[情報] Microbiology PhD positions at UIUC

看板studyabroad標題[情報] Microbiology PhD positions at UIUC作者
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Dr. Vinayak's lab at UIUC is recruiting two graduate students with keen interest in parasitology.
Highly motivated candidates with interest/experience in microbiology, genetics, molecular and cellular biology, and parasitology are encouraged to apply.
Please email a cover letter, CV, and contact information of 2-3 references toDr. Sumiti Vinayak ([email protected])

More information about research interests can be found in the flyer:


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※ 編輯: shanny0513 ( 臺灣), 08/04/2021 02:32:54 ※ 編輯: shanny0513 ( 臺灣), 08/04/2021 02:33:49