[分享] Zach Neto 將於明天前往天使隊3A打復健賽
來源: http://tinyurl.com/3unx3ucd
Angels shortstop Zach Neto set to begin rehab assignment with Salt Lake
天使隊新秀游擊手 Zach Neto
Neto 今年球季中首度被球團升上大聯盟
一共出賽67場,打擊三圍 .241/.315/.411 OPS 0.726 8發全壘打 30分打點
※ PTT 留言評論
[討論] Zach Neto要怎麼翻譯?Zach Neto 曾經的百大 4月份被天使直call上大聯盟 但國內翻譯好雜 有那托、乃托、納投50
[情報] Anthony Rendon 進傷兵名單新秀遊擊 Zach Neto今天終於回歸打線 6月14日因腳傷進傷兵名單 另一方面Rendon自打球膝蓋中了一球後 自7月4日後沒有出賽36
[情報] 天使叫上去年選秀第一輪指名+下放FletchThe Los Angeles Angels are calling up shortstop Zach Neto, their first-round pic k from the 2022 draft. Neto, 22, will be the first '22 pick to debut -- after on ly 44 minor league games in which he hit .322/.408/.529. He's expected to take o ver at shortstop full-time.21
[炸裂] Zach Neto抬奶頭 確信步Neto 左中外野深處炸裂 好猛喔Zach Neto 保險分來了17
[情報] Zach Neto 進傷兵名單Zach Neto is on the IL with the lower back issue. He said it just wasn’t gettin g better like he hoped. No timetable for how long he’s out. #Angels 下背部疼痛,進傷兵名單 他說這個問題沒像他希望的好轉,目前沒有回歸的時間表15
[炸裂] Zach Neto天使主場本日台灣日加持 2局上Anderson順利用雙殺解決危機 2局下Neto轟了發三分砲,本季第三發 帶領天使0-4暫時領先! --13
[炸裂] Zach Neto今年被天使拉上大聯盟的Neto哥 擊出生涯首轟 也是這場第一支安打 右外野方向 棒打Valdez10
[情報] 天使叫上去年選秀第一輪指名Zach NetoThe Los Angeles Angels are calling up shortstop Zach Neto, their first-round pic k from the 2022 draft. Neto, 22, will be the first '22 pick to debut -- after on ly 44 minor league games in which he hit .322/.408/.529. He's expected to take o ver at shortstop full-time.9
[分享] Zach Neto 美技雙殺天使隊游擊手Zach Neto 七局下一壘有人之際滑接接殺了小飛球 之後快傳一壘刺殺一壘跑者 然後下個半局又尻了一發兩分砲8
[炸裂] Zach Neto竟然沒人搶 前一半局大谷又被炸 下個半局天使新人Zach Neto馬上回敬一發陽春砲 本季第8轟 --
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