PTT評價 princelin519 過去發表過的文章
[情報] Michael Brantley宣布退休NEWS: Michael Brantley, 5-time All-Star and one of the most respected players of his generation, has decided to retire. “It’s time for me to be home 24/7, watch my kids grow up, and not miss importa nt milestones,” Brantley told me. Story coming at
[請益] 白機4060跟3060Ti選擇大家好,小弟組白機,剛好有買顯卡需求,日常簡單使用,偶爾網遊,需求不大 目前有兩個選項 --- (1)某東618 3060Ti vision 12K左右 台灣全沒貨,只能從對面買,保固麻煩但自從4060Ti出了之後好像香香的,上代產品76
[問卦] 在NET買到全部左腳的襪子機率有多低?大家好 我最近有感NET佛心企業,買了3雙129的襪子 幹我都拆完了才發現 全部都L是三小? 附個購買證明