UT Austin McCombs MBA 在校生資訊更新(25/26)

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(Hook'em Horns!)
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大家好!我們是 UT Austin McCombs MBA Class of 2025&2026 的台灣在校生,想跟大家分享一些我們的經歷和相關背景,也提供聯絡方式給有興趣了解 McCombs 這間 TOP 20 MBA Program 的朋友們,歡迎隨時聯絡我們!

我們 Program 的三大特色:

1. UT作為美國南方的旗艦大學,擁有豐富的資源和校友網絡,與業界有著緊密
的連結,是各大公司招募的重點學校。MBA 每年錄取約 250 名學生,第一個學期採
cohort 制,讓同學之間的關係更加緊密。

2. 德州的低生活成本和 UT相對合理的學費,使 McCombs 在 TOP 20 MBA Prog
ram 中擁有很高的性價比。我們也是少數敢於在就業報告中分開 U.S. Citizen /
Permanent Resident 和 Foreign National 薪資數據的學校。畢業生的就
業分佈以科技業、管顧、金融為大宗,歷年來大約各佔20% 不等。附上最新Class
of 2023就業報告

3. Austin作為德州的首府及科技重鎮,不僅生活品質高,就業機會
也非常豐富。結合獨特的德州的風情與蓬勃的科技產業,Austin擁有 Silico
n Hill 之稱,已連續多年被評為全美最宜居城市之一。除了原本總部就在Aus
tin的 Dell、Indeed、Whole Foods、CrowdStrike之外 ,像是Google 、 App
le、Microsoft、AMD、Adobe …etc在這邊也有大型區域辦公室並持
續擴展當地團隊,近年Oracle 、Tesla 更將總部從矽谷搬到了 Austi
n。除了科技巨頭,這裡的新創氛圍也很熱絡,新創公司如 Bumble 和戶外
用品潮牌Yeti 的總部選擇插旗Austin,每年秋季的F1一級方程式賽事和春
季的 SXSW 更是全美重要的體育、音樂、文化盛會。

我們非常樂意與大家分享在 Austin 的生活、求學、求職經驗,

Class of 2025

Alex Lai
[Email]: [email protected]
2 years in financial advisory @ Big 4
1.5 years in corporate development @ Life Insurer
4 years in fixed income investment @ Life Insurer
[Post-MBA]: Investment banking in energy

Irene Chiu
[Email]: [email protected]
4 years in audit @ Big 4
4 years in corporate finance @ Manufacturing Company
[Post-MBA]: Corporate finance/Operations in tech

Ryan Chen
[Email]: [email protected]
4 years in international tax @ Big 4
[Post-MBA]: Corporate finance in tech/Consulting

Alex Chen
[Email]: [email protected]
2 years in supply chain operation @ tech
2.5 years in account management @ semiconductor
[Post-MBA]: Supply chain and Operations in tech

Bill Shao
[Email]: [email protected]
1.5 years in product engineer @ IC substrate manufacturing
0.7 year in equipment engineer @ LCD manufacturing
5.5 years in product design engineer @ Laptop manufacturing
[Post-MBA]: Supply chain and Operations in manufacturing/tech

Class of 2026

Jessie Chung
[Email]: [email protected]
1 year as international sales @ manufacturing company
4 years as sales administrator @ tech
[Post-MBA]: Consulting / Supply chain management in tech

Amber Lee
[Email]: [email protected]
3 years as an Engineer function @ manufacturing industry
5 years as BD/Sales function @ tech/semi-industry
[Post-MBA]: Project Management in tech

Al Huang
[Email]: [email protected]
3 years as Global Program Associate @ New England Medical Innovation Center
[Post-MBA]: Consulting/ Healthcare in tech


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