[求文] 徵求paper一篇
"Clinical utility of gastric fluid cytokine levels in preterm infants for
predicting histological chorioamnionitis"
Cytokine . 2024 Aug:180:156642.
doi: 10.1016/j.cyto.2024.156642. Epub 2024 May 14.
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首Po各位前輩大家好,希望徵求一篇文章 標題: Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy Versus Upfront Surgery for Resectable and Borderli ne Resectable Pancreatic Cancer: Long-Term Results of the Dutch Randomized PREOP ANC Trial
徵paper一篇Utility of transcranial motor-evoked potential changes in predicting postopera tive deficit in lumbar decompression and fusion surgery: a systematic review a nd meta-analysis 醫院跟sci-hub都找不到,只好麻煩大家幫忙了,請寄到howbanggood@gmail.com,感激不- 想要徵求一篇paper 找了半天找不到 sci-hub也沒有 謝謝大家 Improved Variant Detection in Clinical Myeloid NGS Testing by Supplementing a Commercial Myeloid NGS Assay with Custom or Extended Data Filtering and
- 徵求一篇paper的檔案 Title: Deep neck infections in children J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2001 Dec;34(4):287-92. pubmed網址: 用學校的電子資源和sci-hub都找不到全文
- 想徵求一篇Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery的paper 找過scihub跟蔽校的電子資源 還是找不到 好像臺大醫院有買OVID 的access 但是本魯我沒朋友 所以想請版上大家幫忙
- 想徵求一篇case report,但找過scihub跟蔽校的電子資源,還是找不到,麻煩版上大家 幫個忙 標題: Ceftazidime induced liver injury 作者:Tayyab Shah, James A Joslyn and James Lai 來源:BMJ Case Rep, 2021. 14(12).
- 標題:Lecanemab in Early Alzheimer’s Disease 已查過scihub沒有收錄 期刊名:NEJM DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2212948 請寄至 ray7040@gmail.com
- 標題:Use of single-layer artificial dermal template in patients with trauma and burns 期刊:JWC (J Wound Care) DOI: 10.12968/jowc.2022.31.Sup4.S16 PMID: 35404711
- 標題:Current status and challenges of the dissemination of telemedicine in Ja pan after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 期刊:Telemed J E Health, 2022 Aug PMID: 34918952 DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2021.0336
- 徵求2021年Neurology的paper 標題: Complications of Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke Neurology November 16, 2021, DOI: 院內資源及SCI-Hub 與皆無法獲取
- Title: Dyspneic and pink Inchaustegui C, Yellapragada S, Badawy J, Ahmed A, White A, Sargsyan Z. Dyspne ic and pink. J Hosp Med. 2024 Apr 2. doi: 10.1002/jhm.13344. Epub ahead of pri nt. PMID: 38563412. Sci-hub和醫院都找不到。