PTT評價 a077919 過去發表過的文章
[問卦] 超哥跟朱雪璋誰比較派如題 幫大家整理了表格 ┌────┬───────┬───────┐ │ │朱雪璋砍人 │超哥揍人 │ ├────┼───────┼───────┤爆
[情報] Kimi IG:本季結束後退休正式宣布這是他的最後一季 This is it. This will be my last season in Formula 1. This is a decission I did during last winter. It was not an easy decission but after this season it is time for new things. Even though the season is still on, I want to thank my family, all my teams, everyone involved in my racing career and especially