[情報] Skyteam(天合聯盟)新成員加入-Eurostar

看板Aviation標題[情報] Skyteam(天合聯盟)新成員加入-Eurostar作者
(just a soubriquet)
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:3


版上鄉民好像很關心 Oneworld, Star Alliance, Skyteam. 就順便提一下.

Eurostar and SkyTeam announce partnership

LONDON/AMSTERDAM: 25 September 2024 - Eurostar and SkyTeam, the global
airline alliance, have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that paves
the way for integrated intermodal journeys via air and rail for millions of

With Eurostar on board as SkyTeam’s first non-airline partner,
customers will be able to travel on itineraries that combine long- and
medium-haul flights with sustainable rail journeys in a single reservation –
while enjoying SkyTeam benefits.

Eurostar’s increased network offers many possibilities to enjoy multi-city
journeys between the U.K., France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany that
can easily be accommodated by rail.

Customers will be able to fly into SkyTeam’s main hubs in France, the
Netherlands and the U.K. and other major European airports across Eurostar’s
network and enjoy multi-city travel in a more sustainable way. Currently,
around 13% percent of Eurostar passengers flying long-haul into one of SkyTeam’s main European hubs connect to another Eurostar destination by rail.

The two companies will work together in the coming months to create a more
integrated experience for air-to-rail travel, ensuring customers can enjoy
the benefits of both transport modes. The partnership is expected to launch
in the first half of 2025.

Eurostar and SkyTeam member, KLM, already have a long-standing relationship.
The companies will continue to develop their air-rail product for customers,
which has already led to a strategic reduction in flights between Amsterdam
and Brussels.

Eurostar (歐洲之星)與Skyteam 簽署備忘錄, 歐洲之星將會成為Skyteam 第一個

以後若開出一本票,有可能會是 將航空與火車票開在同一個 訂位代號.

不過歐洲之星也快要有競爭者出現了, 可能2025就會看到競爭者加入了.

Easyjet 表示:.....


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blanka09/27 16:07EasyJet才不怕好嗎 常常開90磅的價格 比火車還便宜啊


iqeqicq09/27 16:36可以跟同樣在LHR的維珍航空合作吧?

iqeqicq09/27 16:37華航要不要跟歐洲之星合作,包含LHR和AMS

iqeqicq09/27 16:37空鐵聯票Rail and Fly

華航很久以前就跟不太準點的德鐵DB 合作了.在這方面算是已有不少經驗了.

※ 編輯: nyrnu ( 臺灣), 09/27/2024 18:05:36

pippen200209/27 18:25這不是鐵路公司嗎??