PTT評價 surfingbboy 過去發表過的文章
[花邊] Mazzulla稱讚JB對77的頂級單防Joe Mazzulla praised Jaylen Brown for the “mental, emotional and physical tou ghness” he played with vs. Luka Doncic on defense. Called it “high level.” Joe Mazzulla稱讚Jaylen Brown在防守 Doncic 時展現出的“心理、情感和身體上的堅韌43
[花邊] Evan Mobley可能幫灰熊省下一億美元Nobody noticed, but the Memphis Grizzlies may have just saved over $100,000,00 0 thanks to ONE game and ONE player: Evan Mobley. On Sunday, the top 2 DPOY candidates after the Wemby injury did battle in Clev eland. Going into that game, Jaren Jackson Jr. was the odds-favorite for winni爆
[外絮] PG: 球隊毫無競爭力和冠軍隊的習慣PHILADELPHIA -- The Philadelphia 76ers had a chance to inch a bit closer in th e play-in tournament as they played host to the Chicago Bulls on Monday night. They entered the contest on a 7-game losing skid, yet only 1.5 games back of the Bulls for the final play-in spot in the East so this was a golden opportun85
[花邊] PJW : Kyrie Irving是小犢的真正領袖P.J. Washington on Kyrie Irving’s leadership: “Kai is the true leader for this team. Vocally. Obviously it shows on the cou rt, but in the locker room he’s encouraging guys, he’s encouraging guys to t ake the right shot. He’s talking out defense. He’s talking out offense. Anyt爆
[花邊] 阿肥: 在我的國家你表現不好就該被降薪Nikola Jokic on what Nuggets need to see next few games: “A reaction. In my c ountry, where I’m coming from, after this kind of stretch you’re gonna get a paycheck that is a little bit less than you are worth. So maybe that’s what we need to do. Maybe a little motivation that way”59
[花邊] 1/4賽季球員高階數據排行EPM/LEBRONLEBRON攻防影響力綜合排名 1. Shai Gilgeous-Alexander: 5.43(攻4.86/守0.57) 2. Jayson Tatum: 5.29(攻4.11/守1.18)24
[花邊] 騎士談領先時犯規:不想讓Pritchard投球Kenny Atkinson Postgame After Win vs Boston: “I’ve changed. I didn’t used to be a foul guy—- The more evidence we’re g etting from NBA data and our people….. the question is what time on the shot clock do you start fouling and 10 seconds is kind’ve our thing. I was like sc爆
[花邊] 賽季至今高階數據排名(基於LEBRON)(數據截止至11/20/2024) 以下是基於LEBRON進階數據的排名 LEBRON 1. Jayson Tatum: 5.73(攻4.82/守0.91)76
[花邊] 開季至今 攻守影響力vs 薪水 榜單Impact vs Salary -100 minute min BBall index 整理開季至今,攻守影響力 (基於O-LEBRON/D-LEBRON) 相對於薪水的榜單33
[花邊] 美媒: Jeff Bezos可能買賽爾提克?亞馬遜大老闆Jeff Bezos 今天成為頭條新聞,因為他拋售了價值 50 億美元的亞麻股票 。據報道, Bezos 對購買一支 NBA 球隊感興趣已經有一段時間了,而賽爾提克市值46億 。爆
[花邊] Tyrese Maxey: 天空才是我們的極限談到76人巨星PG,Maxey說:「 PG的天賦和技術可以在任何體系中隨插即用。6'9 身材高 大,能投籃,能搶籃板,能傳球,有球無球都能打。在聯盟最佳球員鉛筆身邊,你得學 會打無球,PG 就可以,他還可以帶二陣。」 「天空,才是我們的極限。」38
[花邊] 熱火隊記: 熱火相信他們實力足夠爭冠了The Miami Heat believe that their team is good enough to contend at full stren gth, per @flasportsbuzz “But an NBA official who has spoken to the Heat said Miami continues to say t爆
[花邊] PG在溜馬雷霆快艇都曾表示自己不會離開在溜馬發出交易請求前一個月: 我的目標是給溜馬一個冠軍,我從未想過離開這裡。 在雷霆談續約時: 我會留下,我們會把冠軍帶回來。 在快艇談想在哪退休: 我的心就在這,我想以快艇人身分退休.47
[花邊] 馬刺Castle解釋為何Tatum是他最愛的球員Spurs rookie Stephon Castle explains why Jayson Tatum is his favorite player “他在球場上能做很多不同的事,你可以把他放在任何位置,可以擺在1號,也可以打4號 ,可以投進球可以當playmaker,看看Finals...我忘了多少...總之他傳出很多助攻,他變 得越來越好,越來越全方位的比賽內容,我球風也是如此,他是我的學習目標”38
[花邊] Joe Mazzulla談總冠: 奪冠,就是要回主場Camai Mazzulla said Joe called his shot in the Finals Camai Mazzulla : “整個賽季的大部分時間裡,他都在說 ’我們會贏,而且我們會在主 場贏’"77
[花邊] Marcus Smart: 為雙J和賽爾提克感到驕傲Marcus Smart 談賽爾提克奪冠: 向JB, JT 和賽爾提克致敬,向冠軍祝賀。這是他們應得的,他們披荊斬棘沒有跳過任何 步驟。91
[花邊] 超過一百萬人參加波士頓冠軍遊行Celtics fans, you TURNED OUT to say thank you to our champions. Boston city o fficials say 'well over a million' people cheered on the team during Friday's rolling rally duck boat parade. 波士頓市官員表示,在今日遊行中有「超過一百萬人」參與冠軍遊行。58
[花邊] Bob Cousy我生命已進入倒數只願塞提拿冠n-nba-finals-before-he-dies-1-foot-in-the-grave "I'm 95 years old with one foot in the grave and I can barely move," Cousy tol d Dan Shaughnessy of the Boston Globe. "I know I'm in overtime. So everything爆
[花邊] PJW: 賽提比我們對陣過的西區球隊都要強談到塞爾提克和獨行俠在西部擊敗的球隊有何不同,PJW說:「他們就是更強。說到底, 他們比我們對過的球隊都要強。這是NBA總決賽,我們就是必須要打得更好。 被問到到什麼讓他們更強,PJW說: 全部,他們的戰績說明他們是最強的球隊,他們有2名40
[花邊] 假日 季後賽油漆區命中率近8成Something I’ve been tracking since April: Jrue Holiday is now 29-of-37 at the rim during the playoffs. That’s 78.4% 記者: "自從四月以來我一直在追蹤的事情 Jrue Holiday 目前在季後賽籃下 37 投 29 中,那可是78.4%"97
[花邊] KP: 總決賽見X in his native Latvian: “Thank you to everyone who supports and sympathizes throughout the season. I’ll be back in line soon. See you in the finals and t hen in the arena with your own.” 感謝整個賽季所有支持和體諒我的人。爆
[情報] Lively 頸部扭傷 此戰不回歸消息來源: 內容: Dereck Lively II (neck sprain) will not return to tonight's game against the M innesota Timberwolves.30
[寶寶] 3歲反覆發燒求助3歲寶寶,其實整個三月都在感冒,但是上週日晚上洗完澡開始發燒38度,接著一路燒到 今天快3天了,只要狀況不對我們就是給退燒藥,有吃會降下來並且活動力恢復,但藥效 過就開始病懨懨眼神迷離,有睡前給過塞劑很強效,基本上就是這個燒退燒退循環,水喝 非常多。 比較恐怖的是燒的一次比一次高,第一天開始還能卡在38度,後面基本上都是39-40度游36
[花邊] 雷霆面對公鹿六連敗6 straight wins vs OKC. 公鹿對雷霆六連勝87
[花邊] 熱火對聯盟Top 7球隊勝率為 1成3Heat against the Top-7 NBA teams: 本季熱火對聯盟Top 7球隊為: 0-3 vs BOS37
[花邊] 近三季 季賽vs季後賽 關鍵時刻投籃效率榜Clutch shot efficiency 關鍵投籃效率(近3季例行賽 vs季後賽) Players' effective field golf percentage in clutch situations, last five minut es, game within five.爆
[花邊] KI: 齋戒月要來了And so it begins. Thank you GOD KI表示:要開始了,感謝GOD! 心得: 是說水不能喝也太痛苦28
[情報] 本賽季至今EPM排名資料來源: *號為出賽數接近危險 整體Estimated Plus-Minus(EPM)前15名 1.Joel Embiid:10.4(攻7.0/守3.4) *34場 2.Shai Gilgeous-Alexander:9.5(攻6.9/守2.6)32
[花邊] 老基談輸球:差距其實沒比分顯示那麼大Jason Kidd on the Mavs' loss against the Celtics: "It wasn't the game that we wanted, but we learned a lot about ourselves and some things to correct, but i t's going in the right direction now, a little closer than you'd think from th e scores..."40
[專欄] 哪個教練是本季的ATO大師Key Highlights: 可以只看重點: -Since teams only really run set plays after timeouts, the best way to evaluat e a coach’s play-calling acumen is to analyze how their team performs in afte90
[情報] 攻守最具影響力的中鋒Here's a look at which centers have been the most impactful this season ^More offensive impact >More defensive impact 以下是本季最具影響力的中鋒爆
[花邊] 攻守最具影響力的前鋒Here's a look at which forwards have been the most impactful this season ^More offensive impact >More defensive impact 以下是本季最具影響力的前鋒51
[花邊] 最新進階數據DPM前20名原理可以看上面說明 簡單說,DPM透過機器學習去評估球員當前的比賽影響力,賽季中每日更新,系統每天都 會從NBA官網、BR跟PBPStats抓資料,為公開數據中推導球員表現的精準指標。爆
[花邊] 明星球員們希望打全明星賽有額外報酬As one source shared, the players privately expressed a desire to get paid for All-Star game competition, a la the In-Season Tournament. Behind the pay-for-76
[情報] Nikola Jokic評選現役歐洲先發5人名單消息來源:(網址或出處) w%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1759285871856017534%7Ctwgr%5E5fcc08846a1ff8 1edfbb63f8075c915e244b489c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_& m%2Fnuggets-news-nikola-jokic-picks-out-european-nba-all-star-team-headlined-b13
[花邊] 斑馬談AE只用左手投籃:玩的開心就好acHQK6xnqsQ "You wanna have fun. Fun is winning." Victor Wembanyama on Anthony Edwards shooting left-handed during the Skills Ch allenge爆
[花邊] 聘請老河前 公鹿曾諮詢過塞爾提克老闆完整影片12:00開始: Celtics co-owner Wyc Grousbeck revealed on the @TheGregHillShow today that the Bucks called him as a reference for Doc Rivers before his hiring. "I made a t ruthful statement, of course. I said we would not have won it in 2008 without49
[情報] 大橋談21年總決賽失利:我們小看了公鹿消息來源:(網址或出處) 完整影片請看 內容:35
[情報] 本季至今真實命中率排名消息來源:(網址或出處) 內容: True Shooting% Leaders 本賽季至今真實命中率排名(至少出手500次)43
[情報] 如果今夏能得到LBJ KD PG,勇士會行動消息來源:(網址或出處) _96MXchlEdYxA 內容: If LeBron James has wandering eyes in the summer, or if Kevin Durant does or i46
[情報] Kyle Kuzma談拒絕小犢:時機不對消息來源:(網址或出處) rade/?source=user_shared_article 內容:爆
[花邊] 阿爹邊切入邊持續攻擊KP下體Kristaps Porzingis was called for a foul on this and-one by Bam Adebayo Thoughts on the call? 內有影片 阿爹在一次切入中,直接伸手對KP下體用力往上提,KP人都飛起來了還被吹防守犯規,阿45
[情報] 本季面對勝率5成以上/以下球隊戰績排名消息來源: f0acHQK6xnqsQ 內容: Best Record Against Teams Below .5004X
[情報] 溜馬綠賽裁判報告(連續誤判)消息來源: 內容: 擷取重點 The NBA’s L2M report for Celtics/Pacers: Reversal of the foul called on Buddy Hield vs. Jaylen Brown was correct21
[情報] 綠賽為86賽季後唯一主場10連勝場均120分消息來源: 內容: The @celtics have started 10-0 at home while averaging at least 120.0 points p er game. The last team to do this was the 1985-86 Rockets. Boston also did this in 1984-85, becoming the only NBA franchise with multiple