[分享] Luis Severino:很失望今年投不到洋基隊

看板Baseball標題[分享] Luis Severino:很失望今年投不到洋基隊作者
時間推噓22 推:22 噓:0 →:11

Luis Severino說他很失望今年沒能面對洋基先發,他說他跟前隊友群聊時有人講幹話,他回說你們才兩個好打者

Luis Severino is disappointed he won’t get to face the Yankees. Says he is on a group chat with some of his former teammates and they “talk shit” about him. Severino’s response: “You only have two good hitters.”





Luis Severino is in a group chat with some members of the Yankees that told him he was "afraid of them" after not starting in the first Subway Series at Citi Field. Severino's response?

"I'm not afraid of you guys. Right now, you only have two good hitters."


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yaes11107/20 07:19太狠了

johnwu07/20 07:20期待以後洋基打爆他

eett81102507/20 07:23確實

Notif52007/20 07:26這什麼大實話

bmwnyy87091507/20 07:27剛第一局結束 確實

jkry07/20 07:27對到,可能被完封

yaes11107/20 07:33 確實

a1122dog07/20 07:34確實

hjs0607/20 07:35確實,我基就廢啊

Bilison07/20 07:45確實,但你梅也很爛

kenkuo168807/20 07:51笑死 上圖完全驗證

thb9630007/20 07:57確實

nuggets091607/20 08:17確實….

nina057707/20 08:18氣氣氣 無法反駁

b12300g07/20 08:22

mightymouse07/20 08:23隊友群完全無法反駁

charlie0107/20 08:24雀食.jpeg

wusam466710307/20 08:25笑死 開臭

FunGuy07/20 08:26確實 就兩個能看

Willdododo07/20 08:26臭爛了

mouse85113007/20 08:28你愛說實話

OhtaniHR07/20 08:40圖XDD

kidney061607/20 09:09本來就二人戰隊

JoeGibsonJr07/20 09:23只有2個會打的 誰會怕

asdfg528707/20 09:30確實 投手閃過法官跟索托就好

Minihil07/20 09:31已經進步了 他在的時候才一個

max01106007/20 09:341人戰隊升級成2人戰隊 就問你怕不怕

leoz6992707/20 09:46除了soto跟judge以外都來鬧的

addisonwu07/20 11:59世界大賽還有機會

fanny082507/20 12:46笑死!最後一段太中肯

ultratimes07/20 13:22四維

JKjohnwick07/20 14:01那大都會有誰?

bbken07/21 01:25比去年進步了…