[問題] 肝臟腫瘤病理報告
Computed Tomography of Liver With and Without Enhancement Show:Techniques: Fromlower chest to pubic edge in 5-mm contiguous section Contrast agent at 2ml/sec,30 sec Scanning including the arterial phase and delayed phase are performed**Brief history: Sonography: One liver hypoechoic nodule, 5.19 cm at S3, nature? **No previous study on CGMH PACS for comparisonFindings: Plate atelectasis at leftlung base.No definite space occupying lesion in the liver, spleen, pancreas andadrenal gland.A homogeneous enhancing, and isoattenuating to liver in the delayphase, 4.6cm. DDx: Focal nodular hyperplasia, others. Suggest follow up or MRI with Primovist.No definite biliary dilatation.Wall thickening of gallbladder neck, suggest follow up.Patency of portal vein. No definite obstructive uropathy. Cystic lesion at 4.1cm and hypervascular lesions right adnexa, probably benign innature.Unremarkble appearance of appendix.Kindly note that subtle mucosal lesion could not be well evaluated on routine CT. Focal collaspe at the visualized colon; colonic annular lesion(s) can not be excluded by the examination.Mild ventral hernia with hernation sac comprise of mesenteric fat. No definite enlargementof retroperitoneal LNs. No abnormal fluid collection in the abdomen. No definite destructive bony lesion.Impression:1. A homogeneous enhancing, and isoattenuating to liver in the delay phase, 4.6cm. DDx: Focal nodular hyperplasia, others. Suggest follow up or MRI with Primovist.2. Cystic lesion at 4.1cm and hypervascular lesions right adnexa, probably benign in nature.
Iphone 截圖後可以翻譯。 貼一下不怎麼精確的翻譯:
DDx 是 Differential diagnosis的縮寫 ,意思是需要與某
[閒聊] 「liver」算是英語嗎?liver,劍橋字典 " a large organ in the body that cleans the blood and produces bile, or this organ from an animal used as meat 肝,肝臟23
[情報] 寶芬掃描ban玩家以前掃寶芬都是原地晃手機 現在官方說曾經這樣幹的玩家不能再接寶芬任務了 我就是,我被ban,先幫自己QQ7
[問題] 可以幫忙看看這份ct報告嗎家人無意間發現肝臟腫瘤 醫生是說偏不好的 目前醫生是說先切片在看怎麼治療 但他真的完全沒有什麼症狀 所以真的很難接受6
[問題] 母親肺部電腦斷層疑似肺癌各位版友好, 在這個兵荒馬亂時點打擾大家 家母昨日去看肺部電腦斷層報告, 報告內容如下: Ct scan of the chest without and with IV contrast medium enhancement was6
[問題] 肝臟穿刺化驗報告請益想請較板上的專業人士 等了10天報告出來了 但是看不太懂 距離回診還有一段時間 先去醫院申請報告4
[問題] (代po)請教乳房纖維囊腫處理疑慮本文為板主代Po -----以下為原文------ 各位好, 家人近日乳房病理報告切片出爐,乳房有兩顆東西,報告看起來都是良性。但醫師建議需 要根除纖維囊腫,因為報告看起來是往不好的方向長,根除它一勞永逸。我們想備份報告2
[問題] 正子造影報告問題Slightly increased uptake in the left nasopharynx with SUVmax=2.2. Conclusions : 1. Equivocal lesion in the left nasopharynx, nature to be determined. Alth ough post-inflammatory changes are more likely, cannot completely exclude mali gnant changes. 2. Recommend correlate with other clinical findings. 昨天正子造影的報告,從健保快譯通先看到,之前的淋巴的病兆是在腹腔,這次是照到左2
求助病例報告翻譯各位好,爸爸去年有檢查出脂肪肉瘤,目前已復發兩次皆開刀… 3月份醫生有建議可以試試看做放療(因為化療效果不好) 爸爸放療已做完一個月、昨天去長庚斷層檢查 我有先看到報告也有翻譯一下 但怕自己會錯意有人可以看得懂嗎1
[問題] 可否幫忙看一下切片檢查報告家人剛做完病理切片,想知道目前狀況,雖然下週二回診看報告,但還是想請教一下目前 狀況如何?謝謝各位幫忙。 XIndication:Premedication:Premedication with Hyoscine N-Buty| 20mg IM, Simethicone (Wilcon) 20 cc po, and- 各位好,爸爸去年後腹腔肉瘤已開刀清除 有復發兩次….今年有做放療治療 這幾天有看到電腦斷層報告出來了 請問以下這段有人可以協助看是不是有復發嗎 謝謝