[問題] 乳房攝影鈣化報告
Spot compression and magnification view mammography of left breast shows: This study has been compared to previous mammography on 20220627The breast is moderately/heterogeneous dense, which could obscure detection of small masses (approximately 51-75% glandular, BI-RADS type III) S/P excisional biopsy of left breast with parenchymal change over UOQ partScattered, dot-like/ring/tea-cup-like calcification(s) over the visualized left breast(s)Newfound grouped amorphous calcification(s) over lower central part of left breast.No focal masses or clustered calcifications are visible, although the dense surrounding tissue could conceivably obscure true lesion(s) There are visible enlarged lymph nodes with lucent hila over the left axillary region(s), probably benign lymphnodes.No evident nipple(s) retraction over the visualized field. No evident skin thickening of breast(s) over the visualized field. Conclusion: S/P excisional biopsy of left breast with parenchymal change over UOQ partBenign calcification(s) in left breast. *** Newfound grouped amorphous calcification(s) overlower central part of left breast, suggest biopsyACR BI-RADS Category IVb (This category indicates intermediate suspicious abnormality-biopsy should be considered)
希望沒事 祝福原po跟你太太
[問題] 乳房鈣化問題老婆40歲 公司健康檢查的時候, 想說自費加做乳房攝影 後來報告出來(約三週) 說明6
Re: [問題] 乳房超音波檢查^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 乳房超音波影像應該按照美國放射科醫學會(ACR)給予的乳房影像判讀系統 BIRADS(The Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) 給予分級: 判定要切片的大概可能狀況乳癌機率大概是: BI-RADS Category 4A : 2-10%6
Re: [問題] 乳房鈣化問題已做完安可兒微創手術做切片檢查 隔壁床的阿姨就是乳癌(要做全乳切除) 不菸不酒愛運動(比較愛一點甜食這樣,72歲) 先用健保APP看 結果如下:4
[問題] (代po)請教乳房纖維囊腫處理疑慮本文為板主代Po -----以下為原文------ 各位好, 家人近日乳房病理報告切片出爐,乳房有兩顆東西,報告看起來都是良性。但醫師建議需 要根除纖維囊腫,因為報告看起來是往不好的方向長,根除它一勞永逸。我們想備份報告3
Re: [問題] 乳房切片報告我是上篇原作者 因太心慌 誤以為上一篇超音波報告是切片報告 今天健保app切片病理報告出來了 再請前輩幫忙解答,非常謝謝! Breast, left, core needle biopsy, invasive ductal carcinoma. SUMMARY OF MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:3
[問題] 乳房超音波的問題請問大家 內人今年39歲 上個禮拜做乳房超音波 其報告是 Breasts ultrasound: Indication for study: No data. Compared to prior studies:1
[問題] 乳癌病理切片結果(代Po)來信代Po -------------以下為原文------------- 大家好, 朋友的乳房病理切片結果只有寫這樣,請問這是什麼狀況呢? 已派掛號,但還有五天,很擔心,拜託板上專業人士幫忙告知2
[問題] 請問這是病理報告嗎?Surgical pathology Level IV Breast, R’t, excisional biopsy --- Fibrocystic ch ange with microcalcification. The specimen submitted consisted of 3 small pieces of breast tissue measuring up to 2.4 x 1.8 x 0.7 cm in size, fixed in formalin. Grossly, they were tan in color and soft in consistence.1
[問題] 請問乳房超音波報告我的乳房超音波報告出來了,因為要下禮拜才能回診,所以先用了兩個翻譯網站來翻譯報 告內容,結果沒想到翻譯出來的意思完全不一樣... 原文: There are some circumscribed hypoechoic nodules in bilateral breast with homog encous internal echoes, might be fibroadenomas or complicated cysts.However, t1
[問題] 想要看一下化驗報告乳房切片報告 PATHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS: Breast, left (L/1/1), excision. (1) Tubular adenoma. (2) Microcalcification. GROSS DESCRIPTION