[問題] 乳癌病理報告 乳癌類型
家中有長輩腫瘤大小約1.2~1.4 cm ,上週做了切片,結果是:
ER: positive (99%)
PR: negative
Her-2: positive (3+)
Ki-67: 10%
搜尋一些文章後,看起來應該是管腔B型,也有看到是寫 管腔Her2型
臨床診斷:Unspecified lump in breast
breast mass
1: UND
臨床及手術發現:R/613_13.0 *.J2.9 mm, BI-RADS 4a
Pathology Diagnosis:
Breast, right, core biopsy --- Invasive ductal carcinoma.
Gross Description:
The specimen, fixed in formalin, consists of 4 tissue fragments measuring 2.0 x0.3 x 0.1 cm. totally.
All for section.
Microscopic Examination:
Histologic type: Invasive ductal carcinoma
Histologic grade (Nottingham histologic score): Grade II (7)
Score: Tubule 3; Pleomorphism 3; Mitoses 1
Lymphovascular invasion: Absent
Perineural invasion: Absent
Tumor necrosis: Absent
Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes: Mild (< 1%)
Intraductal component (DCIS) : Absent
Microcalcifications: Absent
ER, PR, Her-2, & A1-67: See special stain report
Note: The slides had been reviewed by xxx in our department, and she concurred with the diagnosis.
ER: positive (99%)
PR: negative
Her-2: positive (3+)
Ki-67: 10%
我查是有三種治療方式 原來是都要做嗎!漫長的路
her2的復發率較高 第一次治療很重要 能做就做 希望一切順
好的 謝謝各位的建議!祝你們一生平安
Re: [問題] 可以幫忙看一下乳癌病理報告嗎?沒有排版看起來太痛苦了 PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: Breast, left 4/3, needle biopsy --- Atypical papillary tumor非典型乳突腫瘤 --- Ductal carcinoma in situ原位乳管癌 GROSS FINDING:6
[問題] 病理報告翻譯Soft tissue, abdominal wall, resection Low-grade fibromyxoid sarcoma, FNCLLCC grade 1 , pT2, positive margin Immunohistochemical study (IHC2020-6784): The tumor is EMA(E29)(+), MUC4(+),CD34(QBEND10)(-),SMA(-),desmin(D33)(-),B-ca tenin(-),and S-100(-). The immunoprofile suggests low grade fibromyxoid sarcom4
[問題] (代po)請教乳房纖維囊腫處理疑慮本文為板主代Po -----以下為原文------ 各位好, 家人近日乳房病理報告切片出爐,乳房有兩顆東西,報告看起來都是良性。但醫師建議需 要根除纖維囊腫,因為報告看起來是往不好的方向長,根除它一勞永逸。我們想備份報告4
問題 左側液下腫瘤報告不好意思,因要好幾項報告,還是下面的才是切片報告? 9/25 免疫組織化學染色(每一抗體) Lymph node, axillary, left, core needle biopsy, carcinoma, metastatic.Description:The specimen submitted consists of 5 tissue fragments measuring up to 1.2x0.1x0.1 cm in size, fixed in formalin. Grossly, they are whitish and soft. All for section after bisection and labeled as A1-A2; Jar: 0 An/SMicroscopically, sections reveal metastatic carcinoma arranged in sheets or nests with desmoplasia in the lymphoid background. Moderately nuclear atypism is found. Marked mitotic figure is noted. The tumor cells show TRPS1(+) by immunostain. Breast origin is favored. IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDY The tissue was fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. The fixation time of the tissue was longer than 6 hours and shorter than 72 hours.Cold Ischemia Times was less than 1 hour: Yes.Testing platform: Ventana BenchMark Series, Detection system: Ventana Ultraview DAB IHC Detection kitDESCRIPTION1. ESTROGEN RECEPTOR by VENTANA (clone: SP1) monoclonal rabbit anti-human estrogen receptor antibody: negative nuclear staining in invasive tumor cells(Internal control: absent)”No3
Re: [問題] 乳房切片報告我是上篇原作者 因太心慌 誤以為上一篇超音波報告是切片報告 今天健保app切片病理報告出來了 再請前輩幫忙解答,非常謝謝! Breast, left, core needle biopsy, invasive ductal carcinoma. SUMMARY OF MICROSCOPIC FINDINGS:3
[問題] 乳癌檢驗報告相關問題家母於5年前罹患乳癌(左乳),當時為第一期。 後續經化療6次,放療等,去年8月還歡慶終於抗癌成功。 沒想到前幾天於定期檢驗(2/19)時,醫生觸診又摸到疑似腫瘤的怪東西。 這次為右乳。 立即由醫生安排進行粗針穿刺(2/20)。2
[問題] 可以幫忙看一下乳癌病理報告嗎?PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: Breast, left 4/3, needle biopsy --- Atypical papillary tumor --- Ductal carcinoma in situ GROSS FINDING: The specimen fixed in forma lin consists of 3 strips of tissue, measuring 0.6x0.3x0.1 cm. The largest meas ures 0.6x0.1x0.1 cm. All for section in one block. Immunohistochemical stains for CK5, p40, estrogen receptor (ER) are done. (WYC) MICROSCOPIC FINDING: Sect2
Re: [問題] 前列腺取得組織切片的方法選擇感謝前次版友們於版上及私訊回覆和建議, 我想更新後續、提供我們的經驗給大家,同時也請教後續可能的處置方式。 先前醫師開了抗生素給爸爸服用,想排除是否是發炎引起PSA升高, 服用兩周後再次驗PSA,指數有稍微下降, 用藥前:1
[問題] 想要看一下化驗報告乳房切片報告 PATHOLOGIC DIAGNOSIS: Breast, left (L/1/1), excision. (1) Tubular adenoma. (2) Microcalcification. GROSS DESCRIPTION1
[問題] 大腸息肉報告媽媽上週做了大腸鏡有切除幾顆息肉 剛剛健保快易通報告出來 用google翻譯一下 是腫瘤性腺瘤..請問這是良性還是惡性? 謝謝