[情報] 參與競標人士:預期Soto收到報價會破六億
Executives involved in the bidding, which is in its relatively early stages, say they expect some offers to eventually reach or exceed $600 million, which would easily be a record for present-day value. (Shohei Ohtani’s heavily deferred $700 million Dodgers deal’s worth is pegged at between $430 million to $470 million.)
The Red Sox are increasingly seen as a legitimate contender in the sweepstakes for the generational slugger as word is they are stepping up efforts to lure thesuperstar hitter away from their historic AL East nemesis.
Sources say the Red Sox are attempting to sell Soto on his fit in Boston — a fit both at Fenway Park and within the history of the franchise.
Perhaps the Red Sox and controlling owner John Henry have decided to awaken at a busy moment.
看看大谷那代言一卡車 延遲付款根本沒差
大谷有日本市場 接不完的代言 根本沒差
Soto個人獎項也很少 就很穩定坐老2老三位置的人,但卻
想看701M不延遲 創紀錄
我梅別輸了 這種大魚能進市場不是每年都有的
棒子在整個聯盟就輸法官跟大谷 小4歲 反而不解為什麼有
https://i.imgur.com/vIM0c3c.jpeg 進FA前三人成績
Soto不會季後軟手 值得
[分享] Jon Heyman:Juan Soto目標700MOct. 31: Report: Soto eyeing $700M deal; many clubs already showing interest Soto has been a free agent for less than 24 hours, but a bunch of teams have alr eady been in contact with him, according to MLB Network insider Jon Heyman. Heyman writes in the New York Post that eight teams checked in with Soto in the hours after he and the Yankees lost to the Dodgers in World Series Game 5 on Wed63
[情報] 梅子開價660M給SotoJuan Soto, the prize of this winter's free agent class, has met with three teams to this point. Soto has reportedly met with the Toronto Blue Jays, Boston Red Sox and New York Mets.46
[情報] 吉田正尚去紅襪BREAKING: Outfielder Masataka Yoshida and the Boston Red Sox are in agreement on a contract, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN. --- Masataka Yoshida's deal with the Boston Red Sox is for $90 million. With a posti37
[花邊] LBJ成為紅襪股東之一 網友指出LBJ是洋基粉來源: USA Today 網址: LeBron James became part-owner of the Red Sox and fans quickly pointed out he's Yankees fan LBJ成為紅襪股東之一 粉絲很快指出他是洋基粉39
Re: [情報] 認真追Soto的有四隊Juan Soto has offers from 5 teams, source confirms the report by @RandyJMiller. Boston Red Sox Los Angeles Dodgers New York Mets25
[情報] 目前已有五支球隊向Juan Soto報價來源:Jon Morosi的X Juan Soto has offers from 5 teams, source confirms the report by @RandyJMiller. Boston Red Sox Los Angeles Dodgers19
[分享] Jeff Passan:大谷翔平爭奪戰即將邁向終點ESPN的Jeff Passan寫在冬季會議開始之前的一些回顧以及乳摸 其中有關大谷的部分: The Ohtani extravaganza is barreling toward the finish line, and when he finally agrees to a deal, the number, sources said, will surge well beyond $500 million . One source said he believes Ohtani will receive a contract for at least $550 m13
[分享] 紅襪願意聽取Alex Verdugo的報價來源: SAN FRANCISCO — The Red Sox have expressed to other clubs that they’re willing to listen to offers for outfielder Alex Verdugo ahead of Tuesday’s trade deadl ine, multiple sources told MassLive. A source with another American League team confirmed the Sox inquired as to whether Verdugo would be of interest to them.14
[情報] 大都會、洋基、藍鳥與紅襪認真競標Soto來源: 節錄Juan Soto的部分 There really are only four teams that are seriously in play for Soto: The Mets, the Yankees, the Toronto Blue Jays and the Boston Red Sox. 現在四隊認真在競標Soto:大都會、洋基、藍鳥跟紅襪12
[情報] Trevor Story 將在四隊中做出選擇Superstar SS Trevor Story choosing one of 4 teams soon. Giants, Red Sox and 2 ot hers remain in mix. Prioritizing winning. Apparently considering a short-term po sitional move, if necessary. 巨人、紅襪+另外兩支球隊,優先考量會贏球的
[分享] MLB春訓對抗賽球員國籍、年齡、守位人33
Re: [新聞] 國中會考成績5C比例近全國3倍 體育班受教56
Re: [新聞] 國中會考成績5C比例近全國3倍 體育班受教11
[分享] 山田哲人 左手指肌腱脫臼9
Re: [新聞] 國中會考成績5C比例近全國3倍 體育班受教1
Re: [新聞] 國中會考成績5C比例近全國3倍 體育班受教