[情報] 綠帽新總裁:老鄰居NFL 突襲者前總裁
Las Vegas and Oakland fans alike will be well familiar with the new public faceof the Athletics.
前陣子綠帽的總裁Dave Kaval辭職
Marc Badain, who was president of the Raiders when the football team moved to Las Vegas from Oakland in 2020 and left a year later amidst controversy, is goingto reprise the role with a baseball team making the same transition.
那就是老鄰居NFL拉斯維加斯突襲者的前總裁Marc Badain
On July 19, 2021, Badain and several other high-ranking Raiders executives resigned after what owner Mark Davis called "accounting irregularities" surfaced. Davis said the team may have overpaid taxes over a period of several years and said the resignations "might be fairly characterized" as forced.
老闆Mark Davis表示,這一變動與「會計異常」問題有關
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 03/07/2025 12:42:56
[情報] 大谷翔平可在老闆或總裁換人後逃脫合約Shohei Ohtani can opt out of his $700 million Dodgers deal if controlling owner Mark Walter or president of baseball operations Andrew Friedman lose their roles with the team, an AP source says. 如題91
[情報] 擴充2支球隊所在地的賭盤消息來源: 內容:NBA commissioner Adam Silver has a media deal to work out, and that’s the top priority going into next spring’s negotiation period. After that, Silver said in an interview with NBA TV that his thoughts will then “turn to expansion,” getting all NBA-needy cities amped for the possibilities.37
Re: [分享] 運動家主場抗議The Nevada state Senate has passed the $380 million bill to help fund the propos ed stadium for the Oakland A's move to Las Vegas. Later today, A's fans will stage a "reverse boycott" at Oakland Coliseum. The ho pe: Fans show up en masse to encourage owner John Fisher to sell. 內華達州參議院通過380M鎂補助運動家搬到拉斯維加斯新球場的法案34
[情報] NFL突襲者比賽中祭出哈登戰術NFL突襲者比賽中祭出哈登戰術 在第二節突襲者的一次進攻中,球隊四分衛Derek Carr喊起了戰術代號詹姆斯哈登,最 後拉斯維加斯突擊者經過延長賽以31-28戰勝邁阿密海豚。 來源31
[情報] MLB球團老闆一致同意運動家搬到拉斯維加斯@BNightengale Oakland Athletics' move to Las Vegas approved unanimously by MLB owners @SBJ30
[外電] 灣區體育主播狂噴A's老闆John FisherABC7's Larry Beil passionate reaction to A's owner John Fisher sending a goodbye letter to A's fans 這周將是運動家隊在Oakland主場最後進行的三場比賽. A's老闆對球迷們發表了公開信 (以下摘要)14
[爆卦] NFL教練因為十年前的甲甲髒話被迫下台NLF Raiders隊的教練Jon Gruden 被挖到他在十年前在ESPN工作時 和前華盛頓足球隊總裁Bruce Allen通信的私人email email裡面用了甲甲髒話如"faggot"和"anti football pussy"來攻擊NFL主席 事件曝光之後不久12
[情報] 明年奧克蘭將有新球隊—— Oakland B’sWith the Oakland A's set to move to Las Vegas, a group of East Bay fans has crea ted a team that will play in the independent Pioneer League starting in 2024. That team's name? The Oakland Ballers -- also known as the Oakland B's. 隨著奧克蘭運動家隊即將遷往拉斯維加斯,一群東灣球迷創建了一支球隊,將從 2024 年開 始參加獨立的拓荒者聯盟。5
Re: [新聞] NBA考慮擴編球隊 傳權利金699億台幣#1RNN4stB 引用一下2018年的新聞 今年在拉斯維加斯舉行的夏季聯賽創下有史以來最多觀眾參與的紀錄,除此之外,美國隊 的迷你訓練營也再度於拉斯維加斯登場,因此不少NBA球星都認為拉斯維加斯應該擁有一 支球隊。 「我認為球員們喜歡來這裡打球,」杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)說,「我確信如果這裡能夠2
Re: [情報] 綠帽球迷的反抵制日,票價漲53%The Nevada state Senate has passed the $380 million bill to help fund the propos ed stadium for the Oakland A's move to Las Vegas. Later today, A's fans will stage a "reverse boycott" at Oakland Coliseum. The ho pe: Fans show up en masse to encourage owner John Fisher to sell.