[討論] 《哥吉拉-1.0》導演曾來台看奧本海默

看板movie標題[討論] 《哥吉拉-1.0》導演曾來台看奧本海默作者
時間推噓22 推:22 噓:0 →:15


Joshua Encinias:你有看過《奧本海默》嗎?你對它的觀點有何看法?


Joshua Encinias: Did you see Oppenheimer? What did you think of its perspective?

Takashi Yamazaki: I actually wanted to see Oppenheimer so bad but it’s yet to receive a theatrical release in Japan. But because I wanted to see it so badly, I flew to Taiwan and watched it with Chinese subtitles. With that said, my English, of course, is not that great. I don’t think I fully understood the nuance of what was happening in the film. But despite that, I did feel this very powerful force of what the film represented. And of course, being of Japanese descent and heritage, I’ve seen a lot more nukes in our pop culture or surroundings since I was really young. I feel that as a filmmaker and director, I do want to provide some kind of answer or response to Oppenheimer someday. I don’t think Godzilla is necessarily a direct response to it, although they point at similar themes. But even if this film is never realized, I think having it in the corner of my head as a strong thematic element is important.



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DiMammaMia 01/29 00:30Mario也有日本人跑來台灣搶先看

TheoEpstein 01/29 01:38台日交流真的方便

a27588679 01/29 01:55導演用心良苦

amontillado 01/29 03:21導演 可以安排哥-1.0在台上映嗎-w-

gogen 01/29 04:53英語不好?有中文字幕不知道能幫助多少

Nero0604 01/29 08:02我猜可能看不太懂XD

neo74214 01/29 09:07雖說日本也有漢字,但意思根本天差地遠…感覺根本

neo74214 01/29 09:07沒幫助

szdxc17 01/29 09:31而且奧本海默中間穿插不少專有名詞

szdxc17 01/29 09:32但奧本海默在投彈後演講後的懊悔還有聽證會的壓迫

szdxc17 01/29 09:32應該是畫面就可以傳達出來的

DanGdCtw 01/29 11:10看中文字幕也太辛苦

H072 01/29 11:40專業人士没字幕也是會看運鏡拍法音樂等等的

Hocity 01/29 11:42奧本海默有大量的台詞又緊湊,不同語言很難看懂吧

Spongedavid 01/29 12:00是不是因為日本沒奧才不讓哥在台上映(泣

bill9355706301/29 12:19台日距離近的好處?

bill9355706301/29 12:25

vans24 01/29 12:35那個...您的電影台灣也看不到,可以處理一下嗎

xxx5594 01/29 13:07導演:我看不到奧本所以台灣也看不到哥吉拉 要飛過

xxx5594 01/29 13:07來喔 互相一下

tech1140 01/29 13:10核輻射+蜥蜴=老哥

tech1140 01/29 13:10要來夢幻連動嗎

ruffryders 01/29 14:08哥吉拉-1.0真的台灣看不到....

jesuskobe 01/29 15:33不是只有台灣看不到阿,亞洲都沒上映

nice9527 01/29 16:53我要看哥吉拉啊敗偷

sasinko 01/29 17:04還好我去日本看了-1.0了

barttien 01/29 20:15可以在日本看了

alexds 01/29 21:04在沒有可能就直上串流和電影台了吧

amen123 01/29 22:29我台灣人開前查維基都快跟不上劇情了 導演太辛苦了

keigowei 01/29 22:31拜託上映-1.0啊啊啊啊!沒上真的太扼腕了

kevinftjiang01/29 22:40我去台灣看奧本海默,暗指:想看哥吉拉嗎?來日本

kevinftjiang01/29 22:40吧!我把一切都放在那了

jerrychuang 01/30 04:18他看得懂中文?

cloudyst 01/30 09:14所以台灣人要廢日本才能看…

cloudyst 01/30 09:14

Kirawu 01/30 14:34台灣到底幾時要上= =

OAzenO 01/30 20:14涉及二戰 亞洲要在日本以外播可能要等等吧