[情報] 221116 65th Grammys Awards Nominations

看板BTS標題[情報] 221116 65th Grammys Awards Nominations作者
時間推噓27 推:27 噓:0 →:9

Best Pop Duo / Group Performance : My Universe
Best Music Video : Yet To Come
Album of the Year : Music of the Spheres
(防彈是featuring artists,南俊、號錫、玧其是songwriters)

*補充一下:號錫的equal sign有submit Best Song for Social Change這個category,但這個項目是沒有提名者,只要有提出submission都有機會得獎~


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A10401725 11/16 02:12

A10401725 11/16 02:12Coldplay的Music of the Spheres入圍album of the y

A10401725 11/16 02:12ear!

A10401725 11/16 02:12防彈、南俊、玧其、號錫都有被credit!!!

gbyw 11/16 02:19恭喜孩子們QQ也恭喜Coldplay!!

sunny61629 11/16 02:21入圍恭喜~希望孩子們和Coldplay都能得獎

sister4949 11/16 02:25恭喜我們防彈還有Coldplay!!

mi40828 11/16 03:46恭喜入圍!!!

sodavoxyi 11/16 05:20恭喜~~~

diving999 11/16 07:42恭喜

abopj80 11/16 07:48恭喜防彈們!

MusicShow 11/16 08:15恭喜!

gjildjl 11/16 08:17恭喜防彈和Coldplay!

mark1606 11/16 08:24恭喜

summer0625 11/16 08:37恭喜入圍

bobobo26262611/16 08:38恭喜入圍~~~

aliei 11/16 08:43恭喜防彈 恭喜coldplay

forwardrou 11/16 08:43喔喔喔恭喜入圍!

chimchim101311/16 08:43恭喜!!

mydearyoyo 11/16 09:03太厲害了,恭喜入圍

chicklady 11/16 09:09恭喜~~!!!

MESUMI 11/16 09:12恭喜入圍

mayting3557 11/16 09:13恭喜入圍!!

Nata 11/16 09:16好棒啊!恭喜!

zubomi 11/16 09:27恭喜入圍!好棒!

iamkellyoung11/16 09:30恭喜恭喜~~~

jenny75 11/16 09:33恭喜!

※ 編輯: A10401725 ( 美國), 11/16/2022 10:13:26

s90penny 11/16 10:43我覺得這次my universe 很有機會得獎

s90penny 11/16 10:43防彈Coldplay 加油!!

swiverose 11/16 10:46恭喜

HannnnnSunny11/16 11:07恭喜入圍!

urmyeuphoria11/16 13:14恭喜入圍!!

Maicon 11/16 13:33入圍粗卡!覺得my universe 很有機會+1

mieki 11/16 14:16恭喜入圍

yoyuki2512yo11/16 14:36入圍粗卡!!!

tatashout 11/16 21:54入圍粗卡!!!