[情報] 藍鳥總裁:我認為將要延長Vladdy的合約
#BlueJays president Mark Shapiro on Vladimir Guerrero Jr.:
"I think we're going to sign him. I think we're going to extend him. The reasonI feel that way is because we have such a clear alignment on the desired outcome."
藍鳥總裁Mark Sharpio針對Vladimir Guerrero Jr.的事情做回應:
我認為我們將要簽下他 我認為我們將要延長他的合約
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※ WanYC:轉錄至看板 MLB03/20 23:58
[分享] 小V葛認為自己有機會拿到七億等級合約Vladimir Guerrero Jr. believes he'll be in the $700M range if he puts up an MVP caliber season. "If I have a bad year, I see my floor at $500M." (Via: @YancenPujols)21
[情報] 小V葛拒絕藍鳥500M含延遲付款合約Heyman: Blue Jays offered Vladimir Guerrero Jr. a deal for about $500M with sign ificant deferrals before negotiations were halted. Jon Heyman講的 藍鳥最後開價約500M,帶有明顯的延遲付款18
[情報] 藍鳥未能與小V葛達成合約延長協議記者Ben Nicholson-Smith以及Jeff Passan剛才皆於推特報導: 藍鳥未能與小V葛達成合約延長的協議 小V葛對記者表示: 他們有他們的合約版本,但我也有我自己的版本 "They had their numbers, I had my numbers." 所以小V葛將在26歲的時候踏入自由市場,預計將會引發一波搶人大戰19
[情報] 小V葛與藍鳥未能達成延長合約協議Star slugger Vladimir Guerrero Jr. and the Toronto Blue Jays did not reach an ag reement on a contract extension before his Monday-night deadline. 藍鳥與小V葛無法在他設下的期限前達成協議 ---15
[情報] 遊騎兵隊簽下Vladimir Guerrero之子PabloTexas Rangers sign OF Pablo Guerrero, son of Hall of Famer Vladimir Guerrero Per Hector, the signing bonus on Pablo Guerrero was $100K plus another $50,000 for scholarship studies. Not a huge signing in terms of dollars, but11
[炸裂] Vladimir Guerrero Jr.Vladdy 明星賽後第一場 第一打席就開轟啦 本季第29轟 讓藍鳥先馳得點 暫時領先 藍鳥1:0遊騎兵 希望7/30能帶著火燙手感回到多倫多主場 --9
Re: [情報] Guerrero Jr續約要500M ?很常在分享乳摸的前大聯盟球員Carlos Baerga 最近是講了小V葛 According to @BaergaCarlos , the star player Vladimir Guerrero Jr. has chosen to reject an offer exceeding $340 million dollars from the Toronto Blue Jays. #Blu9
[情報] 今天是藍鳥跟小V葛談延長的最後期限Today is the last day for the Blue Jays to extend Vladimir Guerrero Jr. Any extension would be the biggest contract in Blue Jays franchise history, an d one of the biggest in MLB history. If there's no extension by tonight, he'll hit free agency after the season at age 26.7
[情報] Ken Rosenthal:藍鳥的幹大事Ken Rosenthal最新文章 Picture the Toronto Blue Jays keeping first baseman Vladimir Guerrero Jr. long-t erm. Trading shortstop Bo Bichette. Signing free-agent third baseman Alex Bregma n.3
[情報] 藍鳥和小V葛的續約談判進展順利SOURCE: Talks between the #BlueJays and Vladimir Guerrero Jr. are progressing sa tisfactorily regarding a possible contract extension. The Jays are getting close r to what Vladdy Jr. is looking for. 藍鳥和小V葛的續約談判目前進展順利
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