BREAKING: Shortstop Carlos Correa and the Minnesota Twins are finalizing a
six-year, $200 million contract, sources tell ESPN. The deal has a vesting
option that can max out at $270 million. It is pending physical.
游擊手Carlos Correa與明尼蘇達雙城即將簽下6年200M的合約,最高可達270M,等體檢後正式通過。
笑死 又回來了
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首Po新聞來源:自由 新聞標題:經典賽》達比修排除萬難為日本棒球而戰 栗山監督坦言被感動 新聞標題: 〔記者龔乃玠/綜合報導〕教士隊達比修有昨天點頭答應參戰明年經典賽,日本隊監督栗 山英樹今天指出,兩人會面時,達比修說會全力協助日本隊,讓他感受一流選手的厲害之1
首Po日刊體育剛才發布了報導。 預計1/10(週二)正式通告。 2016年六隊競抽沒能得到的大學王牌投手, 如今經由近藤FA轉隊的補償選手指名,X
首Po【棒球新聞】史上最多勝教頭!洪總成台鋼雄鷹首任主帥 經過超過400天的等待,台鋼雄鷹今天將舉行記者會,終於迎來「那個男人」,中職史上最 多勝(991勝)的主帥洪一中降臨,他不但要在南台灣重新找回執教機會,也要在家鄉重新 帶領小鷹衝擊冠軍。 從2021年球季結束後,洪總決定暫時沉潛,富邦再度進行教練團改組,而他轉任顧問,實際X
首Po新聞來源:自由 新聞標題:SPC-MLB》 紅襪二游防區缺人手 美媒爆有意找來這2人 新聞內容: 〔體育中心/綜合報導〕紅襪明星二壘手史托利(Trevor Story)日前進行肘部手術,將 缺席新賽季4到6週,而陣中主力游擊手柏格茲(Xander Bogaerts)轉戰教士,紅襪二游1
首Po經典賽》「中國王牌」是誰?日媒點名在韓職達成百中繼的右腕 〔記者倪婉君/綜合報導〕日本在經典賽和中國同組B組,還有望派大谷翔平對中國先發 ,而究竟誰是中國投手群的王牌?日媒「Full Count」今天也點名在韓職KT巫師發展的「 中繼王」 朱權,認為他可望在對日本之戰登板。 27歲的朱權出生自中國吉林省,2005年時隨母親移民南韓並取得國籍,2015年參加韓職選
[情報] Carlos Correa去巨人 13年350MBREAKING: Shortstop Carlos Correa and the San Francisco Giants are in agreemen t on a 13-year, $350 million contract, a source familiar with the deal tells E SPN. 巨人終於補到自由市場大魚啦!95
[情報] Carlos Correa 去雙城 6y/200MSource confirms: Carlos Correa in agreement with Twins on six-year, $200M cont ract. Deal can max out at $270M with vesting options for four additional years . Pending physical. First: @JeffPassan, @JonHeyman. 第三次了,這次回到雙城81
[情報] Carlos Correa去雙城MLB source: Free agent shortstop Carlos Correa has reached an agreement with the Minnesota Twins (@Twins) on a three-year deal worth $105.3 million with opt out s after the first two years. Highest average annual value for an MLB infielder. 3年105.3M 前兩年都可以逃脫76
[情報] Carlos Correa to Giants 13yr/350MBREAKING: Shortstop Carlos Correa and the San Francisco Giants are in agreemen t on a 13-year, $350 million contract, a source familiar with the deal tells E SPN. Carlos Correa and Giants agree at $350M and 13 years. No opt out. Full no trad57
Fw: [情報] Carlos Correa去雙城作者: polanco (polanco) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] Carlos Correa去雙城? 時間: Sat Mar 19 13:44:33 2022 MLB source: Free agent shortstop Carlos Correa has reached an agreement with the Minnesota Twins (@Twins) on a three-year deal worth $105.3 million with opt out17
[情報] Chris Archer去雙城Right-hander Chris Archer and the Minnesota Twins are in agreement on a one-year , $3.5 million contract, sources familiar with the deal tell ESPN. Archer, 33, w ill join the Twins' rotation and can earn up to $9.5 million this season with pe rformance bonuses.12
[情報] Luis Castillo與水手隊簽下5年108M合約BREAKING: Right-hander Luis Castillo and the Seattle Mariners are in agreement o n a five-year, $108 million contract extension, sources tell ESPN. A sixth-year vesting option can take it to $133 million. M’s got Castillo at the trade deadline and now lock him up for half-decade.
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