[情報] Bryce Howard表示她演隱形女的報導是謠傳

看板movie標題[情報] Bryce Howard表示她演隱形女的報導是謠傳作者
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Fantastic Four: Bryce Dallas Howard Says Reports of Her in the MCU are 'Total Rumors'
By Casey David Muir-Taylor
Updated: 26 May 2022 12:28 am, Posted: 26 May 2022 12:19 am

Bryce Dallas Howard has called reports she’s set to star in a reboot of the
Fantastic Four for Marvel Studios as “total rumors.”

關於《侏儸紀世界》系列電影女主角Bryce Dallas Howard,

During a press event for Jurrasic Park Dominion, a fan gave a surprised
Howard a Funko Pop of Susan Storm aka the Invisible Woman for her to sign.

一名粉絲將隱形女Susan Storm的Funko Pop公仔拿給Bryce Howard簽名。

The interaction was caught on camera and uploaded onto TikTok. In the video,
she denies it and laughs saying, “I mean, I know [this doesn't] involve me
or anything. I swear to God, I swear to God. Yeah, yeah, for real. Total
rumors. Total rumors.” Howard goes on to sign the Funko “just for fun.”


當下Bryce Howard了解其中含意,她笑著否認說:「喔我的天哪,我並不覺得這事會發生呢......我的意思是這件事和我沒關係。我對天發誓,真的,我對天發誓,這全都是謠傳,真的都是謠傳,但我還是會在公仔上簽名的,只是為了好玩。」


“Oh my God! [laughs] I don’t think it’s happening—I mean, I know [this
doesn’t] involve me or anything. I swear to God, I swear to God. Yeah, yeah,
for real. Total rumors. Total rumors, but you know, yeah… Thank you, but I’
ll sign the [Funko] just for fun…”







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neo5277 05/29 21:28亞蘭亞蘭溪類類

Vassili242 05/29 21:29高跟鞋也會跟著隱形嗎

dandog2810 05/29 21:47只想要艾蜜莉布朗

chirex 05/29 22:21那就是啦。

sh3312037 05/29 22:27希望她可以多導一些星戰的影集

GIN1967 05/29 23:45每個都嘛先否認,奇異博士、等等

sunsirr 05/30 01:01不覺得會是她

AAAdolph 05/30 02:57重啟不找年輕一點的嗎?這兩個都40了

LuckSK 05/30 07:17潔西卡艾芭回來啊!

BF109Pilot 05/30 08:15我覺得她長得很有親和力,就算是胖的時候也很好看

t13thbc 05/30 08:23侏羅紀世界2明顯比1胖 但她身材真的好 想到她在陶

t13thbc 05/30 08:23比蜘蛛人3真的有夠讚

darkbrigher 05/30 08:31她的妝很詭異吧 很像整形失敗的人化的妝

m122e 05/30 11:17她需要先控制體重

islandant 05/30 14:31隱形女不找艾蜜利布朗嗎?XD

hellodio 05/30 15:38她好像是易胖體質?覺得她蠻常胖瘦胖瘦的。