[情報] 山繆傑克森:不再視"得奧斯卡獎"為目標

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Samuel L. Jackson Says He Does Not Do “Statue-Chasing Movies”

JUNE 17, 2022 11:54AM

Samuel L. Jackon reveals how he selects movie roles in a new interview with
the Los Angeles Times. The acclaimed actor prioritizes scripts he enjoys versuswork that may add awards and honors to his resume.


“Maybe a little bit. As jaded as I wanted to be about it, you know thinking,
‘Well, I should have won an Oscar for this or should have won for that and itdidn’t happen,’ once I got over it many years ago, it wasn’t a big deal for
me. I always have fun going to the Oscars. I always look forward to getting agift basket for being a presenter. [Laughs] I give stuff to my relatives; my
daughter and my wife would take stuff out. It’s cool,” the veteran actor
explained when asked about the emotional moment he was presented an honorary
Oscar by Denzel Washington.



我現在每次參加奧斯卡典禮都很開心,擔任頒獎人能獲得禮物,我將禮物分送給親戚, 拿給老婆及小孩,他們在我面前將禮物拆開,這很酷。」

“But otherwise, I was past it. I was never going to let the Oscars be a
measure of my success or failure as an actor. My yardstick of success is my
happiness: Am I satisfied with what I’m doing? I’m not doing statue-chasing
movies. You know [whispers]: ‘If you do this movie, you’ll win an Oscar.’
No, thanks. I’d rather be Nick Fury. Or having fun being Mace Windu with a
lightsaber in my hand.”





He continued, saying how he has no regrets in making decisions on which rolesto accept and which ones to pass on.

“No,” Jackson answered. “I want to do the stuff that made me want to go to
the movies when I was a kid. I want to do that movie that people just want tosee so they can get out of themselves. That’s the guy I chose to be and I’m
fine with it. I’m satisfied because that’s who I am. I’m the guy who does
the lines that people see on T-shirts. There’s actors who go their whole
careers and no one can quote a line they’ve said in a movie. People go to
watch my movies to see how crazy I’m going to be or see how many times I say
motherfu**er. [laughs] Whatever gets them in the seats.”








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DareJ 06/19 00:10以開啟MDFK宇宙為目標

cingguy 06/19 00:17他還沒拿終身成就ㄇ

xxx60709 06/19 00:23我覺得他比很多用力演拿獎的影帝還強,演什麼像什麼

xxx60709 06/19 00:23,而且很自然

miikal 06/19 00:26其實跟昆汀的那幾部早就可以拿男配了吧,就是運氣

miikal 06/19 00:27决殺令華茲根本男主的戲份報男配

KKSlider 06/19 00:37沒有到男主戲份那麼誇張吧

darkbrigher 06/19 00:44想拿獎要電影公司也有想要推 還有請公關團隊

darkbrigher 06/19 00:44總之就是要砸錢

poopooShaw 06/19 02:08而且昆丁那幾部他的演法都不同,滿厲害的

MalcolmX 06/19 02:10從叢林熱就覺得他演技根本鬼

exyu 06/19 04:43他也是一個不會被角色定型的演員 都有演紅的 厲害!

tenka92417 06/19 08:48他大部分角色都會領到豪華便當

lavendersea 06/19 10:23目標是在每個宇宙都講MDFK

aensland 06/19 10:34他又在發願想要雲度回顧了,迪士尼聽到沒有

questionboy 06/19 10:39可是他在迪士尼的角色是不可能完整講出馬的法克

st442222 06/19 11:28MDFK唯一被定型的角色只有MDFK(誤)

seal998 06/19 13:52反正現在奧斯卡獎的判斷標準就是是政確,這種獎確實

seal998 06/19 13:52沒什麼好執著的

n555123 06/19 14:01我覺得正好以他的年紀來說也算是一種回歸童心,反

n555123 06/19 14:01正都演一輩子戲了,這樣才可以過得快樂

RrEpic 06/20 18:49金牌特務裡的雞掰人也演的很好

trauma 06/22 03:05雲度應該沒講過MDFK吧XD