[情報] 林區否認坎城新片謠言

看板movie標題[情報] 林區否認坎城新片謠言作者
時間推噓 6 推:6 噓:0 →:10

根據 Deadline 的報導,這幾天盛傳 David Lynch 在坎城將會有一部神秘新作亮相,今天他在接受 EW 的訪談時否認了此消息,說完全是謠言。

“I have no new film coming out,” the director said. “That’s a total
rumor. So there you are. It is not happening. I don’t have a project. I have
nothing at Cannes. It’s unfortunate. It got built up that people thought, “
Oh, that’d be nice.” But there is something new, but it’s not mine. I don’
t know whose it is. They say there’s something new at Cannes, and they don’
t say whose it is, and some people thought it was my film, but it’s not. So
we’ll wait and see, and see whose it is.”




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lgng66133 04/14 00:26明天下午就知道了XD

lgng66133 04/14 00:28

lgng66133 04/14 00:28林區在最新的天氣預報也特別講了今年沒作品啦XDD

Beandou 04/14 00:29林區否認之後,還是有人一直傳他是開幕片?到底哪

Beandou 04/14 00:29個才是真的?不過今年坎城真的連開幕片都沒公告也

Beandou 04/14 00:29太神秘?

lgng66133 04/14 00:30今年應該就明天全部一次公布吧

lgng66133 04/14 00:31感覺真的是有因為事情耽誤到排程

Beandou 04/14 00:31我自己也是比較相信本人講的話啦

Beandou 04/14 00:32上次坎城這麼低調神秘的宣傳,是去年偷偷公布時代

Beandou 04/14 00:32革命放映

tim19990312 04/14 06:59沒關係反正片單也快公布了 也不用一顆心懸在那很久

tools 04/14 09:36他媽的 我的手臂都彎到背後了

aure0914 04/14 10:33到底有多神秘啊

tools 04/14 11:44

ivyhoney 04/14 11:54失望QQ 希望是煙霧彈