Re: [討論] 浩克三代同堂有搞頭嗎

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4Chan的謠言 跟Reddit比起來 我覺得太唬爛

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The Multiverse of Madness plot
Before we get to the leak detailing the purported Doctor Strange 2 ending, let's recap a few things. Marvel postponed the release by a few months because so many reshoots were needed. Rumors said that the story needed fixing and that Marvel also wanted to add even more amazing cameos to the Doctor Strange sequel. The reshoots ended right before Christmas after a few weeks of intensive work.

The big Doctor Strange 2 plot leaks we saw in October all told us the same story. Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Wong (Benedict Wong) will help America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez) escape the film's big villain. Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) will play that role, although she might redeem herself by the end of the movie. But not before killing several characters across the multiverse.

Shuma Gorath is a demonic creature that will appear in the movie. According to some of the more recent leaks, it might be this one-eyed octopus villain that has been manipulating Wanda.

That's already an exciting premise for this story, as Doctor Strange 2 teases amassive confrontation between Avengers. We have the sorcerers and Chavez on oneside, with Wanda on the other. The former will likely need plenty of help from other Avengers from the multiverse to battle the Scarlet Witch. Wanda might alsohave allies, with Mordo (Chiwetel Ejiofor) being one possibility.

The Doctor Strange 2 ending leak

All of that brings us to a Multiverse of Madness leak that dropped on 4chan just before Christmas. We have no idea whether it's based on accurate information, which is what we always tell you about these questionable MCU leaks. That said, plenty of accurate leaks have originated on 4chan over the past year.

At worst, it reads like amazing fiction, as the supposed Doctor Strange 2 ending leak includes a battle of Endgame proportions. Moreover, it mentions several cameos that did not appear in other leaks.

The leaker says that Wanda's “horrific actions” have affected the timelines of other universes. As a result, “some living creatures and most humans being trapped in some sort of ‘Void' location, similar to the location in the Loki series.”

Strange also gets stranded in this place, along with most of the characters, “especially those we know from other projects.”

“The final battle will take place in this Void,” the leaker wrote. “Think of
it as the final battle in Avengers Endgame, but with characters from the other universes.” The Void location in this rumored Doctor Strange 2 ending is full of cities and skyscrapers from other worlds, just like in Loki.

The Avengers will have to fight Shuma Gorath and its evil army of demonic beings. Strange will assemble his own version of Avengers, and this is where things get even more interesting.

If this Doctor Strange 2 ending is accurate, we're in for quite an Endgame-likebattle involving a fantastic team of Avengers.

Strange apparently recruits several X-Men members — “Ian McKellen as Magneto,Halle Berry as Storm, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, and James Marsden as Cyclops.”

The crazy cameos
Beyond that, Eric Bana will supposedly return as Bruce Banner, but he can't transform into the Hulk after the events of the 2003 Hulk movie that wasn't part ofthe MCU. Edward Norton will apparently also deliver his 2008 version of the Hulk.

That's one problematic detail, as the 2008 Incredible Hulk movie is part of theMCU. Of course, the multiverse provides the obvious solution. We ignore the recast in the MCU and pretend that Mark Ruffalo always played the character. In a separate universe, Norton might play a version of Hulk.

The leak says that Nicholas Cage will also reprise his role as Johnny Blaze. And this Ghost Rider will apparently “steal the show,” as he will be extremely powerful. He'll mention Mephisto at some point along the way.

Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man “will also have his moment,” the Doctor Strange 2 ending leak says. Spider-Man “doesn't have much involvement in the fights, as he's just trying to protect other defenseless citizens in the Void.” Maguire will only do the voiceover for the movie, as we won't see his face during the battle.

Finally, “Wolverine also has a moment where he goes on a rampage, as in the scene in the woods from Logan.”

The leak says that other “interesting cameos” will appear during the battle. Previous leaks mentioned the likes of Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds), an alternate Iron Man (Tom Cruise), Loki (Tom Hiddleston), Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino), Captain Carter (Hayley Atwell), and Mr. Fantastic (Ioan Gruffudd).

Crazy as it might sound, this Doctor Strange 2 ending would let Marvel acknowledge many Marvel stories that preceded the MCU before introducing some of the characters above in future MCU adventures, with the help of new actors. But, again,this might just be fan fiction.



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