PTT評價 bengowa 過去發表過的文章
Re: [情報] Gary Payton II左手拇指韌帶撕裂@anthonyVslater Steve Kerr on the Payton absence: “It opens up an opportunity for (Jonathan Kuminga) to be that defensive stopper, the guy we’ve relied on Gary to be.” Kerr談到GP2缺席時說:「這對苦命加是個很好的機會,成為頂尖防守球員,成為我們仰賴GP23
[問卦] 戶頭應該要有多少流動資金才OK?乳題啦 最近出國一趟玩 回來發現戶頭$$少了好多 有點小恐慌 QQ 好奇啦- @BricksCenter BEN SIMMONS DUNK 影片: 可以看到Zubac都幫卡掉兩個大個子
Re: [新聞] 家寧爆「在家一直被控制」!分手可悲內幕O4O 真的假的 5555 在家一直被控制 被控制到可以買一堆精品 可以開豪車 真的好委屈巴巴哦 QQ 不過我看很多拜金女爆
[情報] AD堅持本季回歸,儘管小獨內部有人阻止"[Anthony Davis] is steadfast in his determination to want to return this season, maybe as soon as next week despite the fact there are people within the Mavericks organization that have tried to talk him out of it." Tim MacMahon on AD's injury status.85
[情報] 字母哥被嘴綠守 FG:0-6@NBCSWarriors Draymond locked up the Greek Freak 今天嘴綠對位字母哥,把他守死91
[花邊] 西門:人們說我不愛籃球,就是瞎78講@ClutchPoints Ben Simmons on people speaking on his name, claiming he doesn't want to play or doesn't love basketball: "That's them making sh*t up. Like, imagine if I just said like, name whoever,爆
[情報] 今日金塊 Jokic跟Murray不打@ClutchPoints Nikola Jokic (elbow) and Jamal Murray (ankle) are OUT for the Nuggets’ matchup tonight with the Warriors, the team has announced. 今日金塊跟勇士戰,阿肥因手肘跟Murray(腳踝)傷勢不打。1
Re: [新聞] 北市比特犬又咬人!二度「自開車窗」攻擊啊 其實 狗狗真的不笨 尤其彼特犬的智商,在狗狗裡面算是top級的 有人把他們的智商跟薩摩耶齊名 尤其這種單純的因果處理關係,對他們來講很簡單 就好比=>讓狗狗坐下=>給狗糖果吃2
[問卦] 基本薪資都+幾千,幾百電費哀哀叫,怎反駁?乳題啦 剛剛老人同事在看新聞 就說 欸 漲電費 一個人多幾百塊而已 基本薪資過去10年都漲好幾千塊了爆
[花邊] KD對77說:你季後賽是得不到這種待遇的@espn KD to Luka: "You're not getting that in the playoffs, you know that." Luka later on the bench: "I've never been open so much in my life." These mic'd up moments38
[花邊] 嘴綠談KAT:打得很好,他有額外的動力Draymond Green: “It was good to see KAT show up and play like that. He played hard, played well. He was physical. Probably the most physical I’ve ever see n him. Had some extra motivation.” 嘴綠:「很高興看到KAT出現,而且像那樣打球。他打得很努力、打得很好。他身體素質56
[花邊] DLO:當我看灰狼,我心想「唷 他們需要我@ClutchPoints "When I watch [the Timberwolves], I'm like, 'You know who they need?' KAT! Then I'm like, 'Yo, they need me!'... They need what they got rid of." D'Angelo Russell on his former team (via @The_BackyardPod)64
[花邊] Curry被問5000有沒有機會:我還在享受這刻Allie LaForce: "Have you thought about 5000 yet?" Steph Curry: "I'm in the moment...2974 felt like an eternity ago." The all-time leader in 3-pointers made is not letting the moment pass (via@NBAonTNT)11
[問卦] 頻道取名叫蜜月期Popoo 到底啥意思乳題啦 就那個最近很紅的 家寧 我看他的新頻道叫甚麼 蜜月期 Popoo ??爆
[情報] Adams跟Plumlee打起來,雙雙被驅逐出場@ClutchPoints Steven Adams and Mason Plumlee wrestled each other to the ground They were both ejected from the game. 鴨蛋跟Plumlee在場上摔角。爆
[情報] Haliburton 再見四分打@ClutchPoints TYRESE HALIBURTON CLUTCH 4-PT PLAY OPPORTUNITY TO POTENTIALLY WIN THE GAME 溜馬vs公鹿 最後3.9秒溜馬落後三分,哈利投進追平三分75
[花邊] GP2被框蓋鍋後神奇補進,Podz+咖哩:笑死@NBA Steph and Podz couldn't help but laugh at this GPII circus finish Warriors leading in the 4Q on NBA League Pass. Curry跟Podz看到GP2這有趣的play後忍不住笑翻47
[情報] SGA成為雷霆隊史第二位連三場40+分球員@ClutchPoints Shai Gilgeous-Alexander becomes just the 2nd player in Thunder franchise history with three straight games scoring 40+ points. The other: Russell Westbrook (4 times).- @MrBuckBuckNBA Kevin Durant on Nikola Jokic's 30-20-20 game: "The whole offense is centered around him making a play. I'm actually kind of surprised he hasn't done this before. All-time great, man. All-time great" Thanks to the Redditor u/Calm_Set5522 for the clip.
[情報] Podz背部緊繃,進入每日觀察名單@anthonyVslater Steve Kerr said Brandin Podziemski’s back tightened up, leading to his early exit: “Doesn’t appear to be serious. Day-to-day.” Kerr說Podz因背部緊繃導致開場就離席,「看起來不會太嚴重,進入每日觀察名單。」3X
[花邊] 嘴綠:KAT因怕吉巴不出賽..事實:出席喪禮@ClutchPoints “Some would say he didn’t play because Jimmy was in the building… They said [Karl-Anthony Towns] ain’t play because [Butler] came into town." Draymond Green on why KAT didn't play against the Warriors.爆
[花邊] NC-珍妮巴斯:AD不開心Jeanie Buss says Anthony Davis wasn’t happy “We have lost the last three years in a row to the Denver Nuggets in the playoffs, and we really didn't have anything that was going to look different going into the playoffs again. Anthony Davis was complaining about where he73
[花邊] 吉巴談庫有引力:他在外線,衝禁區就對了@anthonyVslater Jimmy Butler with a detailed soundbite on utilizing Steph Curry’s gravity “When he’s on the perimeter, somebody, anybody, everybody has to go to the paint. That’s gonna be the most wide open thing.”25
[情報] Curry在麥迪遜花園廣場已經10連勝@ClutchPoints Steph Curry has won 10 straight games at MSG and is 12-1 all-time in New York His lone loss was in 2013 when he dropped 54 points on the Knicks. Curry已經在麥迪遜花園廣場取得10連勝,而他的生涯在紐約拿到12勝1敗爆
Re: [情報] KI傷退運動醫學醫生有根據影片推估狀況: @GameInjuryDoc Here is the Kyrie Irving Knee injury video… I don’t like the way his left knee buckles and hyperextends36
[花邊] LBJ談西門去快艇:Lue很擅長安排正確位置@ClutchPoints “I think he's still young with them. I don't think he's had enough games under his belt with them [yet]. It's always difficult to... We're going through it right now, too. A guy trying to change in the middle of the season35
Re: [花邊] 30歲以後最多次50分以上的球員補充一下30歲以後40分+的排行榜: @ClutchPoints Most 40+ point games by a player in NBA history after turning 30: 44 — Michael Jordan爆
[花邊] 吉巴談Curry表現:這不是可預料的嗎?@anthonyVslater Jimmy Butler full interview on Steph Curry’s 56-point night “It makes everyone want to be great on the defensive side, so we can get him the ball back and watch him do something incredible.” “In a weird way, isn’t it kind of expected by now?”爆
[情報] 吉巴談Kuminga:我的工作是讓他更輕鬆@anthonyVslater Jimmy Butler on Jonathan Kuminga: “Hella athletic. Can shoot it. Can score it in a multitude of ways. And can guard. I think he’s going to come back and do what he’s been doing. My job is to make it even easier on him. So爆
[花邊] NC-吉巴認為勇士是他待過最好的球隊@TheDunkCentral Jimmy Butler reportedly feels like the Warriors are the best organization he’ s ever been a part of, per @ShamsCharania23
[情報] 活塞自14-15球季後首度7連勝@ClutchPoints The Pistons are currently on a 7 game win streak! This is their first 7 game win streak since the 2014-15 season 活塞現在7連勝中!69
[花邊] AE對裁判說:垃圾,垃圾吹判@ClutchPoints "Trash. That's trash. That's a trash call." Anthony Edwards to the refs 「垃圾。那是垃圾。那是垃圾吹判。」27
Re: [問題] 伍祐城是不是和辰己涼介一樣失禮?哎 不對吧 西班牙明明來台灣以後有跟台鋼、味全兩隻職業隊打過熱身賽 最後結果對台鋼是大勝,對味全是4:4 和局 這比分一看就知道西班牙絕對不弱啊 怎麼還會有這種只用直球就可以解決的想法….73
[花邊] KD給斑馬的養傷建議:拼樂高、看點書@ClutchPoints “Go find some more Legos to put together, read some new books and then when it’s time to get back on the court…lock in.” Kevin Durant’s word of advice for the injury-laden Wemby8
[問卦] 驚!落魄的魄,音同「拓」!!4這樣啦 我最近無聊逛網路 結果發現有個國中生PO文 說 落魄 竟然念 ㄌㄨㄛˋ ㄊㄨㄛˋ !!67
[情報] AE:077場均30分10助8板,300磅都沒問題@TomerAzarly Anthony Edwards on rumors of Luka Doncic having weight problems prior to Lakers-Mavs trade: "He didn't look 270 to me. Man, he averages 30 points, 10 assists, and 851
[花邊] 哈利問鉛筆:要來溜馬嗎? 鉛筆:我寧可退休@ClutchPoints Tyrese Haliburton: “You gonna come to [The Pacers]?” Joel Embiid: “Never in my life, I’d rather retire.” Haliburton: “That’s not fair bruh.”爆
[花邊] KD大讚Curry:跟他一起打球很輕鬆@ClutchPoints "It's just so easy to play with Steph… He doesn't have a demanding personality, plays within the flow of the game, and those are the [types] of players are easy to play with."13
Re: [討論] 曹興誠聲明啊 這 曹公公= = 您知道您現在是罷免案領銜人嗎 大家選民要的就是一句是或不是而已 您這種回答根本就爆
[花邊] 嘴綠:被邀請退役後當勇士教頭,但我不要@ClutchPoints "I've already been offered the Golden State Warriors head coaching job when I'm done… I think I could be a good coach. I don't wanna be." — Draymond Green7
[問卦] 灌籃大賽McClung是獨孤求敗嗎?乳題啦 我看NBA灌籃大賽 那個McClung道具一堆 噱頭一堆 重點是他還真的沒失敗就灌成功 超扯71
[花邊] 嘴綠談吉巴:他來以後球隊的信念截然不同@BySamGordon <-沒有藍勾勾,但他是勇士的寫手 Draymond Green said Butler is a “franchise changer” for the Warriors. “He’s helping revitalize what we’ve got here. The belief amongst this team now that he’s arrived as opposed to what it was before he got here — it’s46
[花邊] Kerr談下場作客休士頓:NBA只在乎收視率@ClutchPoints “We’re gonna get into Houston at 3 o’clock because the NBA, in its infinite wisdom, makes us play an 8:45 game… they obviously don't care about rest or health, just ratings.”83
[情報] 老鷹同回合連續搶6進攻籃板,只入帳1分@BricksCenter The Hawks are not a serious basketball team 影片: --- @ClutchPoints Kevin Durant is 26 points away from becoming the 8th player in NBA history to reach 30,000 career points 今日賽前,KD只差26分就可以成為30000分俱樂部的第8名成員。
Re: [問卦] 廢死:死刑不能解決問題,怎麼反駁?哀 我的看法啦 廢死整天喊說死刑沒辦法解決問題 那請問廢死,當初可教化,後續又再犯的話,這問題怎麼解決? 我這邊提供一個思路給各位15
Re: [新聞] 快訊/不挖化糞池!高雄碎屍公寓「證據蒐不對吧 是自由翻車嗎? 我看一下版上的新聞 直接截圖如下11
Re: [問卦] 桃園是不是很鳥的縣市?你說的我都同意 但桃園有一個最重要的優勢,最適合安居樂業的優勢 就是 沒有明顯的活躍斷層,土壤也沒什麼液化的狀態 說白話點爆
[情報] AD將因內收肌受傷,無限期缺陣@ClutchPoints Anthony Davis (adductor) will be OUT for an indefinite period, per @TheSteinLie . AD將因內收肌受傷無限期缺陣5
Re: [問卦] 死後沒有小孩幫你處理財產 怎麼辦: 啊 這我略知12 我以前隔壁鄰居 是個單身女老師 先不管她個性怎樣,反正她就是一直獨身到過世 看她生前喔55
Re: [情報] 籃網買斷西門Season G eFG% FT% TRB AST STL TOV PF PTS 2022-23 42 0.566 0.439 6.3 6.1 1.3 2.3 3.3 6.9 2023-24 15 0.581 0.400 7.9 5.7 0.8 1.8 2.4 6.1 2024-25 33 0.547 0.692 5.2 6.9 0.8 2.7 2.5 6.2 上面這西門這三季的成績(本季截止到2/5,被買斷目前沒東家)爆
[花邊] Kerr談JB:我不太認識他,沒說過什麼話@anthonyVslater Steve Kerr on Jimmy Butler: “He’ll for sure play the non-Steph minutes, run our offense through him.” Kerr:「他很明確會在Curry不在場的時間,讓球隊透過他發起進攻。」77
[問卦] chatgpt: 9.11-9.9 = 0.21?乳題啦 我剛剛看到有人PO文說 如果你去問chatgpt一個簡單的減法問題 9.11-9.9=? 他會跟你說0.214
[問卦] 嘴綠跟吉巴 多久會打起來?乳題啦 剛剛看到震撼消息 Jimmy Butler 被交易到勇士 剛好跟嘴綠 Draymond Green同隊 這兩個45
[花邊] 姆斯談AD:這就是一門生意,我完全理解@ClutchPoints "It's been a whirlwind... It's been challenging for sure. I had six years with Anthony Davis. Won a championship with my guy... It's a business and I understand that. He's gonna do well down there in Dallas."爆
[問卦] 大S過世跟小鬼過世 哪個讓你比較震驚?乳題啦 大S確定過世 48歲 小鬼2020年過世 那時候36歲而已 兩個都還算年輕就過世了 也讓大家見識到螢光幕前風光的明星3
[問卦] 所以台女被列為馬路三寶的具體原因是?乳題啦 所謂事出必有因 台灣馬路三寶 女人 老人 老女人 台女如此赫赫有名 具體原因到底是為何啊83
[花邊] 老巴:簡單說,犢or湖要拿冠軍證明自己"I think [the Lakers & the Mavs] have to win a championship to say that they won the trade... Whoever wins the championship is gonna be the winner of this trade plain & simple." Charles Barkley on the Luka Doncic and Anthony Davis trade43
[花邊] Kerr:我叫雷霆教練把SGA按在板凳上一下@anthonyVslater Steve Kerr on Shai Gilgeous-Alexander’s 52 points: “I don’t know what to do with Shai. I asked Mark (Daigneault) to leave him on the bench for a couple more minutes. He didn’t comply.” Kerr談到SGA拿52分時說道:「我不知道要拿他怎麼辦。我要去雷霆教練Mark把他按在板凳上幾分鐘。但他沒甩我。」 -----