PTT評價 fknm 過去發表過的文章
[爆卦] 金融時報:中國假新聞一條龍「PTT → 台灣主流媒體」Analysts say a key pattern through which Chinese disinformation in Taiwan spreads is that fake news or skewed narratives generated by Chinese trolls or content farms are passed on through Taiwanese private groups on the messaging app Line or the online discussion board PTT . That is how they find their way1
[問卦] ptt的社會影響力,484硬著陸了?上ptt看刷滿滿的※共 現實沒看到有人用過這個詞兒 看ptt刷滿滿小菸騙神暖男 現實每個月民調衝更高 與真實社會脫節的ptt,影響力484硬著陸了?