[討論] iPhone 12 mini 用 MagSafe 充電為 12W
Apple Says MagSafe Charger Limited to 12W for iPhone 12 Mini
Tuesday November 3, 2020 7:55 am PST by Joe Rossignol
In a recently updated support document, Apple has indicated that its new MagSafe Charger will be limited to 12W peak power delivery when used with the upcoming iPhone 12 mini, compared to up to 15W for all other iPhone 12 models.
Apple says the iPhone 12 mini can achieve this 12W with a USB-C Power Delivery power adapter that is at or above 9V/2.03A. However, the support document notes that power delivered to any iPhone 12 model at any moment will vary depending on various factors, including temperature and system activity.
For other iPhone 12 models, peak 15W power can be achieved with a USB-C Power Delivery power adapter at or above 9V/2.22A or 9V/2.56A, according to Apple.
The support document also notes that when Lightning accessories such as EarPods are connected to any iPhone 12 model, the MagSafe Charger is limited to 7.5W charging to comply with regulatory standards.
Apple says the MagSafe Charger should be connected to a power source before placing an iPhone on it, as this allows the charger to verify that it is safe to deliver maximum power. If you place your iPhone on the MagSafe Charger before plugging it in, simply remove your iPhone, wait three seconds, and then put it back on to resume maximum power delivery.
MagSafe is a new feature on all iPhone 12 models that allows for magnetic accessories to be attached to the back of the devices, including Apple's MagSafe Charger for more precise wireless charging. The MagSafe Charger is available now for $39, while the iPhone 12 mini will be available to pre-order starting this Friday, November 6.
說不定cpu會降頻,不然照iphone 12評測續航會很糟糕
iphone 12就已經比air4跑分低了 mini再降頻 乾脆用A13就好
[情報] 蘋果 MagSafe 外接式電池 官網上架MagSafe 外接式電池一貼即合,快速好用;精巧、直覺的設計,讓你隨時隨地輕鬆充電。美 對位的磁石,讓外接式電池貼合你的 iPhone 12 或 iPhone 12 Pro,帶來安全可靠的無線 充電。 MagSafe 外接式電池搭配 27W 或更高功率的充電器 ,例如 MacBook 隨附的充電器,可進爆
[情報] MagSafe 行動電源韌體更新後充電瓦數來到Apple近日更新了MagSafe行動電源的韌體,在更新至 2.7.b.0後可以讓無線充電的瓦數 從5W提升至7.5W,但與MagSafe的無線充電相比還是比較低(MagSafe是15W) 更新方式與Airpods一樣只要與iPhone配對後連上網路就會自動更新 真是難以置信的工程創舉41
[心得] MagSafe 簡單開箱台灣開賣的MagSafe無線充電器 今天終於到貨了 簡單快速開箱看一下 要另外購買一個USB-C充電器24
[問題] MagSafe充電iPhone會發燙是正常的嗎機型名稱: (建議但不強制使用正確名稱) iPhone 13 mini 沒越獄 系統版本:14
[情報] iPhone 12可以反向無線充電【情報來源】 原網址: (原始未刪減的網址) 短網址:12
Re: [心得] MagSafe充電速度慢到不可思議剛剛看 Reddit 跟國內外媒體都已經有報導了, 應該不是故障或者是個案,整理如下: MagSafe Charger Only Charges at Full 15W Speeds With Apple's NEW 20W Power Adapter10
Re: [情報] 蘋果無線充電實測這人買了 MagSafe殼 順手拆了 看一下內部構造 I Took Apart My $60 MagSafe Case. What Did I Find? (有字幕) 當然不只這樣 他也拿出其他無線充電產品測試測試 iPhone 12、iPhone11(舊款代表)10
[問題] Magsafe 充電器 type-c轉接問題問題描述: 原廠magsafe 充電盤,想放在車上當車架用, 但車上沒有type-c接頭,買了2款type-c母頭轉type-A公頭都不過電, 原本以為是轉接頭的問題, 但是換type-c lightning充電線再接轉接頭測試可以過電,7
Re: [討論] iPhone 12 mini 用 MagSafe 充電為 1簡單幫忙整理一下 1. 蘋果表示MagSafe的無線充電在iPhone 12 Mini上最多只有12W,而其他12系列機型都有 15W。 2. 在使用無線充電時,充電的功率會被很多因素影響,包含不同的變壓插頭、充電時使用 iPhone的lightning接口(例如lightning耳機),使用lightning接口時充電功率會從15/6
[問題] 裝殼使用MagSafe充電器會持續斷開重連【一般問題】 機型名稱:Apple MagSafe Charger (建議但不強制使用正確名稱) 系統版本:MagSafe Charger iPhone 13 Pro iOS 16.3