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[請益] 嘉信在中文帳戶紀錄頁缺字試了好幾種瀏覽器,發現嘉信在中文帳戶紀錄頁面有些中文顯示不出來, 造成功能無法點擊,不知大家有無這種情況? 謝謝~ --4
[請益] 嘉信MDLQ一月的股息一直都沒收到有人持有MDLQ嗎? 嘉信MDLQ一月的股息一直都沒收到,有人知道確切原因嗎? 問了嘉信,只得到以下回覆 According to our Client Reporting Team, we are still waiting for the issuer to payout the interest.4
[請益] 嘉信的費用與佣金?前幾個月從第一證轉到了嘉信,但每次賣股票都會產生一點費用與佣金, 此費用很少,幾乎都是零點幾美金。問了嘉信,以下是嘉信的回答 There is no commission for US stocks or ETFs. However, there is US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) transaction fees at $22.10 per $1 million in securities sales. This fee has nothing to with Schwab. It goes to SEC.