[分享] 林盛恩 官網球探報告

看板Baseball標題[分享] 林盛恩 官網球探報告作者
時間推噓29 推:30 噓:1 →:12

Sheng-En Lin SS/OF/RHP, ACL Reds, ROK

Scouting grades: Hit: 50 | Power: 40 | Run: 60 | Arm: 60 | Field: 50 | Overall: 45

Scouting grades: Fastball 55 | Slider: 50 | Changeup: 45 | Control: 50 | Overall: 40


The Reds made a huge splash right at the start of the 2023 international signing period by inking one of the top catching prospects in the class, Alfredo Duno, for $3.1 million. They saved some of their bonus pool money to make waves in June as well, when they gave $1.2 million to Lin, a talented player from Taiwan who had played two ways in international competition. The Reds plan to focus on his bat initially, but are not closing the door on letting him do both in the future.

紅人隊在今年國際球員市場開市時就幹了票大的,用310萬簽下本梯次最好的捕手Alfredo Duno,之後又在6月用省下來的pool money簽下林盛恩,簽約金120萬鎂。紅人最初計畫讓他專注打擊,但沒有排除未來朝二刀流發展的可能。

Right now, Lin’s bat is believed to be ahead of his skills on the mound, and it wouldn’t be surprising if he ends up heading in that direction. The left-handed hitter has shown an ability to make a lot of contact with a solid overall approach, hitting well in international competition. There is some power for the 5-foot-11 Lin to tap into, with perhaps more to come as he matures, but right now he’s a hit-over-power type, one who uses his plus speed to his advantage on both sides of the ball.


As a position player, Lin’s athleticism and plus arm could be an asset at shortstop, or the Reds could let his athleticism play in center field. If he does pitch, he has a fastball that averaged close to 92 mph during the Under-18 Baseball World Cup last year, and has touched higher to go along with a mid-70s slider and low 80s changeup.




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AAaaron08/11 11:40加油,感覺還有漫漫長路要養

minikai08/11 11:45才17歲天賦滿滿,還有時間養

revise08/11 11:45投球感覺普?

ericisfish08/11 11:46打擊天花板聽起來很高

gopher08/11 11:46不少球探都覺得他投球可能快到天花板了

Bparis08/11 11:49守位 P/SS/CF 全能

yankees73308/11 11:51打擊能平均就好

jkokpcu08/11 11:52投球還是有機會上mlb吧

WasJohnWall08/11 11:52照之前新聞看他Tool直接當野手林劉都可能被他卡下去

WasJohnWall08/11 11:52

freezee08/11 11:5217歲還可以啦

rondo041708/11 11:53看起來以打擊為重了

a568792008/11 11:57他野手天賦這麼高喔

JoeGibsonJr08/11 11:57看別隊亞洲人游擊養成都不錯 林盛恩又有很好的運動天

JoeGibsonJr08/11 11:57份 所以才讓他練游擊?

JKjohnwick08/11 11:59台灣打者不看好

a1c2x308/11 12:00野手評價蠻好的

ntultamwc08/11 12:05看打過幾場之後打擊守備會不會穩定發揮出來

opkl1300608/11 12:09漏了:生魚片是強項、不能做炸蟹斗

KanaheiUsagi08/11 12:11打的評價怎麼可以吹成這樣

WaywayPao08/11 12:12hit有50...真的假的

JMashburn08/11 12:13可是ptt都說投球比較強欸 球探有鄉民懂球嗎

anthony6708/11 12:15評分已經很高了

zxc90638308/11 12:19紅人就是把他當野手簽 等於他是1.2M野手 評價高不意外

zxc90638308/11 12:19

AAaaron08/11 12:22球探說他投球已經比較成熟,所以先養野手技能,投球休息

chdc08/11 12:22這份power跟球隊給的評價有差距吧 影響overall

BryantKobe08/11 12:23野手就速度和臂力都有60分 這樣還不夠強唷 台灣哪時

BryantKobe08/11 12:23候出過這種的

Arens556608/11 12:27Overall 45 40 中職狀元+1

megalodon3508/11 12:30他有打優於投喔? 我怎麼看到穀保幾乎都讓他投

rickcoo08/11 12:32只會生魚片

alphanet08/11 12:35不給他切生魚片的角色他要怎麼100%發揮,氣氣氣氣氣

Werth08/11 12:38他目前的打擊較優沒錯 但論這分數並沒有給太高

Dawei116508/11 12:42ETA 2027 蠻快的 到時候才22

Akira112408/11 13:02看報告打者天份較高,但power好像有點低

kiwi060708/11 13:16球探報告看的是未來性吧 在國內看到的確實是投球表現出

kiwi060708/11 13:16色 但球探也認為天花板相對打擊沒有這麼高

ACEric217308/11 13:24高一就有球探說他打擊天花板比投球高了

davidwawa08/11 13:29不過就現狀來說投球地板比較高 打還要R練 投可能直上A

davidwawa08/11 13:30這可能也是讓他投球先停機的原因 他的實力不需要在R投

davidwawa08/11 13:31但打擊倒是需要從R開始養經驗

frank90121208/11 16:30加油