒聊] 大家給今年PL選秀會幾分?選完啦 去年第一屆 被詬病最多的就是場控音控 今年看起來都有改善 整體流程順暢很多 今年還是有毛病可以挑 像順位字卡就容易讓人誤會 開頭看起來也略顯匆促65
[花邊] 快艇老闆:新球館不會再有秘密通道@NotoriousOHM PART 1: Steve Ballmer took me inside the construction site of the Intuit Dome and we talked about the Clippers’ finally having their own home complete with a Wall of sound and no secret hallways and how the dome is “another statement that says, ‘Hey look, we're nobody’s brother” Steve Ballmer談到快艇正在興建的新球場:我們終於有了自己的家,有一面隔音牆,沒有秘密通道。聽著,我們不是任何人的兄弟。 秘密通道講的是這件事21
[閒聊] 聯盟中有哪些同捆包?目前的主流說法是得書緯者得書豪 當然也有書豪今年不會回來的消息 但Rumor看起來兩人就是同捆包 不然鋼鐵人也沒必要大費周張去換豪弟 那請問除了書緯書豪外 聯盟中還有哪些看起來像豆漿配油條 你去哪就我去哪的同捆包?10
[情報] 東超-Andrew Nicholson加盟灣區翼龍智商越來越低的unicornxp 消息源安德魯·尼克爾森加盟灣區翼龍 Andrew Nicholson 206公分 32歲 5年NBA經歷 3年CBA經歷 去年在KBL打球爆
[外絮] 三分毀了比賽?Curry:有人喜歡有人不喜歡The NBA nowadays is a much more entertaining league to watch because of this high scoring. However, some fans are convinced that Stephen Curry and the Warriors have ruined the league. For these fans, the high-volume three-point shootouts are just not entertaining to watch. When asked about this after the ESPYs, Curry gave this response. (via LA Mag) 因為更高的比分,如今NBA更具娛樂性。然而一些球迷認為Curry和勇士毀了NBA。對於這些球迷來說,三分球大戰並不有趣。在ESPY之後被問到這個問題時,Curry給出了回答。 “Anytime you change or disrupt the way a game is played or the way something’s been done for years, for decades, there’s always going to be people that love it and people that hate it,” “當你改變比賽的方式,改變了一些延續了幾十年的東西,總是會有人喜歡,有人討厭。”爆
[花邊] George Karl: Nash Stockton CP3 你選誰?George Karl @CoachKarl22 You get to pick one PG: Nash, Stockton or Chris Paul. Who? 前NBA教頭發文(引戰)了90
[花邊] 卡戴珊隊vs詹娜隊 誰比較強?Who you got between Kendal and Khloe's lists? PG: James Harden SG: Rick Fox71
[情報] Dragic去公牛 1Y/2.9MDragic is signing a one-year, $2.9M deal with the Bulls, sources said. 1Y/2.9M到公牛 --爆
[情報] 爵士會以 Mitchell 為核心建隊The Jazz gathered six first-round picks in the past 24 hours, including 7-footer Walker Kessler, the 22nd overall pick in the 2022 Draft. The Jazz plan to retool the roster around All-Star G Donovan Mitchell. 爵士在24小時內收集了6個首輪,其中包括2022年22順位的7呎長人Walker Kessler。 爵士計劃圍繞全明星後衛 Donovan Mitchell 重新組建陣容。 --47
[情報] Kyle Anderson 去灰狼Kyle Anderson has agreed to a two-year, $18M deal to join the Timberwolves, his agents Thad Foucher and Joe Smith of @wassbasketball tell ESPN. Slow Mo 去灰狼 18M/2Y --爆
[花邊] 湖人富堡幫已經有7人Harrison Faigen @hmfaigen With AD, LeBron, THT, Kendrick Nunn, Lonnie Walker IV and now Juan Toscano-Anderson, six of the 12 current Lakers are Klutch clients. (更正 7人)32
[花邊] 聯手抓雞?77:我想講但會被罰錢 你去問GMMatej Sportinfo @MatejSportinfo Luka and Goran were asked about the possibility of them playing together in Dallas next season. Luka: “I would like to answer that, but I think it’s a 100.000 penalty if I did. You should ask the GM about that.”77
[情報] Monk:想留湖人 舒適比錢更重要Malik Monk表示願意續留湖人,錢不是現階段主要考量,上場時間及舒適環境比較重要。 “Money is always a part, man, but I don’t think it’s the biggest priority in my free agency this year,” Monk said. “It’s me feeling like I’m having a home and I can go out there and do the same things I did this year.” “錢一直是考量的一部分,但我不認為這是我在今年最優先考慮因素。湖人像是一個家,我可以在場上去做我今年做過的事情。 Monk said he’d consider accepting less money than his market price to stay with the Lakers for the taxpayer midlevel exception.24
[閒聊] Nemo=低配奈維爾?領航員大白洋將 Nemanja Besovic aka尼莫 動作慢 力量差 低位要不到位子 整天飄在外面投 連籃下也經常放槍 根本跟SBL奈奈有87%像31
[閒聊] 是不是只有書哥想贏?場上球員不斷失智 不敢投籃 低級發球失誤 輸五分不搶三分去灌籃 球員看起來都放棄了8
[閒聊] 大B哥是不是高大版包提傑?夢想家洋將 吉爾貝克 aka大B哥 空有身高 卻沒有任何技巧 面框背框都不會 拿到球永遠想著傳 籃下手感也很差 傳給他的一直放槍 說防守也守不住誰 只能幹髒活犯規61
[影片] Kings Mic’d Up 貼身麥克風 Q.戴維斯Kings Mic'd Up 貼身麥克風 | 戴維斯 Q. Davis | 球隊領袖傷痛無礙聲援隊友 垃圾話 更少不了 | 台北富邦勇士 v. 新北國王 2021.12.18 | P. LEAGUE+ 看戴維斯嘴砲好過癮xd 尤其是嘴書緯太細去健身17
[閒聊] River的翻牆484不夠熟練?贏了大家都很開心 火龍海放摩根 Maple對線有點吃力 但找機會能力還是很強 Unified 前面對線有點醜 但後面狙擊很準 River 這場 cover 下路21
[情報] 「薪資透明化」球員怎麼說:高國豪大合約也是大挑戰,尤其是在薪資公開後,帶給國豪的挑戰一定更多,來聽聽國豪是怎麼 想的 終於輪到最高薪的高國豪了 --24
[閒聊] G2世界賽團練戰績(隔離期)Christopper Scrims went well, can't wait for 2021 G2分析師分享了他們隔離期的團練戰績87
[閒聊] Angel是不是很好用?Angel 黑天使 蘇寧中路 目前保底亞軍 世界賽前根本沒幾個人吹 但他打的很好 穩定carry 角色池很廣 沒有特別鬼的招牌角色(左手星朵拉 牙膏柔伊)22
[外絮] FNC 八強抽籤影片(簡中版) Fnatic Reacts to Playoffs Draw | Worlds 2020 小王子真滴帥 頭腦又清晰 才抽兩張就搞清楚狀況 是LPL LCK內戰 他的隊友還一臉狐疑