[情報] iPhone 13原型機模型流出

看板iOS標題[情報] iPhone 13原型機模型流出作者
(Kyle Korver)
時間推噓 X 推:9 噓:13 →:11


iPhone 13 Prototype Mockup Depicts Notch-Free Design and USB-C Port
iPhone 13原型機模型流出,沒有瀏海,改用USB-C

Japanese site Mac Otakara today shared a rough 3D printed mockup of a
5.5-inch Phonesaid to be coming in 2021, which is from "Alibaba
sources." The model may be built on leaked specifications and rumors, but
where the info comes from is unclear.

2021 iPhone 5.5吋的模型被分享了

It's a successor to the smaller 5.4-inch Phonethat's expected in 2020,
so likely one of the lower-end devices in the 2021 lineup, if accurate. It's
the same size as the rumored 5.4-inch Phone but design changes provide
more available display space.

這個是2020 5.4吋iPhone 12的繼任機,機身大小跟5.4吋iphone 12一樣

The Phonefeatures no notch for the TrueDepth camera, and the FaceTime
camera is located in the front center. Mac Otakara suggests the Phone
could use Samsung's Under Panel Sensor technology, which would allow cameras
to be positioned under a display. The site also speculates about a possible
bottom-of-screen camera, a rumor we haven't heard before and which seems


Along with no notch, the mockup features ultra thin bezels, and while the
camera module is not fleshed out, there are dots that suggest open space for
testing different camera modules. Late last month, leaker Fudge (@choco_bit)
said that the higher-end Phonemodels coming in 2021 will feature four
camera setups with LiDAR technology, but it's not clear if that information
is accurate.


One other major design change appears to be a USB-C port instead of a
Lightning port. There have been rumors about Apple swapping over to USB-C foryears now. Another Fudge leak from late last month suggested Apple's Phone
13 lineup will be portless, combining wireless charging with a Smart
Connector system for data transfer.

另外一個設計變更是USB C 頭。2021的高端iPhone可能會沒有接頭,只有smart
connector,如果低端改成USB C似乎更好



2021 iPhone會改用apple watch 的LTPO螢幕

還可以支援always on display



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daniel95012706/05 08:05誰可以告訴我iphone 20長什麼樣子嗎

j0724205406/05 08:10這種全螢幕的iphone到底用了幾年了啊

syensyens06/05 08:14瀏海看習慣不覺得有什麼問題

sjclivelo06/05 08:14尺寸也不量

Stupidog556606/05 08:29看習慣當然沒問題啊 但也有人看這麼多年還無法接受

douglasjs06/05 08:33一看就知道自己幻想的 蘋果不會用type c

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douglasjs06/05 08:3413頂多5個 怎麼可能一次給你兩個

tiesto0620206/05 08:391我現在在用iPhone 100了,沒有手機本體,可以隱形起

tiesto0620206/05 08:39

junhai06/05 08:49下一篇 iPhone 20 原型機模型流出

kodo556606/05 08:51沒關係我6S可以續戰

macrossga06/05 08:542

jeremy8451806/05 09:03午餐都還沒吃就在想晚餐

kartal06/05 09:17庫克快來看

hix02042168006/05 09:24這保麗龍板貼一張貼紙上去嗎?

simon97806/05 09:27每年都來放空氣 還每年都有人信

seanlord06/05 09:29每年都一樣造型,推出完全不一樣

ChoKyuHyun06/05 10:17這組合特價好幾個月了...

dust73706/05 10:27巧妙地運用桌布藏住瀏海

milker06/05 10:28看到十字笑噴

kimula0106/05 10:45好假的爆料

wplinwp06/05 10:51過一陣子可能會看到 iPhone 30 原型機流出

CannedHamEgg06/05 12:24這種文章還有人相信 笑鼠

QuantumVayne06/05 12:30瀏海還好,我比較希望啤酒肚框+螢幕不平製造公差麻

QuantumVayne06/05 12:30煩的設計快點結束,從5S之後忍6年了

moike2206/05 12:39每年都他媽無邊的新聞,發爽沒

ou981006/05 13:26有了3D列印,人人都可以做原型機

giveme52006/05 13:45這還有人信喔

preisner06/05 14:38看起來像3D列印出來的, 有人會信嗎?

D21400200106/05 22:46又是假新聞夠了吧....12都還沒出就13,有事

orz00706/05 23:16可憐抄哥快來抄喔

gostt06/06 07:49無聊