[問題] 可以幫我看一下切片報告嗎

看板Anti-Cancer標題[問題] 可以幫我看一下切片報告嗎作者
時間推噓 3 推:3 噓:0 →:4

回診日還有一個禮拜 心裡有點緊張
Larynx subglottic LMS squamous hyperplasia with focal mild dysplasia The specimen submited consists of 6 ussue fragments measuring up to 0.1 x 0.1 x 0.1 cmi size fixed in
formalin Grossly they are white to red and elastic. All for section and labeled as: A1 Jar 0 Microscopically it shows hyperplastic squamous epithelium withfocal mild dysplasia
Fibrin deposition and hyalinized stroma are also seen.


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laplacian11/29 11:41

qazz952711/29 12:14謝謝您的回覆

flyingturtle11/29 18:54鱗狀上皮增生,輕微化生不良,非惡性

qazz952711/29 19:13謝謝您的回覆

Mithra11/29 21:40聲帶白班切片常是這種診斷 建議戒菸(如果有抽的話)

qazz952711/30 00:06謝謝各位

frgthy11/30 21:20不是惡性,但是不久的將來有機會變惡性