[分享] 鱒魚受傷會增加大谷被交易的機會嗎?
July 5: Does Trout’s injury increase likelihood of Ohtani trade?
接下來是大聯盟記者Jon Paul Morosi的分析,他認為大谷的狀況不受影響
“I really believe they’re still in buy mode,” Morosi said Wednesday. “I do n
ot buy at all this notion that, well, because Trout’s going to be out for a period of time, this means that Ohtani is suddenly available at the Deadline. I don’t buy that at all, at least not right now.
“For now, the Angels are still very much in contention mode. They look at the fact they’re still above .500 right now. [Outfielder Mickey] Moniak has had some good moments for them this season. I think they’re going to roll with this lineup and hope that by the end of July they’re still in a contending posture. They believe they’ve got the outfielders, especially with Jo Adell there as well,to find a way to contend with the group they’ve got."
The Angels have additional reasons for not wanting to trade Ohtani. For one, the return is not likely to be large enough to appease the fan base, given Ohtani’s status as a “rental” player.
Also, as The Athletic’s Ken Rosenthal (subscription required) noted on Wednesday, keeping Ohtani through the Deadline would at least maintain some hope that the club can re-sign him as a free agent. But a trade would all but guarantee that he wouldn’t be back, considering players who are traded before free agency rarely return to their former teams.
Ken Rosenthal則提出另外一個觀點,天使留下大谷至少可以保有一絲絲希望在他成為自由球員以後與之重新簽約,但交易了就幾乎保證大谷不會再回來。
※ 編輯: polanco ( 臺灣), 07/06/2023 09:52:14
除非交易過去那隊剛好奪冠 不然回來機率0
除非七月戰績真的一路向下 不然還是想拼季後賽吧
[情報] ESPN找了26位業界人士,預估大谷FA合約Shohei Ohtani's free agency contract, predicted by MLB insiders ESPN找了26位業界人士,來預估大谷下一份合約 以下是結果 小於5億美金(6位)爆
[情報] 天使代理教頭說大谷堅持投第八局Sam Blum @SamBlum3 Phil Nevin said Shohei Ohtani was adamant about going back out for the 8th when he was at 96 pitches. Nevin said Ohtani told him, “No this is mine.” 下午1:18 · 2022年6月23日·Twitter for iPhone77
[情報] 天使決定留下大谷翔平Breaking: Angels have decided to keep Shohei Ohtani. Yankees among teams to ma ke an offer, but Ohtani will stay Yankees on short list of teams that made serious trade offer for Shohei Ohtani53
[情報] MLBN提出的天使梅子大谷交易案包裹A potential Mets and Angels trade involving Shohei Ohtani from MLB Network's Bo Porter MLB Network的Bo Porter提議了以下天使梅子大谷交易案包裹47
[情報] 多隊向天使表達交易大谷的興趣Sources: @MLB teams are calling #Angels to express trade interest in Shohei Ohta ni, but the Angels are indicating they have no plans to move the superstar befor e the Aug. 2 Trade Deadline. @MLBNetwork @MLBNetworkRadio 有多支隊伍向天使表達41
[情報] MLBN提出的天使梅子大谷交易案包裹A potential Mets and Angels trade involving Shohei Ohtani from MLB Network's Bo Porter MLB Network的Bo Porter提議了以下天使梅子大谷交易案包裹34
[情報] 天使記者:誰能取代這塊看版呢As you’d expect, the Noah Syndergaard billboard has been taken down. Ohtani, Rendon, Fletcher, Walsh and Trout already have one. Who should take Noah’s spot? The Athletic天使記者Sam Blum在推特上提到23
[情報] 天使在交易截止日前沒有計劃交易大谷Sources: @MLB teams are calling #Angels to express trade interest in Shohei Oh tani, but the Angels are indicating they have no plans to move the superstar b efore the Aug. 2 Trade Deadline. @MLBNetwork @MLBNetworkRadio 有些球隊對大谷有興趣的球隊已經打電話給天使詢問交易,但天使在今年截止日前沒有計13
[情報] 大谷不會在四強後登板投球?Angels manager Phil Nevin said Saturday morning that the plan is for Ohtani to p itch in the quarterfinals of the WBC in Japan on March 16, and to pitch for the Angels on March 24 in a Cactus League game against the Padres. That sets up Ohta ni to be on his normal five days’ rest before Opening Day on March 30 in Oaklan
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