[影音] 230418 SUGA│Agust D Radio EP.1 Dream

看板BTS標題[影音] 230418 SUGA│Agust D Radio EP.1 Dream作者
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230418 SUGA│Agust D Radio

Cementing his reputation as a musical polymath, SUGA of BTS is returning to
his hip-hop alias Agust D for an epic rap release. He's celebrating the
arrival of new album D-DAY with his first-ever radio show on Apple Music 1,
where he'll explore his childhood dreams, his travels, his journey to
megastardom with BTS, and his lifelong love of hip-hop. "Just as I hope that
my music will remian in people's hearts," he says, "I am hoping that my radioboardcast will be fun and bring comfort to the listeners." Check out the showand a complete playlist of musical selections—and an exclusive Q&A with
Agust D. EP.1 Dream

SUGA shares his dreams from childhood and he became Agust D.


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mieki 04/18 21:18