[情報] 聖荷西市長:我們不是巨人的地盤

看板Baseball標題[情報] 聖荷西市長:我們不是巨人的地盤作者
時間推噓22 推:22 噓:0 →:8

SAN JOSE — Five of San Jose’s mayors sent Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred a letter last week, asking MLB to permanently suspend territorial rights and create an avenue for the city to get an expansion team.

In a letter dated June 15 and obtained by this news organization Friday night, current San Jose mayor Matt Mahan and four former mayors — Sam Liccardo, Chuck Reed, Ron Gonzales and Tom McEnery — called on baseball to allow for Santa Clara County to be freed from being considered as the territory of the San FranciscoGiants.

The A’s had previously attempted to move to San Jose, but those attempts were stalled by MLB and the Giants in the past.

“We’ve reached out to the commissioner to express our strong belief that San Jose should no longer be the only major American city in any professional sport to be legally barred from hosting a team,” Mahan said in a statement Friday night. “This is a timely request given the A’s impending departure, and with increasing interest in MLB expansion.”

A spokesperson for the San Francisco Giants did not immediately return a message seeking comment on the letter.

聖荷西現任市長Matt Mahan以及四位前任市長





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06/24 14:39

TimmyJiang06/24 14:40這什麼

ilikeroc06/24 14:43晚了就不要了 來不及了

cityhunter0406/24 14:44?

Puye06/24 14:45不知道地盤劃分是怎麼決定的 看了一下這地方到舊金山和奧克

CornyDragon06/24 14:45自古以來屬巨人領土

Puye06/24 14:46蘭都是差不多距離 想要有職業球隊加入吧

mightymouse06/24 14:50舊金山神聖不可分割的領土

erodora06/24 14:50巨人有一支小聯盟隊在聖荷西

myrzr06/24 14:58SJ 有NFL球隊,Oakland跟SF晚上治安讓人擔憂,看完比賽也

myrzr06/24 14:58不早了,在南灣有球隊很好

Hans1406/24 15:08帕拉迪島

a50215200006/24 15:08神聖不可分割的一部分

Aminoacid06/24 15:09SJ有49人 還有MLS 其實是很適合發展的地方

kiwi4706/24 15:10打斷骨頭連著筋

starchiang06/24 15:13在商言商

sakurarein06/24 15:17聖荷西自古以來是舊金山不可分割的一部分

AhCheng06/24 15:22太難了,那邊就是舊金山的地盤

talesky06/24 15:24金州阿共

neowfish06/24 15:39舊金山喪屍隊都要入侵聖荷西了 再繼續吹啊

neowfish06/24 15:40左派人口一堆都移民到德州要把德州搞爛了

Yjizz06/24 15:52先破 瑪利亞之牆

adhere06/24 16:28按照同一個標準 天使隊應該也要搬離安納罕才對啊XD

ramirez06/24 16:59聖荷西是灣區不可分割的領土

albert82042306/24 17:06矽谷地區想獨立啦

zechsh06/25 01:04聖荷西治安比奧克蘭好太多了。每次去奧克蘭看完球開車都

zechsh06/25 01:04覺得很不安。

cobras63806/25 01:33MLB地盤劃分是怎麼決定的?

homebrian06/25 11:06灣區不都是ㄧ體的

duo13106/25 16:15其實南灣去oakland坐bart還比坐caltran去舊金山方便

fishhy06/25 16:26不早幾年說,晚了就不要了