PTT評價 what62651 過去發表過的文章
[情報] 水手隊本季球衣We are excited to expand our long-standing relationship with @NintendoAmerica with jerseys featuring Nintendo at home and Nintendo Switch 2 on the road. 水手隊與任天堂擴大合作 今年球衣上會有任天堂的LOGO 客場球衣32
[情報] V10引擎回歸可能性?There were discussions in F1 to keep the current rules for 2 more years and switch straight to V10s in 2028. Another idea: Keep the 2026 regs for only 3 instead of 5 years before the V10 switch. FIA already set up a V10 working group. FIA已成立工作小組評估F1重返V10可能性爆
[情報] Gerrit Cole 賽季報銷The Yankees announced that Gerrit Cole will have Tommy John surgery tomorrow 洋基隊宣布Gerrit Cole將在明天接受TJ手術 2025年賽季報銷23
[情報] 摩納哥站新規則FIA確認從今年賽季開始 摩納哥站將強制進站兩次 正賽至少要使用三套輪胎 如果是乾地比賽至少使用兩種不同配方輪胎87
[情報] Clayton Kershaw回道奇The Dodgers have agreed to a contract with Clayton Kershaw, per multiple sources. The signing will become official once he has completed his physical 書僮重返道奇隊 雙方已達成合約協議 合約等待體檢通過後生效22
[情報] Kenley Jansen去天使Angels, RHP Kenley Jansen reportedly agree to deal 天使隊簽下後援右投Kenley Jansen Kenley Jansen has agreed to a one-year8
[情報] 《F1》超級盃預告預計在今年夏天上映的《F1》電影 今天釋出了超級盃特別預告 F1 | Only In Theaters SUMMER 202538
[分享] 千賀與達爾 一起訓練千賀個人IG更新 來到聖地牙哥找達爾一起訓練 達爾送給千賀的32歲生日禮物 LV背包5
[情報] F1 Manager 2024 限時免費 (Epic)《F1® 車隊經理 2024》 2月14至2月21日 限時免費 目前及下週免費遊戲陣容 領取網址59
[情報] Aaron Judge 女兒出生1/27/25 Nora Rose Judge What an incredible week it's been, can't wait for the memories the three of us make. Aaron Judge 在個人IG上分享女兒出生的喜訊 並且取名為Nora Rose Judge49
[分享] 薛蛇去藍鳥 1y/15.5MBreaking: Max Scherzer to Blue Jays Scherzer deal: $15.5M 根據Jon Heyman的消息來源 藍鳥隊簽下薛蛇 合約價碼一年1550萬美元59
[情報] Trevor Bauer即將回歸橫濱DeNAトレバー・バウアー投手(34)の2シーズンぶりのDeNA復帰が決定的であることが26日 、分かった。早ければ近日中にも正式発表される見込み。 日刊體育報導 Trevor Bauer即將重返橫濱DeNA 預計近期正式宣布25
[情報] 藤浪晉太郎去水手Shintaro Fujinami and the Mariners have agreed on a contract, sources say. Minor league deal with an invitation to @MLB spring training. 水手隊與藤浪晉太郎簽下小聯盟合約 並附帶大聯盟春訓邀請爆
[情報] 干擾木屐的球迷 懲罰出爐Yankees fans who mauled Mookie Betts at World Series banned from all MLB stadiums indefinitely 去年世界大賽第四戰 在場邊干擾木屐接球的兩位球迷 被懲處無限期禁止進入所有大聯盟球場爆
[情報] Corbin Burnes去響尾蛇 6y/210MBreaking: Corbin Burnes to Diamondbacks, $210M, 6 years. opt out after 2 years. 響尾蛇簽下右投Corbin Burnes 合約6年2.1億鎂 第二年後可以跳脫合約16
[情報] Sean Manaea回大都會 3y/75MBREAKING: Left-hander Sean Manaea and the New York Mets are in agreement on a three-year, $75 million contract, sources tell ESPN. The 32-year-old is running it back with the Mets. 梅子簽回左投Sean Manaea 合約3年/7500萬鎂3X
[情報] Audi、Alpine、Haas 有開合約給角田日媒報導中間有一段提到 在季初時候 Audi/Sauber、Alpine、Haas 跟角田陣營有接觸並且開了一份長約 但是紅牛沒打算放人 最終角田只能留在小牛29
[情報] Isack Hadjar加入小牛BREAKING: Isack Hadjar joins RB for the 2025 season The F2 graduate will replace Liam Lawson, who heads to Red Bull Isack Hadjar明年賽季加入小牛跟角田搭檔84
[情報] Checo宣布離開紅牛Thank you for these four years @redbullracing I wish you the best. Checo確定離開紅牛41
Re: [乳摸] 林帛亨:內線消息,角田2025上大牛來自德國SKY的內線消息 說是Lawson會去接Checo位置 Sky Sport F1 (Germany) Marko昨天的訪談說這禮拜會確定明年車手陣容32
[情報] 教士聽取Cease、Arraez、Bogaerts報價Heyman消息 教士隊正在聽取Dylan Cease、Luis Arraez、Xander Bogaerts報價 Dylan Cease及Luis Arraez明年都是到期約 Xander Bogaerts合約則是還有9年要跑而且有完整NTC條款18
[情報] Cadillac確定將使用法家PUFerrari宣布將在2026年賽季開始 向Cadillac提供PU及變速箱 Cadillac則是預計2028年賽季換上GM PU --爆
[情報] 佐佐木朗希爭奪戰 正式開始NEWS: RHP Rōki Sasaki has been officially posted today for @MLB clubs. 佐佐木朗希入札程序正式開始 截止時間到明年1月23日 下午5點 (美東時間) --39
[情報] 大谷現場觀看湖人比賽大谷今天跟老婆田中真美子 到現場觀看NBA 湖人vs拓荒者 OHTANI#17、TANAKA#12 湖人球衣44
[情報] Willy Adames去巨人 7y/182MSource confirms: Willy Adames to Giants, seven years, $182M, pending physical. Biggest contract in Giants history, surpassing Posey’s $167M deal. 舊金山巨人隊簽下游擊手Willy Adames 合約7年/1.82億鎂 超越波西1.67億鎂,成為巨人隊史最大張合約7
[情報] Kimi、Bearman將參加SFormula官方測試Kimi及Bearman將在賽季結束前往鈴鹿賽道 參加Super Formula官方測試 時間表54
[情報] 收官戰車手聚餐今天媒體日兩個主角都有到場 懶惰:那兩人要坐遠點 ☺爆
[情報] Checo即將離開紅牛 (ESPN)Sergio Pérez is set to leave Red Bull at the end of the 2024 season, sources have told ESPN. According to multiple sources, Red Bull have decided to move on from Pérez after Sunday's Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. 消息人士告訴ESPN10
[情報] Mick離開賓士We can confirm that @SchumacherMick has chosen to leave his role with the Team at the end of the 2024 season 今年賽季結束 Mick將離開賓士車隊10
[情報] F1正式宣布Cadillac加盟BREAKING: F1 announces it has "reached an agreement in principle with General Motors (GM) to support bringing GM/Cadillac as the eleventh team to the Formula 1 grid in 2026 GM/Cadillac將在2026年,以第11支車隊身份加入F14
Re: [情報] Andretti即將加入F1更新一下AP後續消息 車隊會用Cadillac F1名稱加入,而不是原先的Andretti Cadillac 前兩個賽季會使用法拉利PU,2028年賽季才會換上通用研發的PU Mario Andretti會擔任車隊大使 預計最快下周宣布21
[情報] Andretti即將加入F1F1 appears to be getting an 11th team for the 2026 season and beyond, with the relevant parties believed to be reaching an agreement. RacingNews365 and understand that in all likelihood F1 will welcome the new entry at the start of the new regulations cycle, with an official statement anticipated to follow soon.51
[情報] 今日賽程 (排位賽+正賽)昨日排位賽延賽,改到今日 正賽時間也有更動,提前開跑 11/3(日) 台灣時間 18:30 排位賽 23:30 正賽20
[情報] Audi即將簽下Gabriel BortoletoWe hear from our Brazilian sources that Sauber/Bortoleto is a done deal for 2025. But there’s no official confirmation by the team yet. McLaren放人 Bortoleto明年將加入Sauber車隊 預計將在巴西大獎賽結束後宣布- --
[炸裂] Giancarlo StantonGiancarlo Stanton 六局上半從Jack Flaherty手中敲出一發兩分砲 洋基隊2:1領先中 影片支援 初速116.6mph 距離412ft爆
[情報] 洋基球迷場邊大喊:續約SotoYankees fans are chanting "Re-sign Soto" so loud you can hear it on the TV broadcast. And it's in an opponent's ballpark. 洋基老闆Hal Steinbrenner在接受冠軍頒發儀式中 球迷在場邊大喊"Re-sign Soto" 大到電視轉播都聽得一清二楚57
[情報] 千賀滉大 G5牛棚待命明天國聯冠軍系列戰 G5 梅子推派出David Peterson先發 道奇則是Jack Flaherty Carlos Mendoza announces Kodai Senga will be available out of the bullpen58
[情報] 明年賽季規則改動Minor changes for 2024 and 2025 Sporting and Technical regulations were approved by the World Council, including the removal of the point awarded for setting the fastest lap and the increase in requirement for fielding a young driver during free practice from once per season to two times per season. 最速圈積分取消47
[情報] TOYOTA重返F1MoneyGram Haas F1 Team Enters Technical Partnership with TOYOTA GAZOO Racing Haas車隊宣布與Toyota達成技術合作夥伴關係 Haas車上的TGR LOGO @Mamo_photo爆
[分享] 教士跟道奇 明日先發投手Dylan Cease will start Game 4 for the Padres. 教士派出只休三天的Dylan Cease Dave Roberts says bullpen game tomorrow. 蘿蔔說明天牛棚日爆
[炸裂] Fernando Tatis Jr.尖帝士第二局從Buehler手中敲出兩分砲 教士隊單局灌進六分 目前比分 6:1 教士領先中 影片支援爆
[分享] 今日 達比修 有Yu Darvish #11 7.0IP 3H 1R 1ER 2BB 3SO 0HR 1.29ERA 國家聯盟分區系列賽第二戰 達爾主投七局僅用82球(82-53) 唯一失分第二局滿壘被Lux高飛犧牲打帶回一分70
[炸裂] Fernando Tatis Jr.尖帝士九局上又敲一發全壘打 單場雙響炮 躲魯閣開張 比分擴大來到 10:1 教士隊領先中 影片支援31
[情報] 金河成賽季報銷Kim announced that he's having season-ending shoulder surgery. "I really tried everything to come back and help the team," he said. "But my body just wouldn't listen to my mind. So I think as of now, my season is over, and it's really frustrating and disappointing." 金河成要去動肩膀手術爆
[分享] 大谷50轟球開賣 起標價50萬鎂大谷的50轟紀錄球,目前已經在拍賣網站Goldin開放競標 起標價50萬鎂 直購價450萬鎂(10/9日前限定) 影片介紹29
[情報] 紅牛又一位管理層出走賽事策略主管Will Courtenay將轉戰麥拉倫 近五個月紅牛第三位管理層離開 --46
[情報] 達比修有 大聯盟生涯2000K達陣今天對上白襪隊,完成大聯盟生涯2000K里程碑 就局數方面達爾是史上第二快,僅次2019年的拍賣哥 1.Chris Sale 1626.0IP (2019) 2.達比修有 1697.1IP (2024) 3.Pedro Martinez 1711.1IP (2002)65
[情報] 金寶被DFAThe Orioles have designated Craig Kimbrel for assignment, the team announced. 金鶯隊公布名單異動 金寶遭到球隊指定轉讓 今年賽季成績 57G 23SV 52.1IP 73SO 5.33ERA- Yu Darvish #11 6.0IP 3H 0R 0ER 2BB 3SO 0HR 3.21ERA 1.11WHIP 今天主場出戰太空人 主投六局被敲三支安打,投出三次三振及兩次保送 沒有丟掉任何分數
[情報] 今日 達比修 有Yu Darvish #11 5.0IP 7H 2R 2ER 0BB 5SO 2HR 3.52ERA 今天客場對戰水手隊 主投五局用了63球(63-46) 被敲七支安打包含兩發陽春砲,失掉兩分56
[閒聊] Newey加入馬丁的關鍵The team said that a private tour of the team’s state-of-the-art factory in June “proved a decisive factor in the decision-making process”. 車隊表示Newey加入的關鍵是在六月參觀馬丁全新工廠 馬丁不只給Newey超大張合約 (很可能是全球體育史上非運動員最高薪)27
[情報] Aston Martin開給Newey的薪水An Aston Martin source told BBC Sport that Newey has made a long-term commitment to the team, said to be a five-year contract worth up to a possible £30m a year, including bonuses and add-ons. The deal will be announced at a news conference organised by Aston Martin at their F1 base at Silverstone on Tuesday.20
[情報] 巨人續約Matt ChapmanBREAKING: Third baseman Matt Chapman and the San Francisco Giants are in agreement on a six-year, $151 million contract extension, sources tell ESPN. It wipes out the final two years of his current deal and keeps Chapman from opting out. News free at ESPN: 舊金山巨人與三壘手Matt Chapman完成續約98
[情報] 麥拉倫將調查Piastri是否違反Papaya RuleMcLaren will investigate whether Oscar Piastri's lap-one Italian GP move on Lando Norris broke the F1 team's 'Papaya Rules' - "We will review with the drivers, look at the videos, and then we will assess together whether they were compliant. 車隊表示將會調查Piastri第一圈超掉Lando是否違反"Papaya Rules"23
[情報] F1考慮舉辦"新秀衝刺賽"F1目前正在考慮 賽季結束後的阿布達比測試日 安排一場由新秀組成的衝刺賽 預計下個月會有答案12
[情報] Jason Heyward 將加入太空人Jason Heyward has a deal done with the Astros pending a physical, per source. He was released by the Dodgers yesterday and is making $9 million this season on a one-year deal signed last winter. 被道奇隊釋出的Jason Heyward 預計加入太空人1
[情報] 山本由伸本周開始復健賽Yoshinobu Yamamoto’s rehab assignment will start Wednesday with Triple-A OKC, Dave Roberts said. 蘿蔔說山本周三開始小聯盟(AAA)復健賽 照之前的消息 #1cneItP1 預計九月中回歸61
[分享] 今日 Aaron JudgeAaron Judge #99 AB:4 R:2 H:2 RBI:3 BB:1 K:0 AVG:0.333 OPS:1.201 法官今天在主場敲出雙響炮(NO.50+NO.51) 完成生涯第三度單季至少50轟5
[閒聊] Kimi Antonelli的生日禮物Mercedes team principal Toto Wolff confirmed their plans after today’s Dutch Grand Prix. However he also dismissed rumours Antonelli could be loaned to their customer team Williams as a replacement for the struggling Logan Sargeant “That’s not going to happen,” Wolff told Sky. “We’re going to put Kimi