[情報] 山本由伸本周開始復健賽
Yoshinobu Yamamoto’s rehab assignment will start Wednesday with Triple-A
OKC, Dave Roberts said.
照之前的消息 #1cneItP1 預計九月中回歸
#Dodgers RHP Tony Gonsolin, one year removed from TJ surgery, has thrown
three live BP sessions in AZ and hopes to begin a rehab assignment soon with
the intention of coming back in some capacity this season.
Tony Gonsolin本季有機會回歸
目前已經進行了三次Live BP,預計近期開始投入復健賽
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由伸快回來 綱手就等明年吧
[分享] 張育成 預計本週開始復健賽來源: ANAHEIM, Calif. — Yu Chang (hamate fracture) might begin a rehab assignment Wed nesday and Christian Arroyo (right hamstring strain) will start one Friday, Red Sox manager Alex Cora said Monday. 柯拉說張育成可能會在週三開始復健賽,Christian Arroyo則是週五。41
[分享] 張育成回到波士頓接受治療 下週再打復健賽Yu Chang felt some pain in his hand when swinging at some low pitches in AA last night. Told that his rehab assignment will pause to get more treatment in Boston then pick up again next week. A little bit of a setback but nothing major.26
[情報] 山本由伸肩膀不會痛了 暫時沒有回歸時間表今天蘿蔔受訪前更新了幾個躲人投手傷兵的狀況 蘿蔔說山本由伸目前還是沒有回歸的時間表,何時開始復健取決他的感覺如何 也說山本現在不會覺得痛了,希望可以快點開始傳接球 Dave Roberts said Yoshinobu Yamamoto still doesn’t have a timeline to resume th rowing. It’s dependent on how he’s feeling.18
[情報] 山本由伸預計9月中回歸Yoshinobu Yamamoto is on track to rejoin the Dodgers sometime in mid-September, Dave Roberts said Roberts was impressed with Yamamoto’s stuff today, and said he will throw a 3-i nning sim game in the next week before going out on rehab14
[情報] 山本由伸 預計下週開始傳接球The Dodgers are planning for Yoshinobu Yamamoto to start playing catch again lat e next week, per Dave Roberts Yamamoto has only thrown plyo balls to this point 蘿蔔說道奇隊計畫下個禮拜讓山本由伸開始KGB10
[情報] Kershaw預計在下周二先發對上響尾蛇昨天在3A投完3局的復健賽後 Kershaw今天表示他的手臂感覺很好 道奇總教練Dave Roberts說Kershaw預計會在9/13(台灣時間9/14)對響尾蛇的比賽先發 該場先發會有4局/60球的限制 而道奇隊陣中另一位因傷缺陣一陣子的投手Tony Gonsolin將在明天對紅雀的最終戰先發7
[情報] Mookie Betts預計後天離開傷兵名單Mookie Betts will take BP with the team pregame Sunday and then travel with team to Milwaukee to be activated Monday. Chris Taylor will go to #Dodgers camp in A Z to continue rehabbing and getting live ABs vs pitchers there. Betts明天賽前會進行打擊練習,然後隨隊飛去密爾瓦基並離開傷兵名單4
[分享] Walker Buehler 準備投入復健賽來源: Dodgers Injury Update: Walker Buehler Starting Rehab Assignment Walker Buehler 在前年八月份接受 Tommy John 手術 接下來將會進入復健賽的實戰階段 準備前往道奇隊小聯盟3A報到3
[情報] 山本由伸已完成第二次牛棚練投今天稍早的消息 Yoshinobu Yamamoto is throwing a bullpen session right now, his second time off a mound since going on the IL in June. ---2
[分享] 山本由伸 今天在模擬賽投了17球Yoshinobu Yamamoto faced five hitters and threw 17 pitches today in his first li ve session since going on the IL. Dave Roberts said they cut it off there due to the heat. Yamamoto said he continues to feel good. At least two more live sessions schedul ed before potential rehab.
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