[討論] iPhone 12 mini 用 MagSafe 充電為 12W

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Apple Says MagSafe Charger Limited to 12W for iPhone 12 Mini
Tuesday November 3, 2020 7:55 am PST by Joe Rossignol

In a recently updated support document, Apple has indicated that its new MagSafe Charger will be limited to 12W peak power delivery when used with the upcoming iPhone 12 mini, compared to up to 15W for all other iPhone 12 models.

Apple says the iPhone 12 mini can achieve this 12W with a USB-C Power Delivery power adapter that is at or above 9V/2.03A. However, the support document notes that power delivered to any iPhone 12 model at any moment will vary depending on various factors, including temperature and system activity.

For other iPhone 12 models, peak 15W power can be achieved with a USB-C Power Delivery power adapter at or above 9V/2.22A or 9V/2.56A, according to Apple.

The support document also notes that when Lightning accessories such as EarPods are connected to any iPhone 12 model, the MagSafe Charger is limited to 7.5W charging to comply with regulatory standards.

Apple says the MagSafe Charger should be connected to a power source before placing an iPhone on it, as this allows the charger to verify that it is safe to deliver maximum power. If you place your iPhone on the MagSafe Charger before plugging it in, simply remove your iPhone, wait three seconds, and then put it back on to resume maximum power delivery.

MagSafe is a new feature on all iPhone 12 models that allows for magnetic accessories to be attached to the back of the devices, including Apple's MagSafe Charger for more precise wireless charging. The MagSafe Charger is available now for $39, while the iPhone 12 mini will be available to pre-order starting this Friday, November 6.




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benedict7611/04 02:40lightning孔插耳機用magsafe充電剩7.5w,這樣邊用邊充

benedict7611/04 02:40有點慢就是了。

liwmewmew11/04 02:40恐怕是因為溫度問題?

a795260911/04 02:41我想知道充電盤什麼時候要上市QQ

benedict7611/04 02:42可能要區分等級吧!mini就閹割一些東西。

benedict7611/04 02:43說不定cpu會降頻,不然照iphone 12評測續航會很糟糕

benedict7611/04 02:43

a562009411/04 08:33這個還好,畢竟為了15瓦無限充電得買一堆東西,只希望

a562009411/04 08:33其他東西不要限制QQ

zhttp11/04 08:40iphone 12就已經比air4跑分低了 mini再降頻 乾脆用A13就好

krousxchen11/04 08:52mini用a13還不是降頻,還降更多

bbbing11/04 09:11應該只是線圈面積縮小吧

simon97811/04 09:58還是不要浪費錢

frank0425w11/04 10:05美國每天會上市MagSafe

frank0425w11/04 10:06*明天

LouisWOLF11/04 10:06沒那個胃,不然你要怎麼餵?

mrwhatever11/04 11:58別講的好像胃小,不能吃快一樣

siegfriedlin11/04 23:01台灣要怎麼買到magsafe~~好急唷