PTT評價 sezna 過去發表過的文章
[情報] 獨行俠超越76人 登頂傷病薪資第一名The Dallas Mavericks have $129 million worth of salaries sidelined due to injury. No. 1 in the NBA. 達拉斯獨行俠隊有加起來薪資1.29 億美元的球員因傷缺席。16
[情報] 快艇Powell復出首戰因腿筋酸痛退場Norman Powell is OUT for the rest of Lakers-Clippers with right hamstring soreness. Norman Powell因右腿筋酸痛退場,提前退出比賽。 --2
[母雞卡] 請問在邦邦裡面吉他是特級咒物嗎?根據第八話的劇情,睦寶腦裏有無數人格 本來主要是MO寶在負責對人應退,結果拿到咒物吉他後,睦寶人格直接打爆其他人格。 MO寶被壓制到雞團把睦寶壓力崩了才能重見天日。 這把吉他的咒力應該有特級咒物等級吧? --爆
[情報] 太陽宣布Bradley Beal因左腳姆指扭傷不打Bradley Beal -OUT- Left Great Toe Sprain Bradley Beal因為左腳大拇指扭傷缺陣- The Warriors on Instagram posted 12 players boarding their team plane. Not among them: Andrew Wiggins, Kevon Looney, Buddy Hield and Lindy Waters III 勇士隊在 Instagram 上發布了 12 名球員登上球隊飛機的照片。其中不包括: Andrew Wiggins, Kevon Looney, Buddy Hield and Lindy Waters III
[母雞] 第五話的持續崩壞這話開頭,突然提醒觀眾,我們是商業樂團。 巡演中斷可是有違約金的喔。 蛤? 喵夢在那邊炸團,老娘說退就退! 可從來沒考慮過違約金呢。 編劇不斷的把她們當學生樂團在寫,這時又心爆
[情報] 雷霆Dort因為重擊Gafford的老二被趕出場Lu Dort was ejected from the Thunder-Mavs game after hitting Daniel Gafford in the groin area. Was the ejection warranted? Lu Dort在雷霆隊與獨行俠隊的比賽中擊中Daniel Gafford的腹股溝區域後被驅逐出場。54
[情報] 76人表示Embiid和PG,Lowry缺席明天比賽Sixers say Joel Embiid (left knee injury management), Caleb Martin (low back soreness), Kyle Lowry (right hip strain), did not participate in today’s practice. Paul George (left knee bone bruise) partially participated in practice.- NBA76人對陣灰熊的比賽中。 第三節時,Paul George爭搶籃板落地時再次拉傷左腿,隨後被換下場。 --
[情報] 賽後開會講了什麼? Embiid:我不知道今天NBA 76人客場對陣熱火的比賽已經結束。全場戰罷,76人以89-106不敵熱火。 本場比賽,76人球員Joel Embiid出戰31分鐘,11中5得到11分8籃板5助攻。 賽後,據總教練Nick Nurse表示,球隊開了個會議。隨後Embiid接受採訪時,記者問爆
[閒聊] LCK乳摸,DK想跟DRX搶BeryL韓網小道稱DRX和DK在爭BeryL選手,具體內容翻譯如下: ——第一個小道: 1、DK本來沒有給BeryL offer,一直到昨天為止,DRX. BeryL基本就是板上釘釘的事情; 2、今天DK開始截人;爆
[閒聊] LCK上路乳摸,Kiin爭奪戰-GEN和HLE正在爭奪Kiin選手,進行著滅亡戰。 贏的隊伍得到Kiin,輸的隊伍上單是Morgan or DnDn or 2隊上單 (因為DK確定升二隊上單了,所以市面上也沒有有潛力的二隊上單了)。 -KT Doran:選手本人消息(Doran昨日開播,韓網都覺得他透露出的資訊是去KT了)14
[閒聊] 牙膏在BLG輸掉後忍不住嘴角笑意這次總冠特別請牙膏當來賓解說 應該是故意要搞他一下吸流量,沒想到翻車了 可以看牙膏結語時嘴角忍不住上揚 彈幕:牙膏想笑就笑吧44
[閒聊] Deft跟Canyon的關係是非常好嗎?Deft在直播說Canyon回韓國就跟他約去吃 海底撈,還發現T1套餐。 是不是北極熊跟Deft超馬吉才會一回來就約吃 飯啊?14
[閒聊] FGO公開新活動特攻角,糖果藤蔓可望實裝?借用風向網的推文 特攻角色有全員Sakura Five 明明活動要求只到2-4,卻特別講有2-6的捏他48
[情報] 自殺小隊遊戲將追加新角色死射女兒看起來似乎仍往同一個方向前進 沒有任何退縮的樣子。 目前線上剩下約200人在遊玩。66
[閒聊] 索尼調高地平線一代完整版原價有眼尖的玩家發現 索尼將PS4版地平線一代完整版 在PS store的售價調漲至1190元 之前是590元爆
[閒聊] UBI發布公告取消TGS線上直播因為各種原因將取消在TGS時的線上發表直播 --19
[閒聊] FGO妖尼姑殺生院又又又強化這次得到全充20NP 善屬性特攻 OC+1大禮包 CCC的親女兒其實是殺生院吧 --16
Re: [閒聊] 綱島志朗:鋼彈創壞者4超好玩當成人狼機來玩的綱島老師 鋼普拉真的是萬能的 --23
[閒聊] 活俠傳 江陵之戰 夏侯蘭與欺師滅祖剛玩到這段很有趣 我是走留學=>拜夏侯蘭為師=>心上人已變為夏侯蘭 在江陵之戰時不起床打拳選爆睡 會看到夏侯蘭來找趙活 會有兩個選項1
Re: [討論] 咒術261 一圖流這些弟子們早就串通起來, 等老師去送死後就廢物利用。 你們全都不看好老師吧。 --89
[閒聊] Steam為不支援PSN地區的對馬戰鬼預購退款Steam is now refunding Ghost of Tsushima for people in affected countries. 您好, 您將會收到《對馬戰鬼:導演版》的預購退款。發行商決定這款遊戲的部分內容需66
[情報] 獨行俠Kleber右肩鎖關節脫臼,三週後評估The Mavericks say Maxi Kleber will be re-evaluated in three weeks after an MRI revealed a right shoulder AC joint separation sustained in the second quarter of Game 6 Friday night against the LA Clippers. 獨行俠官方今日宣佈,MRI檢查結果顯示球員Maxi Kleber遭遇右肩鎖關節脫臼94
[情報] 老席被問:"是否有把Josh Hart換下的想法"Tom Thibodeau was asked if Josh Hart was close to being subbed out tonight: "Josh is never close to coming out. It was a passing thought. I let it pass." Tom Thibodeau被記者詢問是否想過換Josh Hart下場休息 "Josh從沒接近被換下過。換他下場的念頭嘛...我想了一下就拒絕了。78
[情報] 太陽老闆:Booker是球隊的門面,未來也會是Ishbia: "Devin Booker's the face of the franchise and he's going to be for the next 10-plus years until he retires." 太陽老闆Ishbia:“Devin Booker就是球隊的門面,在這裡再打十幾年都一直會是,直到 他退休為止。”爆
[情報] Kawhi Leonard確定不打G5Kawhi Leonard, meanwhile, is officially out for Game 5, says Clippers coach Tyronn Lue. 快艇總教練Lue正式宣布Kawhi LeonardG5不會出戰。 --- "Sources tell me the Suns will consider a coaching change...I'm told Kevin Durant had real issues with the offense, the way it was ran, him feeling like he was regulated to being in the corner." “消息人士說,太陽會考慮更換教練。有人告訴我,Kevin Durant覺得進攻戰術
[情報] 鉛筆:不給暫停,也不吹犯規,無法接受!!Joel Embiid says the refereeing at the end of the game was "f--king unacceptable" “Everybody on the floor was trying to call a timeout… But you know, forget about a timeout. There’s a bunch of fouls. Like I said, that’s f*cking68
[情報] WOJ:一切跡象都表示可愛G1不上場Woj: "All indications right now are that Kawhi Leonard will be out for Game 1." 現在所有跡象都指向Kawhi Leonard將缺席G1 --20
[閒聊] 咒術迴戰 257 芥見是多不喜歡虎杖257正式交代了虎杖的血統來源和潛力不下於大爺 但只用個兩頁,用大爺的回想加文字敷衍的帶過 明明是一開始就埋下,中間也不斷給你一些線索,理論上在揭曉時應該可以成為一個大爆點 我個人覺得認真的交代,至少也要轉場開個一回描述一下腦花虎爸當時的交流和心理狀態 最後甚至可以來個特寫,虎杖才是最完美的咒胎之類的37
[情報] 獨行俠Doncic因腿筋痠痛將缺席對雷霆比賽Luka Doncic(left hamstring soreness) did not travel with the Mavericks to Oklahoma City and will not play tonight, league sources tell @TheSteinLine. Luka Doncic左腿腿筋痠痛,沒有隨隊前往OKC客場,將缺席與雷霆的比賽。 --54
[情報] Luka Doncic談腳踝受傷:"聽到啪的一聲"Luka Doncic on the ankle injury that sent him to the locker room in the first quarter: “It’s okay, just heard a pop … it’s pretty strong now. If I did this last year, it was going to be way worse.” “We’ll see tomorrow.”87
[情報] NBA總裁Adam Silver將續約,至少到2030年BREAKING: NBA commissioner Adam Silver is finalizing a contract extension that ’s expected to take him through the end of the decade, sources tell ESPN. NBA總裁Adam Silver將簽下續約,這將讓他擔任總裁直到2030年後 --90
[情報] 籃網教練Vaughn:Simmons會繼續缺陣一周Jacque Vaughn says Ben Simmons will not play this week. Declined to say whether that means he could return next week, but says he continues to make progress. Simmons has been out since Nov. 6. 籃網教練Jacque Vaughn表示西門本周不會上場。30
[情報] Joel Embiid復刻張伯倫的那張名照Joel Embiid recreated Wilt Chamberlain's iconic photo 鉛筆特地拿寫著70分的紙張拍照 致敬張大帥的傳世名照28
[閒聊] 卡普空的新DRM又來了 這次破壞的是MHR卡普空繼更新新DRM搞壞 Bio:Revelations,然後不得不回朔之後 這次將魔手伸向了Monster Hunter Rising MHR本來就在使用Denuvo DRM,卡普空就給他換了個跟Revelations一樣的新DRM (Enigma Protector DRM)66
Re: [外絮] 瓜哥:金塊把15號給小丑想抹去我做的一切可能很多人都不知道當年甜瓜鬧離隊遠走紐約後,金塊球團多不喜歡甜瓜 這是2020年金塊官推發的一篇推 誰是你最愛的金塊球員爆
[情報] PG:Embiid是我們這代的大歐,沒人能防他"You can't stop [Joel Embiid]. He's too big, he's agile. He can shoot, he can step out from the three-point line... He's our generation and our version of Shaq." Paul George on how unstoppable Embiid is22
[閒聊] OpenAI抓馬 退隊流小說完結We have reached an agreement in principle for Sam Altman to return to OpenAI as CEO with a new initial board of Bret Taylor (Chair), Larry Summers, and Adam D'Angelo. We are collaborating to figure out the details. Thank you so much for your35
[情報] 快艇簽下與溜馬達成買斷的Daniel TheisThe LA Clippers have officially signed Daniel Theis and he will be available tonight, per source. Theis expected to be backup center with Mason Plumlee out. 洛杉磯快艇隊已經正式簽下了Daniel Theis。爆
[情報] Green最近十次被趕,Curry休戰時佔七次7 of the last 10 times Draymond was ejected, Steph Curry did not play in the game ESPN在ins上貼圖,展示了一組關於Draymond Green的數據。爆
[情報] Jokic回答喜歡Doncic比賽的哪些方面I asked Jokic what he enjoys about Luka’s game. “That I can beat him and make fun of him.” (They’re good friends.) 我問Jokic最喜歡Luka比賽的哪些方面?53
[花邊] MLB遊騎兵聽牌 Doncic保證他不會進場帶賽Luka Doncic在自己推特上鼓勵遊騎兵隊 1 more !!! @Rangers don’t worry @swish41 and me not coming to the game 再一場!!! @遊騎兵別擔心 @司機跟我不會進場看球 司機與Doncic在G2時進場看比賽,但該場比賽遊騎兵以1:9被響尾蛇打爆,其實美聯冠軍90
[情報] 記者問KD對自己是Wembanyama偶像的看法Reporter: “KD, you’re Victor Wembanyama’s favorite player. What do you make of that?” Kevin Durant: “It mean, I’m old.” 記者:KD,你是Victor Wembanyama最喜歡的球員。你對此有何看法?18
[情報] 溜馬教練Carlisle同意與球隊續約多年ESPN Sources: Indiana Pacers coach Rick Carlisle has agreed on a multi-year contract extension. Carlisle — who’s nearing his 900th NBA victory — returned to the Pacers as head coach in 2021 and now will continue to lead franchise’s rebuild on a new deal.82
[情報] ESPN聘請Rivers和Iguodala擔任NBA分析師mlb-opt-out-2025-austin-rivers-iguodala/ ESPN has hired former NBA players Austin Rivers and Andre Iguodala as NBA analysts, it was announced Monday. Rivers will work at least one game with his father, new ESPN lead NBA analyst Doc Rivers.45
[情報] Embiid:我從不喜歡只成為一名單打球員“I think I’ve always wanted to play that way,” Joel Embiid said of sharing the ball in Nick Nurse's system. “I never liked just being an iso player. I don’t think that’s the right way to play, and I don’t think that’s the right way to win. So I like the system ..."44
[閒聊] 咒術裡鹿紫雲一的實力到底有什麼好藏的238雷 鹿紫雲自稱只能用一次的術式=幻獣琥珀= 雖然芥見以芥見物理誤導讀者,好像類似元素化狀態 但實際表現出來的效果是: 1.嘴砲49
[情報] Oubre:我之前在一個沒有希望的球隊打球Kelly Oubre says he’s glad he can finally play for a winning team after having played for a team with ‘no hope.’ “This team wins every year. Right? The fan base wants them to win more, but I come from teams where they have no hope. Like zero hope within the whole14
[閒聊] 超昂大戰 蘭斯合作第四彈來了要靠抽的高人氣公主兼奴隸 免費送的公主 又要狂賺了,祖產真棒24
[情報] UNIQLO 9 月動漫聯名《咒術迴戰》第二季UNIQLO 9 月動漫聯名《咒術迴戰》第二季與《進擊的巨人》UT 陸續在台上架 一開播就引起大量討論熱潮的《咒術迴戰》,第二季進一步描寫咒術高專「最強組合」五 條悟和夏油傑的學生時代故事,以及銜接第一季劇情時間軸的全新章節「澀谷事變」篇。 本次《咒術迴戰》UT別出心裁,在穿搭視覺呈現上,以東京澀谷為靈感呈現出濃厚街頭感5
[閒聊] 所以五條是不是不會極之番這個在芥見口嗨設定中,好像是 一種類似術式大絕的必殺技。 五條自稱是最強(笑),但他跟真正咒術最強大爺的戰鬥中, 直到他變成2.5條,他也沒使用過極之番。 竟然還有臉說自己有愧於大爺,爆
[閒聊] 人中之龍8 曝桐生一馬罹癌シリーズ初の海外ステージとなるハワイ・ホノルルが舞台になることが明らかとなった 。 ハワイを訪れた春日が何者かに陥れられ、全裸でビーチに放り出されるという展開で 、初めて公開されたPVビーチのシーンへとつながる。89
[情報] 麥當勞點數商城搬家 麥脆雞只要20元+5點之前有新聞搬到line後會有20元加5點換一塊麥脆雞,沒想到不是打錯而是真的 剛換了,有效期限一個月 大家想換可以下手了 大麥克/勁辣雞腿堡 50點爆
[情報] 前NBA球員 CBA球星易建聯在微博宣布退休微博 大家好! 我是易建聯。 時間飛逝,眨眼間,籃球已經陪我走過了21年。 經過慎重的考慮,今天,我決定正式告別我的籃球職業生涯。爆
[情報] Kyle Anderson於今日正式獲得中國國籍中國籃協官方微博 中國籃協官宣李凱爾已於今天 上午獲得中國國籍。 中國籃協在微博寫道:「歡迎李凱爾!在各方的推動和支援下,李凱爾已於今天上午獲得中爆
[情報] 小李經紀人:我確實給各隊打了電話,這News: Regarding report about message to non Heat teams, Lillard's agent, Aaron G oodwin, tells me: "I do what I should for my client. Some teams I did call. Othe r teams have called me. It's a respectful relationship with most teams. Truthful ly, he wants to play in Miami. Period."41
[情報] THT執行他的11M PO留在爵士隊Talen Horton-Tucker is opting into his $11 million deal with the Utah Jazz for next season, agent Rich Paul says Rich Paul說THT會執行他的11M PO,下季繼續待在爵士隊 --25
[情報] 太陽隊正在挖角南灣湖人教練Miles SimonPhoenix Suns are adding South Bay Lakers head coach Miles Simon and John Lucas III to the coaching staff of Frank Vogel, league sources tell @NBAonTNT@BleacherReport 菲尼克斯太陽隊正在挖角南灣湖人隊總教練Miles Simon和John Lucas III