[分享] 2024 MLB倫敦賽:大都會vs 費城人(op)
2024年倫敦賽的對戰組合:紐約大都會vs 費城費城人
球賽海報: https://i.imgur.com/ZCOediL.jpg

※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] MLB季後賽對戰組合確定目前MLB季後賽的對戰組合已經全部確定 以下為樹狀圖 以下為種子序 美聯30
[情報] 大聯盟和倫敦宣佈長期合作The city of London & @MLB have formed a long-term strategic partnership that inc ludes MLB playing regular season games in London in ’23, ’24 & ’26. MLB Eur ope will also conduct fan events, expanded UK-focused content, baseball particip ation programs, and more.12
[情報] 2023倫敦戰組合:小熊VS紅雀大聯盟剛剛正式宣佈2023倫敦戰的對戰組合 It’s official. The @Cardinals & @Cubs are heading to London for a two-game seri es June 24-25! @LondonStadium will host this epic rivalry as part of MLB World Tour: London Ser11
[情報] 大聯盟和倫敦宣佈長期合作The city of London & @MLB have formed a long-term strategic partnership that inc ludes MLB playing regular season games in London in ’23, ’24 & ’26. MLB Eur ope will also conduct fan events, expanded UK-focused content, baseball particip ation programs, and more.11
[情報] 2023倫敦戰組合:小熊VS紅雀大聯盟剛剛正式宣佈2023倫敦戰的對戰組合 It’s official. The @Cardinals & @Cubs are heading to London for a two-game seri es June 24-25! @LondonStadium will host this epic rivalry as part of MLB World Tour: London Ser10
[情報] 大聯盟倫敦戰2023復活?With MLB returning to London, #Cardinals are in line to host the #Cubs there in 2023, pending a finalized schedule, according to a source. Team is hopeful. It's obviously early with CBA fresh. The two-game series between the rivals set for 2020 was canceled due to the pand emic7
[情報] MLB倫敦海外戰:6/25 小熊 VS 紅雀因受疫情的影響,停了3年的倫敦海外戰 終於要在台灣6/25的凌晨1:10和晚上10:10再度展開 這次的對戰組合是小熊和紅雀,兩隊將要在倫敦體育場進行交戰 兩隊先發分別是: 倫敦海外戰GAME16
[情報] 明年MLB倫敦海外賽組合:費城 VS 梅子Commissioner Rob Manfred officially announced Phillies-Mets will play in London Series next June. He also said MLB is in process of working on series in Paris f or 2025. "It is in the planning stages & was part of the general program that wa s laid out in the last basic agreement."
[討論] 彭政閔晚個15年出生 也可以領2億嗎?爆
[討論] 大家會期待林立下一份合約嗎爆
[情報] 陳傑憲 10Y/$2億34
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[分享] 統一獅FB 沒有極憲系列商品30
Re: [討論] 彭政閔晚個15年出生 也可以領2億嗎?33
[專欄] 金牌總教練曾豪駒:不把選手變成教練的61
[分享] 林哲瑄 三球就遭盧孟揚三振解決 場邊兄X
[討論] 陳傑憲薪水超過古林22
[分享] 2025 Rakuten Monkeys 賽事贈品報猴哩哉21
[分享] 7-11 IG:台鋼雄鷹、統一獅 周邊商品預購16
[分享] Paul Skenes的簽名卡價值比他的薪水高2X
[討論] 貝比魯斯晚生一百年也可以領7億嗎?10
[情報] 中國小聯盟獨苗 秦子墨進入整季傷兵名單19
[分享] Juan Soto的弟弟在對上大都會的比賽登場7
Re: [討論] 彭政閔晚個15年出生 也可以領2億嗎?X
Re: [分享] 林哲瑄 三球就遭盧孟揚三振解決 場邊兄5
[分享]日職合約更改滿意度調查 樂天連三年墊底15
[討論] ai發達 文字即時轉播有可能進化成影像嗎19
[討論] 各隊當家外野手下一筆大合約可能長怎樣4
[分享] 歷史上的今天 桃園棒球場首戰11
[專欄] 成為王牌之前 德保拉的中職慘淡開局2
[情報] 妞新聞x中信兄弟--開幕系列賽聯名套票27
[分享] 今日千賀滉大、小笠原慎之介8
[分享] 今日 Will Warren/ 菅野智之5
[情報] 韓職3/22先發(2025賽季開幕)