[分享] 大都會隊釋出 Trayce Thompson

看板Baseball標題[分享] 大都會隊釋出 Trayce Thompson作者
時間推噓16 推:16 噓:0 →:5

The Mets have released Trayce Thompson, per MLB’s transaction log.

Thompson, 33, signed a minor league deal this past offseason. The journeyman
outfielder, who could soon join his 11th organization, hit 16 home runs and
posted a .800 OPS in 62 games with Triple-A Syracuse.

Trayce Thompson 日前遭到大都會隊釋出



打擊三圍 .228/.300/.500 OPS 0.800 16發全壘打 44分打點 6次盜壘成功


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