PTT評價 kevin262 過去發表過的文章
[閒聊] 哪位選手轉隊最讓你意外都S14了 選手來來去去的很正常 但有沒有哪些選手轉隊最讓各位意外的 至少覺得應該都會待在同一隊 隊伍解散的例外 僅限沒去其他賽區打過的 先提幾個 Doublelift 從CLG 轉去TSM17
[問題] 垃圾車有收貓砂嗎?今天要丟貓砂時被清潔人員拒收 (我是丟一般垃圾) :之前都可以丟為什麼今天不能? :垃圾車是不收泥土、沙子類的 :這是貓砂耶 :規定就是規定,我們不能收12
[閒聊] GG私密答 EP12 Crisp劉青松上上集找小天 這集找了世界賽剛拿亞軍的Crisp 蠻健談的感覺 這潔潔老師是上一集的來賓 好像是心理諮詢師的樣子 --7
[閒聊] 乳摸: Quid 加入100TSources: Quid has reached a verbal agreement with 100 Thieves LCS. The Korean Midlaner from Gen.G has been one of the players who received the most interest this LCS off season. Geng二隊中路傳加入LCS 100T 本來以為msi 替補會帶他 結果帶了二隊打野 原來是去北美嗎36
[外絮] Envyy 離隊&Teddy 加入LSB[#LSB Official Announcement] Throughout all of his time at LSB, and especially so during this Spring Split, Envyy did his best to perform his given role. We are honored to have witnessed his journey here, and we thank Envyy as he leaves the team for his next journey.