PTT評價 avrild12 過去發表過的文章
Re: [花邊] Towns單人對熱火打出15-0攻勢推 Gief : 這是不是紀錄啊 挺猛的 不是,FVV在三年前也打過15-0的單人一波流 VanVleet also became just the 7th player over the last 25 seasons to go on a personal 15-0 run (inc. playoffs)爆
[情報] Lively系列賽16投全進,已連續命中21球Converting his first field goal at the 5:25 mark of the first quarter in Game 5, Dereck Lively II set a playoff record with 19 consecutive field goals made (since play-by-play era, 1996-97), per @EliasSports. Dereck Lively II今天投3進3,西區決賽出賽四場16投全進。70
[花邊] NBA x NIJISANJI (彩虹社) 聯名來自於「NIJISANJI EN」和「NIJISANJI」的30位主播們有著各自支援的30支NBA球隊! 每位主播與其相對應支援球隊的分組將會在後續的直播中公佈。 本次聯動企劃分為三個階段,從第一彈到第三彈,共計三回!每一彈的10支球隊和10位 主播已經選定,以他們為主題的聯名限定原畫所製作的周邊產品也即將發售!73
[情報] Sabonis連續50場雙十 兩聯盟合併後第三人Domantas Sabonis is just the third player since the NBA-ABA merger (1976-77) to post a double-double in 50+ straight games Sabonis連續50場例行賽完成雙十,成為NBA-ABA合併後第三位達成此成績的球員。 (since 1976-77)34
[情報] Daniel Gafford最近四場連續命中28個FG28 makes on his last 28 shots... Daniel Gafford just can't miss 9/9, 20 PTS tonight 比賽結束,目前連續命中28球,Gafford的紀錄尚未中斷60
[情報] Wembanyama連續兩場5抄截5火鍋 史上第2人Victor Wembanyama is also the 2nd player with 5 blocks and 5 steals in consecutive games, joining Michael Jordan in 1987. H/t @StatsWilliams 斑馬和MJ是NBA唯二能在連續兩場比賽都貢獻至少5火鍋5抄截的球員。70
[情報] 勇士三劍客聯手取得例行賽第400場勝利Iconic. Tonight marked Stephen, Dray and Klay's 400th regular-season win as teammates, becoming the 13th trio in NBA history to reach the milestone. 嘴綠今天拿下解禁回歸後首場勝利,這也是他和咖哩K湯的三人組合在例行賽的第400勝。84
[情報] Clarkson完成爵士15年來首次例行賽大三元Jordan Clarkson's triple-double marks the first for the Jazz in 1,256 regular season games That's the longest regular season drought in NBA history Jordan Clarkson終結爵士隊1256場例行賽沒有大三元的NBA紀錄。66
[情報] Keegan Murray單場連續命中11顆三分球WHAT AN INCREDIBLE PERFORMANCE FOR KEEGAN MURRAY Keegan Murray今天第3次到第13次的三分出手全部命中, 成為NBA第一位單場連續投進11顆三分球的球員。15
Re: [討論] 拿過最多隊史首冠的球員?目前有六人拿過兩次隊史首冠,最近一次是在1999年 Player Champions Arnie Risen 1951 ROC 1957 BOS爆
[花邊] 兩大浪人Ish Smith與Jeff Green生涯首冠Ish Smith and Jeff Green NBA Champions today is a beautiful day for journeymen. Ish Smith 為最多球隊打過例行賽 (13隊) Jeff Green為最多球隊打過季後賽 (8隊) 兩位NBA紀錄保持人今晚一起圓夢。爆
[花邊] Jimmy Butler婉拒穿熱火23號球衣You can't wear 23 here because MJ... literally Pat Riley retired it. Whenever I did come here, Pat told me that I could wear 23... But I said "No."爆
[情報] Doc Rivers生涯第10次輸掉Game 7Doc Rivers has lost the last five Game 7s he has coached in. Rivers now has a 6-10 record in Game 7s – his 10 losses are the most Game 7 losses of any coach in NBA history. Doc Rivers G7 五連敗,10次輸掉Game 7,史上最多。爆
[花邊] 字母哥終場前刷大三元And just like that Giannis gets the triple-double!! 字母哥在比賽結束前上籃失敗搶下進攻籃板,完成大三元。 1.0 Giannis Antetokounmpo misses layup 117 111 1.0 Giannis Antetokounmpo offensive rebound 117 111爆
[情報] Nikola Jokic本季僅有一場命中率未達50%The Joker is doing things we've never seen before Nikola Jokic has shot under 50% in just one game all season. That game was back on October 28th. Nikola Jokic本季目前為止只有在10/28對爵士的比賽中,命中率低於五成(3-10)。65
[情報] Nikola Jokic大三元跨季25連勝 史上最長The Nuggets have won 25 straight games when Nikola Jokic has a triple-double. That is the most consecutive team wins when player has a triple-double in NBA history, passing Magic Johnson and the Lakers from 1984-87. Jokic今天對獨行俠下拿下第21次大三元。本季他拿下大三元時球隊皆取得勝利,爆
[花邊] LeBron James生涯得分位置全紀錄動畫All The King’s Buckets. 心得: 恭喜LBJ --53
[情報] Nikola Jokic上半場完成大三元The Joker has a first-half triple double Jokic今天在第二節剩下33秒時就完成本季第19次大三元。 這是他生涯第二次在上半場完成大三元。 (since 1996-97)66
Re: [新聞] 挑戰30隊40分大滿貫 詹皇僅剩快艇未攻破昔日雷霆三少也都有機會挑戰30隊40分大滿貫 (咖哩需要先轉隊) Player Games OPP 缺 Kobe Bryant 122 29/30 LAL James Harden 101 29/30 HOU爆
[情報] Doncic單場60+21+10,EFF 74 歷史第二高Players with 60 points, 20 rebounds, and 10 assists in a game... Luka Doncic. Luka Doncic打出NBA史上第一次單場60+20+10。 (同時也是歷史第四位60分20籃板,歷史第二位60分10助攻)爆
[情報] Jokic單場40分27籃板10助攻Nikola Jokic is the first player to record 40+ PTS, 25+ REB, and 10+ AST in a game since Wilt Chamberlain in 1968. Jokic今日成績40分27籃板10助攻,成為張大帥之後第一位單場40+25+10的球員。 Date Player Team OPP MP FGM-A FTM-A REB AST PTS62
[情報] LBJ與Westbrook同場10助攻0失誤LeBron James & Russell Westbrook each had 11 assists and 0 turnovers tonight. They are the 2nd duo since turnovers became official in 1977-78 to each have 10 assists and 0 TO in the same game, joining D.J. Augustin & Boris Diaw of the 2011 Bobcats.爆
[情報] Haliburton最近三戰40助攻0失誤Since individual turnovers have been tracked (1977-78), Tyrese Haliburton is the first player with 40+ assists and zero turnovers over a three-game span. 溜馬的Tyrese Haliburton在最近三場比賽分別傳出15,11,14次助攻, 並且沒有發生任何失誤,成為NBA第一位在三場比賽內完成40助攻0失誤的球員。46
[情報] P.J. Tucker過去四場上場132分鐘0得分P.J. Tucker played 37 minutes tonight, scoring zero points. It was his 4th straight scoreless game, giving him the longest streak of games with at least 25 minutes played and zero points scored since minutes were officially tracked in 1951-52.90
[情報] Embiid單場59分11籃板8助攻7鍋,EFF 68The Process was in full effect in Philly tonight, as Joel Embiid dropped 59 points in a win over the Jazz. Embiid became the 1st player with 50 Pts, 10 Reb, 5 Ast and 5 Blk in a game since blocks became official in 1973-74.32
[情報] LBJ連續1100場例行賽得分10+LeBron James has now scored at least 10 points in 1,100 straight regular season games, extending what is already by far the longest streak in NBA history. LBJ將自己的連續得分10+場次紀錄推進至1100場。18
[Vtub] Varium一期生 狛犬うめ 19:00初配信新事務所Varium的一期生,狛犬うめ 將在今天晚上7點初配信15
Re: [外絮]舊聞-Vince Carter的隊友比歷史任何人都多在過去兩年很多球員來來去去,讓這個排名變化滿大的。 Ariza的隊友已經多達259人,如果下一季還有球隊願意收他,那肯定會打破VC的紀錄。 第10的Ish Smith生涯12年待過12支球隊,很有機會成為NBA第一個蒐集13隊球衣的球員。 Player Career Teams Teammates62
[情報] 勇士打出過去50年總決賽最長的一波流21-0 is the longest scoring run in a Finals game over the last 50 years. The previous high was 20-0 by the Warriors (Game 2 in 2019). h/t @EliasSports 勇士上半場打出一波21-0的攻勢,是NBA過去50年總決賽最長的一波流。66
[情報] 今日+/-: Desmond Bane +46, K湯 -45Desmond Bane has tied Lebron James (2017) and Jimmy Butler (2015) for the highest +/- in NBA playoff history in a single game at +46 Klay Thompson finishes Game 5 -45 plus/minus on the floor, tied for the worst52
[情報] Al Horford生涯第一次在季後賽得到30分Al Horford is the oldest Celtics player with a 30-point game in the playoffs since John Havlicek did it in Game 2 of the 1977 Eastern Conference Semifinals against the 76ers. Havlicek was 37.爆
[情報] Chris Paul 14投14中,打破季後賽紀錄Chris Paul is 14-for-14. Including both the regular season and playoffs, the only player with more makes without a miss in a game in NBA history is Wilt Chamberlain. @ESPNStatsInfo CP3今天14投全中,刷新季後賽紀錄,帶領太陽晉級第二輪。爆
[情報] Doc Rivers最近8次關門戰失敗7次Doc Rivers has now lost 7 of his last 8 opportunities to close out a series. His 31 such losses in those games are already the most by a coach in NBA history. 76人今天輸給暴龍,系列賽從3:0被追到3:2。爆
[情報] Chris Paul過去兩戰28助攻0失誤Chris Paul had 28 assists and ZERO turnovers over his last two playoff games for the Suns. Per @EliasSports, CP3's 28 dimes are the most over a two-game span without a single turnover since 1977-78.6
[閒聊] やすゆき推特(おぱんつ絵アップするのどうなんだ…ってちょっと悩んだけど、 るしあちゃんもわりと好きだったように思うしいつも通りでいいかと思って…!)爆
[情報] KI僅出手19次便拿下50分 歷史第三人Kyrie Irving is the 3rd player in NBA history to score 50 points on fewer than 20 FGA KI今天19投15中(含9顆三分球),攻下50分, 成為NBA第3位單場出手不到20次拿下50分的球員。93
[情報] 單場最高EFF (since 1977-78)推 centiyan : EFF 64太扯 有單場EFF紀錄排名嗎? *Playoffs (EFF since 1977-78) Date Player Team OPP FGM-A 3PM-A FTM-A RB AS ST BS TO PTS EFF 1990/03/28 Michael Jordan CHI CLE 23-37 2-6 21-23 18 6 4 1 2 69 80 W爆
[情報] 湖人本季已有20場比賽落後至少20分Tonight's loss to the Clippers marks the: - 20th time this season the Lakers have trailed by 20+ points - 14th time the Lakers have trailed by 25+ points - 7th time the Lakers have trailed by 30+ points71
[情報] Curry生涯例行賽助攻Klay次數達到1000次Stephen Curry今天傳出14次助攻,有4次是由Klay Thompson完成得分。 其中第三節7分44秒的三分球,是咖哩生涯在例行賽第1000次成功助攻K湯。 NBA上一個達成千次助攻的組合是 Conley助攻小Gasol。44
[花邊] Kevin Porter Jr.疑似投進壓哨烏龍球Kevin Porter Jr. really scored two points for the Raptors 今天暴龍火箭之戰讀秒階段,暴龍以139-120領先。剩下3.2秒火箭把球發到後場, KPJ在自家籃下隨手用力把球砸在地上,球反彈後在最後一刻掉進籃框。 (不過官方最終比數依舊是139-120,有人知道規則上這球怎麼判定嗎)爆
[情報] Curry生涯單節20分次數超越KobeSteph surpassed Kobe Bryant for the most 20-point quarters in NBA history “Man, that’s nice” Curry今天第四節攻下21分,生涯第37次單節20分,超越Kobe Bryant。 (since 1996-97)33
[情報] Joel Embiid連續17場得分全場最高Joel Embiid has now led all players in scoring in 17 straight games, tying Allen Iverson for the longest streak in 76ers history. H/T @EliasSports Embiid今天攻下42分,目前已經連續17場比賽(14勝3負)得到全場最高分數,爆
[情報] 灰熊完成隊史首次10連勝With their win against the Warriors Tuesday, the Grizzlies have won 10 consecutive games in a single season for the first time in franchise history. Only 3 teams remain that have never had a 10-game win streak in a single season:爆
[情報] Curry-Green-Thompson三人組勝率史上最高The winningest trio in NBA history is now reunited Curry,Green,Thompson三人生涯並肩作戰478場,勇士取得365勝113敗。 三人組的勝率高達0.764,為NBA歷史最佳。(例行賽,400場以上)49
[情報] CP3生涯第474次完成得分+助攻雙十Chris Paul has passed Oscar Robertson for the most games with 10+ PTS and 10+ AST in NBA history: CP3今天打出14+13+10的大三元,得分+助攻的雙十次數也超車大O來到歷史第三。 Player Games/DD2爆
[情報] CP3生涯第98次單場15助攻,追平笑笑湯Chris Paul finished with 15 assists Tuesday vs Pelicans. It was his 98th career game with at least 15 assists tying him with Isiah Thomas for 5th-most all-time. Paul has 3 straight games with 15 assists vs Pelicans, that is tied for42
[情報] Trae Young第40次30分10助攻 歷史第10多Trae Young, currently with 33 points and 11 assists, has notched his 40th career 30+ point, 10+ assist outing. Young has tied Chris Paul and Dwyane Wade for 10th most 30-or-more point, 10-or-more assist games in NBA history.16
Re: [情報] LeBron James生涯罰球超越大O 史上第四名推 IbmabRE : 想看罰球沒進的榜 罰球沒進2000次的有15人,LBJ目前排名歷史第6,魔獸第3 Player Games Made Miss FT% 鐵/G Wilt Chamberlain 1045 6057 5805 51.1% 5.56 Shaquille O'Neal 1207 5935 5317 52.7% 4.4114
[情報] Giddey單場得分籃板助攻皆為全場最高Josh Giddey is the youngest player in NBA history to lead all players in points, rebounds and assists in a game. The only other player to do it as a teenager is Luka Doncic (h/t @EliasSports)31
[情報] Curry連續158場例行賽投進三分球158 straight games with a splash Stephen Curry breaks his own record for consecutive games with a made three Curry連續158場例行賽投進三分球,打破自己在5年前留下的NBA紀錄。 Player Team Date Games 3P/G 3P%14
[情報] 老鷹全場僅發生兩次失誤 刷新隊史紀錄The Hawks committed a franchise-low two turnovers in tonight's win in Cleveland (Prev. 4, 2/25/99). Per @EliasSports, Atlanta's the fifth team in the NBA to record two-or-fewer turnovers in a single game since the 1970-71 season59
[情報] Steve Kerr: K湯歸隊會直接打先發Klay Thompson will be right back in the starting lineup when he makes his debut. 「Klay歸隊後將在先發名單之中。我不會先放他在替補打一段時間。」67
[情報] Josh Giddey全場0分完成雙十 史上第二人Tonight, Josh Giddey was scoreless and finished with a double-double of 10 rebounds, 10 assists. This is just the second time in NBA history a player has recorded a double-double with no points. (Norm Van Lier, 01/05/1971) &… Thunder PR confirms it!49
[情報] LBJ五大數據與三分球數都進入歷史前100LeBron James has just become the only player in NBA history ranking Top 100 in points, rebounds, assists, steals, blocks and three-pointers. That's all. LBJ在昨天對馬刺時送出2火鍋,生涯例行賽火鍋數來到1003個,39
[花邊] 馬刺再次贏下湖人球場的最後一戰Last basketball team to win at the Forum: San Antonio Spurs Last basketball team to win at the Staples Center: San Antonio Spurs Lakers in complete disarray, love to see it. 最後一個在論壇球場贏球的球隊: 馬刺 (1999年季後賽二輪G4)48
[花邊] Joe Johnson相隔20年 重返塞爾提克20 YEARS APART 2001 -> 2021 Iso Joe is BACK!! 40歲的Joe Johnson今天回到20年前NBA生涯的起點波士頓,上場2分鐘得到2分。57
[花邊] Kendrick Perkins: LBJ有考慮回去騎士嗎?I wonder if Lebron James would consider demanding a trade back to Cleveland?! I mean the Cavs do have nice squad! Don’t mind me tho and Carry on... 「我在想LBJ是否會考慮要求交易回騎士? 我的意思是騎士陣容真的很不錯!8
[情報] 鉛筆,Harris,咖哩今天投進或助攻全隊的FGJoel Embiid, Seth Curry and Tobias Harris scored or assisted on every basket for the 76ers Monday night against the Celtics (all 36). The only points they did not score or assist on were free throws. 76人今天對塞爾提克投進的36個FG全部都與Embiid,Curry,Harris三人相關69
[花邊] 歷史上的今天: Kobe打完三節得分領先對手#OTD in NBA history, Kobe Bryant dropped 62 points in just 3 quarters. 2005年12月20日,Kobe Bryant打完前三節得到62分後便未再上場, 此時對手獨行俠才得到61分,Kobe是NBA唯一打完前三節得分領先對手的球員。51
[情報] Chris Paul今日先發上場,改寫NBA紀錄You'd always want to start a Chris Paul on your team. The only other 2 players that come close to this are Patrick Ewing with 1118 games and Carmelo Anthony with 1054. CP3今天先發出戰他的第1119場例行賽,成為進入NBA後維持先發身份最久的球員。