[情報] Robbie Coltrane逝世

看板movie標題[情報] Robbie Coltrane逝世作者
時間推噓24 推:24 噓:0 →:8

Actor Robbie Coltrane, who played Hagrid in the Harry Potter films and for
starring in ITV detective drama Cracker, has died at 72.

"Robbie will probably be best remembered for decades to come as Hagrid... a
role which brought joy to children and adults alike, prompting a stream of
fan letters every week for over 20 years," his agent said.






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※ 編輯: ericf129 ( 臺灣), 10/15/2022 01:07:04

a2492409g 10/15 01:06R.I.P.

satosatosake10/15 01:12R.I.P. QQ

wittmann421310/15 01:14他還演過兩集老皮的007

victor87710 10/15 01:15R.I.P.

yowhatsupsli10/15 01:16Valentin Dmitrovich Zukovsky!

hhh99876 10/15 01:19Sad

legend41269 10/15 01:20R.I.P

shenmue1001 10/15 01:28他在瞞天過海2耍麥特戴蒙那段很好笑

kenliu100 10/15 01:28R.I.P.

skywings198410/15 01:34Rest In Peace

benson96968 10/15 01:42QQ海格

uilin112500 10/15 01:43R.I.P

gattttt 10/15 01:57RIP

setom 10/15 02:36QQ 海格R.i.p.

Kain88 10/15 02:44QQ

samsonfu 10/15 02:51R.I.P

ianna 10/15 03:00R.I.P

HsiangFly 10/15 03:16笑死 先po 的比較少推

coolmartin 10/15 05:48Rip

lpb 10/15 07:0518F是在笑啥鬼,這種新聞是在比誰讚多嗎?

eaae121 10/15 08:32R.I.P

fairbankslin10/15 08:53一路好走海格

igodbl 10/15 08:54QQ

tiesto06202 10/15 09:40哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈大笑

QQbrownie 10/15 10:15永遠的海格

KasmirLo 10/15 10:39看不出來有72

ghostl40809 10/15 10:50QQ

kuan50118 10/15 11:15海格QQ

DorkKnight 10/15 12:57這位不講是海格我就只知道他在主持一個犯罪偵緝節

DorkKnight 10/15 12:57目 rip

dagehoya556610/15 12:58海格救我

jamietung 10/15 14:42R.I.P