[情報] PostDoc positions at Carnegie Mellon U
These postdoc researchers will work in Prof. Vanessa Chen’s Energy-Efficient
Circuits and Systems (EECS) Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University
(Pittsburgh, PA). (https://research.ece.cmu.edu/~eecs/ )
The position is initially for at least 12 months with the possibility of
renewal. Compensation will be competitive, and commensurate with relevant
experience. (Average 65K USD) CMU has competitive benefits (including
comprehensive medical insurance) and is an equal opportunity employer.
Interested candidates should send a CV, expected date of availability,
selected publications, and the contact information of two references to Prof.Chen ([email protected]).
Two Positions are available:
(1) RF/Mixed-Signal IC Design
What you will be doing:
- Design high-performance interface circuits.
- Tape-out experiences in RF/analog/mixed-signal circuits
- Strong background in transistor-level circuit design of DACs, ADCs, and
- Fluency in concepts related to noise, system stability, linearity, and
- Experience with RF/MMwave circuits and EM analysis
Highly Desired:
- Familiar with high-speed testing
(2) FPGA-based machine learning accelerators:
What you will be doing:
- Design prototype FPGA accelerators for scalable and compute/power efficientdeep learning inferencing.
- Build brain-inspired machine learning infrastructures for wireless sensing
- Strong C/C++ and Python programming skills and HDL design experience.
- Strong background in computer architecture (good understanding of hardware
and software concepts and interfaces.)
- Experience with Deep Learning.
Highly Desired:
- Strong background in data structures and algorithms.
- Hands-on experience with ARM SoCs and Embedded system hardware.
- Experience with FPGA or ASIC development projects.
- Familiar with ML or DL frameworks (PyTorch, Keras, or Tensorflow).
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Fw: [北美] Mechanical Design Engineer - FRL作者: mzt (YOLO) 看板: Oversea_Job 標題: [北美] Mechanical Design Engineer - FRL 時間: Tue Dec 22 05:29:07 2020 This position is a contractor position. US working VISA is required. I am the hiring manager of this position therefore let me know if any question.5
[情報] 北亞利桑那大學誠徵碩博士生(EECS)I am looking for motivated graduate students who are interested to work with m e. PhD positions are available under my supervision at School of Informatics, Com puting and Cyber Systems, Northern Arizona University. Students with backgroun2
[北美] 加州德商公司徵ML軟體工程師各位版友大家好 小妹待的Team目前在徵一位軟體工程師 歡迎有興趣的版友們寄履歷給我,我會轉發給Hiring Manager Email: jingting.jian@softwareag.com Job Link:1
[亞洲] 新加坡Computational Biologist徵才(此為代po) 大家好, 敝公司誠徵生物資訊人才,地點在新加坡 意者請自行投遞履歷,網址為 若有職務相關問題,可站內信- [我僅代為發文,請勿直接回站內信] Prof. Yonggang Wen 誠徵博士生(有提供獎學金),另外他也有在找人加入他的研究團隊(research engineer及research fellow),詳細資訊如下,歡迎有興趣的人直接與Prof. Wen聯絡,也歡迎大家轉發此資訊給親友。 註:我本身也是南洋理工畢業,Prof. Wen是很好相處、學術研究也很厲害的教授,故幫他推薦ㄧ下。 — PhD research scholarship is available at School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore for intakes in Jan and August 2021. Qualified candidates can send his/her CV together sample publications to Prof. Yonggang Wen (ygwen@ntu.edu.sg).
- This position is a contractor position. US working VISA is required. I am the hiring manager of this position therefore let me know if any question. Optical Prototype Engineer The AR/VR Platform Display and Optics team focuses on moving the state-of-art display and optical technologies forward for Facebook AR/VR products, which
- 幫我老闆的academic brother的學生(所以是我academic cousin?)宣傳一下 他目前在Carnegie Mellon 做博士後 秋天開始會在Texas Tech任教 有興趣想爭取全獎fellowship的同學可以在3/15前申請 歡迎對數學最佳化、作業研究有興趣且想讀博士的人申請 有興趣的人請直接跟他聯絡
- 代po 請不要站內信 我們團隊主要負責Digital Silicon Validation on Wireless chipsets,以下是工作內 容跟需求 上班地點: Cupertino CA, 上海, 三人團報可討論台北 :) 有興趣請直接email聯繫hiring manager